
Defines functions split_ip_network is_local_ip

Documented in is_local_ip split_ip_network

#' Get bits of the mask given the total bits
#' This function is a helper to maskIP below.
#' @usage mask(bits, totalBits)
#' @param bits: number of bits in mask you're looking for
#' @param totalBits: the total number of bits
#' @keywords ip, mask
mask <- function (bits, totalBits)
  require(bitops, quietly = T)
  m <- c(rep (1, bits), rep (0, totalBits-bits))
  Reduce (function (x, y) (x + y) * 2, m[-totalBits], 0) + m[totalBits]

#' Converting an IP Address based on its mask
#' This function takes in an ip address and a mask length (number of bits) and converts the IP address to its form for the that mask length.
#' @usage maskIP(ipAddr, maskLen, fieldBits=8, fieldSep=".")
#' @param ipAddr: character form of the ip address to be converted
#' @param maskLen: integer indicating the mask length to which the ip address should be converted
#' @param fieldBits: integer indicating the number of bits in each field
#' @param fieldSep: character indicating what should be used to separate fields
#' @keywords ip, mask
#' @examples
#' maskIP ("", 16)  #returns ""
maskIP <- function (ipAddr, maskLen, fieldBits=8, fieldSep=".")
  require(bitops, quietly = T)
  fields <- as.numeric (strsplit (ipAddr, fieldSep, fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
  numFields <- length (fields)
  words <- maskLen %/% fieldBits
  bits  <- maskLen %%  fieldBits
  if (bits != 0)
    wordMask <- mask (bits, fieldBits)
    leftover <- numFields - words - 1
    wordMask <- NULL
    leftover <- numFields - words      
  maskedFields <- fields[0:words]  # Yes, the 0 is correct and necessary here
  if (!is.null (wordMask))
  { maskedFields <- append (maskedFields, bitAnd (fields[words+1], wordMask)) }
  if (leftover > 0)
  { maskedFields <- append (maskedFields, rep (0, leftover)) }
  paste (maskedFields, collapse=fieldSep)

#' Splitting a column containing IP address and mask into separate columns for each
#' This function takes a data.frame/table and a column name that indicates a column containing a combination of ip address and mask (e.g. '') and splits this column into two separate columns. Returns a data.table.
#' @usage split_ip_network(dt, net_name)
#' @param dt: data.frame or data.table
#' @param net_name: character indicating the name of the column containing the ip address and mask
#' @keywords ip, mask
#' @examples
#' fake_dt <- data.table::data.table(ip = c('', ''), b = 1:2)
#' split_ip_network(fake_dt, 'ip')
split_ip_network <- function(dt, net_name){
  require(data.table, quietly = T)
  if(!'data.table' %in% class(dt)) dt <- data.table(dt)
  dt$ip_base <- sapply(as.character(dt[, get(net_name)]), FUN = function(x) strsplit(x, '/')[[1]][1])
  dt$mask_num <- sapply(as.character(dt[, get(net_name)]), FUN = function(x) strsplit(x, '/')[[1]][2])
  dt$mask_num <- as.numeric(dt$mask_num)

#' Determine whether or not an IP address is local.
#' Given a character vector of IP addresses, returns a logical vector indicating whether each entry is local (T) or not (F)
#' @usage is_local_ip(ip_vect)
#' @param ip_vect: character vector containing ip addresses
#' @keywords ip, mask
#' @examples
#' fake_ip_vect <- c('', '', '', '')
#' is_local_ip(fake_ip_vect)
is_local_ip <- function(ip_vect){
  log_vect <- grepl('(^127\\.0\\.0\\.1)|(^10\\.)|(^172\\.1[6-9]\\.)|(^172\\.2[0-9]\\.)|(^172\\.3[0-1]\\.)|(^192\\.168\\.)', x = ip_vect)
  return (log_vect)
zbeaver4/beavR documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:12 p.m.