
draw.3d <-
function (input.data, spec.data.ord, display.in.diagram, display.species, display.sites, axes.shown, display.EIV, display.header, display.envelope, header.name, display.header.style, display.spider, display.group.center, pb)

### writes warnings
  if (length (input.data$title.warnings) > 0) write.warnings (input.data$title.warnings)
### plots the basic plot with EIV, short header and long header  
  sk <- scores (spec.data.ord, choices = axes.shown, display = 'sites')
  sk.sp <- scores (spec.data.ord, choices = axes.shown, display = 'species')
  what.to.display <- if (display.in.diagram == 'none' || display.in.diagram == 'sites') 'sites' else 'species'
  display.long.header <- input.data$display.long.header

  if (display.EIV | (display.header & display.header.style == 'arrow') | display.long.header) 
    arr.col <- NULL
    env.data <- NULL

    if (display.EIV)
      if (sum(colSums(input.data$ellenb))!=0)
        arr.col <- append (arr.col, rep ('navy', 6))
        if (is.null (env.data)) env.data <- input.data$ellenb else env.data <- cbind (env.data, as.matrix(input.data$ellenb))      
    if (display.header & display.header.style == 'arrow') 
      arr.col <- append (arr.col, 'seagreen')
      temp.short.header <- input.data$short.header.file[, 'factor', drop = F]
      names (temp.short.header) <- header.name
      if (is.null (env.data)) env.data <- temp.short.header else env.data <- cbind (env.data, temp.short.header)      
    if (display.long.header)
      arr.col <- append (arr.col, rep ('blue', dim (input.data$long.header.file)[2]))
      if (is.null (env.data)) env.data <- input.data$long.header.file else env.data <- cbind (env.data, input.data$long.header.file)
    ordirgl.m (spec.data.ord, choices = axes.shown, display = what.to.display, type = 'n', envfit.m = env.data, arr.col = arr.col)
  } else  ordirgl.m (spec.data.ord, choices = axes.shown, display = what.to.display, type = 'n')

### draw spider plot
  if (display.spider == TRUE) orglspider (spec.data.ord, groups = input.data$short.header.file$group, col='lightgrey', alpha = 0.3, choices = axes.shown)

### draw points or groups or species
  if (display.in.diagram == 'species' | display.in.diagram == 'both')
    if (display.species == 'points') rgl.points (sk.sp, col = 'blue', cex = 2)
    if (display.species == 'all.labels') rgl.texts (sk.sp, text = rownames (sk.sp), col = 'blue', cex = 0.7)

  if (display.in.diagram == 'sites' | display.in.diagram == 'both')
    if (display.sites == 'points') rgl.points (sk, col = 'violetred', cex = 2)
    if (display.sites == 'all.labels') rgl.texts (sk, col = 'red', text = rownames (sk), cex = 0.7)
    if (display.sites == 'groups')
      { grp <- input.data$short.header.file$group
        for (i in seq(1:max(range(grp)))) rgl.texts (sk[grp == i,], col = i, text = grp[grp == i])

## plots envelopes
  if (display.envelope)
    library (geometry)
    grp <- input.data$short.header.file$group
    for (i in seq(1:max(range(grp)))) orglhull (spec.data.ord, groups = grp, alpha = 0.3, show.groups = i, col = i, choices = axes.shown)

## plots the group number at the center of group
  if (display.group.center)
    grp <- input.data$short.header.file$group
    orglcenter(spec.data.ord, groups = grp, show.groups=i, choices = axes.shown, cex = if (display.envelope) 1.3 else 1)

## display short header as 3D surface
  if (display.header & display.header.style == 'surface') orglsurf (spec.data.ord,  input.data$short.header.file$factor, add=TRUE, choices = axes.shown)

## close the progress bar    
if (!is.null (pb)) close (pb)    
## creates buttoms for orglplot
  rgl.bringtotop (stay = F)
  library (tcltk)
  library (tkrgl)
  directory <- paste('3D_snapshots_', format (Sys.time(), "%y%m%d_%H%M%OS"), sep = '')
  base <- tktoplevel()
  tkwm.title(base, "3D")
  spec.frm <- tkframe(base,borderwidth=2)
  frame.u <- tkframe(spec.frm, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
  frame.b <- tkframe(spec.frm, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
  tkpack(tklabel(frame.u, text="Figure rotation"))
  tkpack (spinControl(frame.u, rgl.cur()))
  tkpack (tkbutton(frame.b, text = "Take a snapshot", command = function() {dir.create (directory); rgl.bringtotop (stay = F); rgl.snapshot(filename = paste(directory,'/snapshot_', format (Sys.time(), "%y%m%d_%H%M%OS1"),'.png', sep = ''), fmt = 'png', top = T)}))
  tkpack(tkbutton (frame.b, text = "Show the snapshot", command = function (){try(dir.create (directory)); sel.file <- choose.files(default = paste (getwd(), '/', directory, '/*.png', sep = ''), multi = FALSE); if (length (unlist(strsplit(sel.file, split = ''))) > 1) shell.exec (sel.file)}))
  tkpack (tkbutton (frame.b, text = "Show summary", command = function (){try(shell.exec (paste (getwd(), '/ordi-result.txt', sep = '')))}))
  quit <- tkbutton(base, text = "Quit", bg = 'red', command = function() {tkdestroy(base); rgl.close()})
  tkpack (frame.u, frame.b, fill = "x")
  tkpack(spec.frm, quit)
  tkraise (base)
### keeps window open
  repeat if (rgl.cur() == 0) break

### checks once per day for availability of new ordijuice update
  check.update ()  
zdealveindy/ordijuice documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:13 p.m.