Man pages for zhengfj1994/MeTEA
Targeted extraction from untargeted metabolomics dataset by using metabolomics database

annotationFromPeakTableTitle annotationFromPeakTable
batchMS2ScoreTitle batchMS2Score
batchMS2Score.parallelTitle batchMS2Score.parallel
batchMS2Score.QQQTitle batchMS2Score.QQQ
dbImporterTitle Import metabolomics database which saved in xlsx file...
deconvolve_fffDeconvolve incompletely resolved peaks
emgGaussian_guessGuess function for initial exponentially modified gaussian...
emgGaussian_minpack.lmImplementation of the Exponentially Modified Gaussian (EMG)...
emgGaussian_minpack.lm_objectiveFunExponentially Modified Gaussian minpack.lm objective function
entropyCalculatorTitle Use EIC data to calculate entropy and the position...
exactMspTitle exactMsp
extracResFilterTitle Fliter the result of targetExtraction by entropy and...
fitCurveCurve fitting using minpack.lm
gaussian_cerfGaussian Error function
gaussian_erfGaussian Error function
identifiedResFilterTitle Filter identified Result
importMgfTitle Import mgf files and generate mgfData (raw file) and...
intEntropyCalculatorTitle Calculate entropy
is.peakPantheR_curveFitCheck if object is of class peakPantheR_curveFit
jsonReaderTitle Convert json file to csv file.
KEGGdownloaderTitle Download compounds in KEGG.
list2dataframeTitle Tranfer list to dataframe.
mergems2Title merge MSMS
MetExAnnotationTitle Annotate metabolites by MetEx in one line.
ms1ms2MatchTitle When mz and rt are given, find the matched MSMS.
ms2ScoreTitle Give MSMS Score.
ms2Score.oldTitle Give MSMS Score.
peakDectAndEntroCalTitle Use EIC data to do peak detection and calculate entropy...
peakDetectionTitle Use function in python to do peak detection.
peakGroupTitle Peak Group
predictCurvePredict curve values
readMspTitle This function is come form R package named "metaMS"....
retentionTimeCalibrationTitle Use internal standard retention to cailbrate retention...
skewedGaussian_guessGuess function for initial skewed gaussian parameters and...
skewedGaussian_minpack.lmImplementation of the Skewed Gaussian peak shape for use with...
skewedGaussian_minpack.lm_objectiveFunSkewed Gaussian minpack.lm objective function
targetExtractionTitle Targeted extraction from untargeted metabolomics data...
targetExtraction.parallelTitle Targeted extraction from untargeted metabolomics data...
xmlReaderTitle Convert json file to csv file.
zhengfj1994/MeTEA documentation built on June 29, 2021, 5:21 a.m.