
Defines functions CalcLmSigma

### Helper function related to linear models

# Calculate number of sigma for each observation, using linear model built with all other observations
CalcLmSigma <- function(x, y, plot=FALSE, xlab=NA, ylab=NA) {
  # x, y        Vectors to fit linear model lm(y~x). Must have the same length
  # plot        Whether to make the regression plot
  # xlab, ylab  Axis labels for the plot
  c <- cbind(x, y); 
  sigma <- sapply(1:nrow(c), function(i) {
    x<-c[-i, ];
    mdl<-lm(x[, 2]~x[, 1]); 
    prd<-c[i, 1]*coe[2]+coe[1]; 
    (c[i, 2]-prd)/sig; 
  if (plot) {
    col <- rep('#88888888', length(x)); 
    col[abs(sigma) >= 1.5] <- '#FF888888'; 
    col[abs(sigma) >= 3.0] <- '#FF000088'; 
    plot(x, y, col=col, pch=19, cex=2, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex.lab=1.5); 
    points(x, y, col='black', pch=19, cex=.2);
    abline(lm(y~x), col='blue', lty=2);
    if (cor(c[, 1], c[, 2], use='pair') > 0) loc <- 'topleft' else loc <- 'topright';
    legend(loc, legend=c('Num_Sigma < 1.5', 'Num_Sigma >= 1.5', 'Num_Sigma >=3.0'), cex=1, bty='n', pch=19, 
           col=c('#88888888', '#FF888888', '#FF000088')); 
    abline(lm(y~x), col='blue', lty=2);
  names(sigma) <- names(y); 
zhezhangsh/awsomicsR documentation built on July 7, 2020, 9:08 p.m.