
#' Summary of an ALKr object
#' Summarizes an \code{ALKr} object, calculating the proportion of each age on
#' the population, the mean length-at-age and the variance of the length-at-age.
#' The summary object also contains the name of the algorithm used to calculate
#' the ALK, the parameters used, as well as the user-defined name and
#' description of the \code{ALKr} object.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{pj}{A vector of length \eqn{j} with the proportion of each age on the
#'     population}
#'   \item{mean_lj}{A vector of length \eqn{j} with the mean length-at-age for
#'     each age class}
#'   \item{var_lj}{A vector of length \eqn{j} with the variance of the
#'     length-at-age for each age class}
#'   \item{method}{A string with the name of the algorithm used to calculate the
#'     ALK}
#'   \item{params}{A named list with any parameters needed by the algorithm}
#'   \item{name}{A string with a user-defined name for the ALKr object}
#'   \item{description}{A string with a user-defined description for the ALKr
#'     object}
#' }
#' @name summary_ALKr-class
#' @rdname summary_ALKr-class
#' @exportClass summary_ALKr
    pj = "numeric",
    mean_lj = "numeric",
    var_lj = "numeric",
    method = "character",
    parameters = "list",
    name = "character",
    description = "character")

  signature(object = "summary_ALKr"),
    function(object) {
      if (object@name != "") cat(paste(object@name,"\n"))
      if (object@description != "") cat(paste(object@description,"\n\n"))
      print(cbind(pj = object@pj, mean_lj = object@mean_lj, var_lj = object@var_lj))
      cat(paste("\nMethod:", object@method,"\n"))
      if(length(object@parameters) > 0)
        print(matrix(object@parameters, dimnames = list(names(object@parameters), "Value")))
zeloff/ALKr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:40 a.m.