sponge_sample_specific: Identifying sample-specific miRNA sponge interactions

View source: R/miRspongeR.R

sponge_sample_specificR Documentation

Identifying sample-specific miRNA sponge interactions


A sample control variable strategy is used to identify sample-specific miRNA sponge interactions. In the strategy, seven popular methods (pc, sppc, ppc, hermes, muTaME, cernia, and SPONGE) to identify miRNA sponge interactions.


sponge_sample_specific(miRTarget, ExpData = NULL, mres = NULL, 
consider.miR.expr = "TRUE", minSharedmiR = 3, poscorcutoff = 0, 
num_perm = 100, padjustvaluecutoff = 0.01, padjustmethod = "BH", 
senscorcutoff = 0.3, scorecutoff = 0.5, null_model, 
method = c("pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", 
"ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel", "cernia", 
"cernia_parallel", "sponge_parallel"), num.cores = 2)



Putative miRNA-target interactions. Required option for method "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


An input expression data frame, the columns are genes and the rows are samples. Required option for method "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes" "hermes_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


Putative MiRNA Response Elements (mres) data frame, each row contains five elements: Mirna, Target, energy, gap_l, gap_r. Required option for method "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", and "cernia_parallel".


Logical value, TRUE for considering miRNA expression data and FALSE for ignoring miRNA expression data


The minimum number of shared miRNAs between targets. Required option for method "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


A cutoff value of positive correlation. Required option for method "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


The number of permutations. Required option for method "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel".


A cutoff value of adjusted p-values. Required option for method "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


Adjusted method of p-values, can select one of "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none". Required option for method "miRHomology", "miRHomology_parallel", "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


A cutoff value of sensitivity partial pearson correlation. Required option for method "sppc", "sppc_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


A cutoff value of normalized score (range from 0 to 1). Required option for method "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", and "cernia_parallel".


Optional, pre-computed null model. Users can also build null model using "sponge_build_null_model" function in SPONGE R package. Required option for method "sponge_parallel".


Select a method for identifying miRNA sponge interactions, can select one of "pc", "pc_parallel", "sppc", "sppc_parallel", "ppc", "ppc_parallel", "hermes", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia", "cernia_parallel", "sponge_parallel". The seven methods ("miRHomology_parallel", "pc_parallel", "sppc_parallel", "ppc_parallel", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia_parallel") are the parallel versions of the seven original methods ("miRHomology", "pc", "sppc", "ppc", "hermes", "muTaME", "cernia").


The number of CPU cores to be selected. Required option for method "pc_parallel", "sppc_parallel", "ppc_parallel", "hermes_parallel", "muTaME_parallel", "cernia_parallel", and "sponge_parallel".


A list of sample-specific miRNA sponge interactions.


Junpeng Zhang (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Junpeng_Zhang3)


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9. Sardina DS, Alaimo S, Ferro A, Pulvirenti A, Giugno R. A novel computational method for inferring competing endogenous interactions. Brief Bioinform. 2017;18(6):1071-1081.

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# Obtain expression data file "ExpData.csv" in csv format
ExpDatacsv <- system.file("extdata","ExpData.csv",package="miRspongeR")
ExpData <- read.csv(ExpDatacsv, header=TRUE, sep=",")

# Obtain miRNA-target interaction data file "miR2Target.csv" in csv format
miR2Target <- system.file("extdata", "miR2Target.csv", package="miRspongeR")
miRTarget <- read.csv(miR2Target, header=TRUE, sep=",")

# Identifying sample-specific miRNA sponge interactions, 
# the sppc method is used to identify miRNA sponge interactions
sponge_sample_specific_net <- sponge_sample_specific(miRTarget, ExpData, senscorcutoff = 0.1, method = "sppc")

zhangjunpeng411/miRspongeR documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 6:48 a.m.