netModule: Identifying miRNA sponge modules from network

View source: R/miRspongeR.R

netModuleR Documentation

Identifying miRNA sponge modules from network


Identifying miRNA sponge modules from network. Possible methods include FN, MCL, LINKCOMM, MCODE, betweenness, infomap, prop, eigen, louvain, walktrap.


netModule(spongenetwork, method = "MCL", directed = FALSE, modulesize = 3, save = FALSE)



Input miRNA sponge interaction network.


Cluster method, can select one of FN, MCL, LINKCOMM, MCODE, betweenness, infomap, prop, eigen, louvain, walktrap.


A logical value, the network is directed or not.


The size cutoff of the identified modules.


A logical value, save the identified modules or not.


A list of miRNA sponge modules.


Junpeng Zhang (


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# Obtain miRNA-target interaction data file "miR2Target.csv" in csv format
miR2Target <- system.file("extdata", "miR2Target.csv", package="miRspongeR")
miRTarget <- read.csv(miR2Target, header=TRUE, sep=",")
miRHomologyceRInt <- spongeMethod(miRTarget, method = "miRHomology")
spongenetwork_Cluster <- netModule(miRHomologyceRInt[, 1:2])

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