Man pages for zhuchcn/phylox
Analyzing and Visualization Microbiome Data on Different Phylogenic Levels

as_MicrobiomeSetConvert a phyloseq object to a MicrobiomeSet object
as_MicrobiomeSetListConvert a SummarizedPhyloseq object to a list of...
create_annodataConstruct annotation table for microbiomeViz cladogram...
data-fatigue(Data) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome dataset
ExtractExtract or replace a slot of an SummarizedPhyloseq or...
plot_barStacked bar plot for SummarizedPhyloseq data
plot_boxplotBoxplot for SummarizedPhyloseq data
plot_heatmapGenerate a heatmap with all the taxa the match a given...
spy_to_deseq2Conduct DESeq2 analysis on different phylogenic levels
spy_to_limmaLinear model using limma on different phylogenic levels
sub-subset-SummarizedPhyloseq-methodrdname Extract
SummarizedPhyloseq-accessorsAccessors for SummarizedPhyloseq class and...
SummarizedPhyloseq-assignAssignment methods for SummarizedPhyloseq and...
SummarizedPhyloseq-classS4 class SummarizedPhyloseq
SummarizedPhyloStats-classS4 class SummarizedPhyloStats
zhuchcn/phylox documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:14 p.m.