
#' constrain a model of class pPCA
#' constrain a model of class pPCA
#' @param model object of class pPCA
#' @param sample k x 3 matrix containing coordinates to constrain model to
#' @param pt either a matrix with each row containing points on the model's domain corresponding to the row in \code{sample} or an integer vector specifying the coordinates of the sample's mean corresponding to \code{sample} 
#' @param ptValueNoise numeric: specify noise on constraints.
#' @return a constrained model
#' @examples
#' require(Rvcg)
#' data(humface)
#' hummodel <- statismoModelFromRepresenter(humface)
#' GPmodConstUnif <- statismoConstrainModel(hummodel,humface.lm,humface.lm,ptValueNoise = 1)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## sample from model
#' for(i in 1:10) rgl::wire3d(DrawSample(GPmodConstUnif),col="red")
#' }
#' noise <- (0:6)*5
#' GPmodConst <- statismoConstrainModel(hummodel,humface.lm,humface.lm,ptValueNoise = noise)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## sample from model
#' for(i in 1:10) rgl::wire3d(DrawSample(GPmodConst),col="white")
#' }
#' @rdname statismoConstrainModel
#' @name statismoConstrainModel
#' @docType methods
#' @export

#' @rdname statismoConstrainModel
setMethod("statismoConstrainModel",signature(model="pPCA",sample="matrix",pt="matrix"), function(model,sample,pt,ptValueNoise) {
              if (length(ptValueNoise) == 1) {
                  ptValueNoise <- max(1e-7,ptValueNoise)
              } else {
                  if (length(ptValueNoise) != nrow(sample))
                      stop("each entries in ptValueNoise != number of sample points")
                  ptValueNoise[which(ptValueNoise < 1e-7)] <- 1e-7
              ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
              mean <- t(pt)
              sample <- t(sample)
              out <- .Call("PosteriorModel",model,sample, mean,ptValueNoise)
#' @rdname statismoConstrainModel
setMethod("statismoConstrainModel",signature(model="pPCA",sample="matrix",pt="numeric"), function(model,sample,pt,ptValueNoise) {
              if (length(ptValueNoise) == 1) {
                  ptValueNoise <- max(1e-7,ptValueNoise)
              } else {
                  if (length(ptValueNoise) != nrow(sample))
                      stop("each entries in ptValueNoise != number of sample points")
                  ptValueNoise[which(ptValueNoise < 1e-7)] <- 1e-7
              ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
              mean <- t(GetDomainPoints(model))[,pt,drop=FALSE]
              sample <- t(sample)
              out <- .Call("PosteriorModel",model,sample, mean,ptValueNoise)
#' @rdname statismoConstrainModel
setMethod("statismoConstrainModel",signature(model="pPCA",sample="numeric",pt="numeric"), function(model,sample,pt,ptValueNoise) {
              if (length(ptValueNoise) == 1) {
                  ptValueNoise <- max(1e-7,ptValueNoise)
              } else {
                  if (length(ptValueNoise) != nrow(sample))
                      stop("each entries in ptValueNoise != number of sample points")
                  ptValueNoise[which(ptValueNoise < 1e-7)] <- 1e-7
              ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
              sample <- matrix(sample,3,1)
              if (length(pt) == 3)
                  mean <- matrix(pt,3,1)
              else if (length(pt) == 1)
                  mean <- t(GetDomainPoints(model))[,pt,drop=FALSE]
                  stop("in this case pt must be a vector of length 3 or an integer")
              out <- .Call("PosteriorModel",model,sample, mean,ptValueNoise)

#' calculate a posterior model but only use likely correspondences
#' calculate a posterior model but only use likely correspondences
#' @param model object of class pPCA
#' @param sample matrix containing coordinates to constrain model to
#' @param pt either a k x 3 matrix with each row containing points on the model's domain corresponding to the row in \code{sample} or an integer vector specifying the coordinates of the sample's mean corresponding to \code{sample} 
#' @param ptValueNoise numeric: specify noise on constraints.
#' @param sdmax a measure in standard deviations to allow the likelihood of the correspondeces between sample and model. (using chi-square distribution)
#' @return a constrained model
#' @rdname statismoConstrainModelSafe
#' @name statismoConstrainModelSafe
#' @export

#' @rdname statismoConstrainModelSafe
setMethod("statismoConstrainModelSafe",signature(model="pPCA",sample="matrix",pt="numeric"), function(model,sample,pt,ptValueNoise,sdmax=5) {
              if (length(ptValueNoise) == 1) {
                  ptValueNoise <- max(1e-7,ptValueNoise)
              } else {
                  if (length(ptValueNoise) != nrow(sample))
                      stop("each entries in ptValueNoise != number of sample points")
                  ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
                  ptValueNoise[which(ptValueNoise < 1e-7)] <- 1e-7
              ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
              mean <- t(GetDomainPoints(model))[,pt,drop=FALSE]
              sample <- t(sample)
              mahamax <- sqrt(qchisq(1-2*pnorm(sdmax,lower.tail=F),df=3))
              out <- .Call("PosteriorModelSafe",model,sample, mean,ptValueNoise,mahamax)

#' @rdname statismoConstrainModelSafe
setMethod("statismoConstrainModelSafe",signature(model="pPCA",sample="matrix",pt="matrix"), function(model,sample,pt,ptValueNoise,sdmax=5) {
              if (length(ptValueNoise) == 1) {
                  ptValueNoise <- max(1e-7,ptValueNoise)
              } else {
                  if (length(ptValueNoise) != nrow(sample))
                      stop("each entries in ptValueNoise != number of sample points")
                  ptValueNoise[which(ptValueNoise < 1e-7)] <- 1e-7
              ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
              mean <- t(pt)
              sample <- t(sample)
              mahamax <- sqrt(qchisq(1-2*pnorm(sdmax,lower.tail=F),df=3))
              out <- .Call("PosteriorModelSafe",model,sample, mean,ptValueNoise,mahamax)

#' @rdname statismoConstrainModelSafe
setMethod("statismoConstrainModelSafe",signature(model="pPCA",sample="numeric",pt="numeric"), function(model,sample,pt,ptValueNoise,sdmax=5) {
              if (length(ptValueNoise) == 1) {
                  ptValueNoise <- max(1e-7,ptValueNoise)
              } else {
                  if (length(ptValueNoise) != nrow(sample))
                      stop("each entries in ptValueNoise != number of sample points")
                  ptValueNoise[which(ptValueNoise < 1e-7)] <- 1e-7
               ptValueNoise <- as.matrix(ptValueNoise)
              sample <- matrix(sample,3,1)
              if (length(pt) == 3)
                  mean <- matrix(pt,3,1)
              else if (length(pt) == 1)
                  mean <- t(GetDomainPoints(model))[,pt,drop=FALSE]
                  stop("in this case pt must be a vector of length 3 or an integer")
              mahamax <- sqrt(qchisq(1-2*pnorm(sdmax,lower.tail=F),df=3))
              out <- .Call("PosteriorModelSafe",model,sample, mean,ptValueNoise,mahamax)
zarquon42b/RvtkStatismo documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:09 p.m.