Man pages for zhangjunpeng411/miRspongeR
Identification and analysis of miRNA sponge regulation

integrateMethodIntegrate method for identifying miRNA sponge interactions by...
moduleDEADisease enrichment analysis of modules
moduleFEAFunctional GO, KEGG and Reactome enrichment analysis of...
moduleSurvivalSurvival analysis of modules
netModuleIdentifying miRNA sponge modules from network
precomputed_null_modelA null model for testing purposes in SPONGE R package
querymiRTargetbindingQuery miRNA-target interactions by combining expression data...
sample_cor_networkIdentifying sample-sample correlation network
spongeMethodIdentifying miRNA sponge interactions
sponge_sample_specificIdentifying sample-specific miRNA sponge interactions
spongeValidateValidation of computationally predicted miRNA sponge...
zhangjunpeng411/miRspongeR documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 2:34 p.m.