
Defines functions .cutoff cor.clean cor.empirical

Documented in cor.clean cor.empirical

# This is to reduce explicit namespace imports
.cutoff <- function(...) cutoff(...)

Denoiser(...) %as% list(...)
SampleDenoiser(...) %as% Denoiser(...)
EmpiricalDenoiser(...) %as% Denoiser(...)

# RandomMatrixDenoisers consist of three components:
# . cor.fn - A function
# . cutoff.fn - A function
# . clean.fn - A function
    clean.fn=cor.clean, ...) %as% {
  f <- RandomMatrixFilter(cor.fn=cor.fn, cutoff.fn=cutoff.fn,
    clean.fn=clean.fn, ...)
  class(f) <- c('Denoiser', class(f))

# Specify market as a symbol if you want to shrink on residuals only
ShrinkageDenoiser(prior.fun=cov.prior.cc, ...) %as% {
  Denoiser(prior.fun=prior.fun, ...)

################################### DENOISE ##################################
# p <- TawnyPortfolio(h, 90)
# denoise(p,SampleDenoiser())
denoise(p, estimator) %::% TawnyPortfolio : Denoiser : matrix
denoise(p, estimator) %as% {
  denoise(as.matrix(p$returns), estimator)

denoise(m, estimator) %::%  matrix : SampleDenoiser : matrix
denoise(m, estimator) %as% {

# p <- TawnyPortfolio(h, 90)
# denoise(p,EmpiricalDenoiser())
denoise(m, estimator) %::%  matrix : EmpiricalDenoiser : matrix
denoise(m, estimator) %as% {

# Customizations:
#   Starting correlation matrix
#   Fit to distribution and get lambda.plus
#   Clean function
# p <- TawnyPortfolio(h, 90)
# denoise(p, RandomMatrixDenoiser())
# s <- c('FCX','AAPL','JPM','AMZN','VMW','TLT','GLD','FXI','ILF','XOM')
# p <- TawnyPortfolio(s)
# w <- rollapply(p, function(x) denoise(x, RandomMatrixDenoiser()))
denoise(m, estimator) %::%  matrix : RandomMatrixDenoiser : matrix
denoise(m, estimator) %as% {
  #filter.RMT(p$returns, hint=estimator$hint)
  # Use either a fit based on the theoretical shape or use asymptotics for an
  # analytical solution
  flog.trace("Estimating correlation matrix")
  correlation <- estimator$cor.fn(m)
  flog.trace("Getting eigenvalues")
  es <- eigen(correlation, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=FALSE)
  flog.trace("Applying cutoff")
  lambda.plus <- estimator$cutoff.fn(correlation, es, estimator)
  flog.trace("Cleaning matrix")
  estimator$clean.fn(es, lambda.plus)

denoise(h, estimator) %::%  matrix : ShrinkageDenoiser : matrix
denoise(h, estimator) %when% {
  estimator %hasa% market
} %as% {
  # TODO: Validation should be in type constructor
  if (!is.null(rownames(h)))
    dates <- as.Date(rownames(h), format='%Y-%m-%d')
  else if (!is.null(index(h)))
    dates <- index(h)
    dates <- names(h)

  # This is not as efficient if the market has yet to be downloaded, but
  # the interface is cleaner. Think about how to balance this better later.
  # TODO: Put in separate function
  if ('character' %in% class(market))
    if (exists(market)) m <- get(market)
    #else m <- getPortfolioReturns(market, obs=obs, start=start, end=end)
    else m <- getPortfolioReturns(market, obs=anylength(h), end=last(dates))
  else m <- market

  if (start(m) > first(dates)) stop("Market data does not span start of h")
  if (end(m) < last(dates)) stop("Market data does not span end of h")

  m <- m[index(m) >= first(dates) & index(m) <= last(dates)]
  if (anylength(m) != anylength(h)) stop("Inconsistent data lengths")

  # Calculate beta
  # TODO: Make this an external portfolio function
  beta.fn <- function(h, m) cov(h, m) / var(m)
  betas <- apply(h, 2, beta.fn, m)

  # Subtract beta * market from returns
  mkt <- matrix(rep(m, ncol(h)), byrow=TRUE, nrow=ncol(h))
  h <- h - t(betas * mkt)

  cov2cor(cov.shrink(h, prior.fun=prior.fun, ...))

# p <- TawnyPortfolio(h, 90)
# denoise(p,ShrinkageDenoiser())
denoise(m, estimator) %::%  matrix : ShrinkageDenoiser : matrix
denoise(m, estimator) %as% {
  cov2cor(cov.shrink(m, prior.fun=estimator$prior.fun))

##------------------------ CORRELATION MATRIX FUNCTIONS ---------------------##
# Clean a correlation matrix based on calculated value of lambda.plus and the
# computed eigenvalues.
# This takes flattened eigenvalues and returns a new cleaned correlation matrix
# Params:
#  es: eigenvalues and vectors
#  lambda.plus: cutoff
#  h: non-normalized returns matrix (only used for labels)
cor.clean <- function(es, lambda.plus=1.6, h=NULL) {
  e.values <- es$values
  avg <- mean(e.values[e.values < lambda.plus])
  e.values[e.values < lambda.plus] <- avg

  e.vectors <- es$vectors
  c.clean <- e.vectors %*% diag(e.values) %*% t(e.vectors)
  diags <- diag(c.clean) %o% rep(1, nrow(c.clean))
  c.clean <- c.clean / sqrt(diags * t(diags))

  if (! is.null(h) & 'returns' %in% class(h))
    rownames(c.clean) <- anynames(h)
    colnames(c.clean) <- anynames(h)

# h TxM zoo returns matrix
# This doesn't subtract the mean (based on the literature)
cor.empirical <- function(h) {
  # Normalize returns
  ns <- normalize(h)

  # Calculate the correlation matrix
  # E = H H'
  t <- nrow(ns)
  e <- t(ns) %*% ns / t
  class(e) <- c(class(e), 'correlation')

# Normalizes a returns matrix such that Var[xit] = 1.
# Assumes TxM, m population, t observations
normalize(h) %when% {
  ! is.null(dim(h))
} %as% {
  apply(h, 2, function(x) x / sd(x))
zatonovo/tawny documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:12 p.m.