#' @title Generate Marginal Effects
#' @description
#' Internal function that helps calculate the overall treatment effects differing how inattentive participants are down-weighted.
#' @param unique_covars Model matrix of unique characteristics used to generate treatment effects.
#' @param simulated_betas −XBetas that have been simulated from mvrnorm distribution
#' @param diff_labs
#' @param model_type Statistical model to estimate. Currently support OLS and logistic ("ls", "logit").
#' @param plotDifferences Do you want to see the marginal effects by model, or the differences between the models with regard to their marginal effects? Default=FALSE.
#' @return Dataframe of marginal effects with corresponding 95% confidence intervals.
#' @author Jeffrey Ziegler (<jeffrey.ziegler[at]emory.edu>)
#' @examples
#' generateMarginalEffect(generateMarginalEffect(unique_covars = unique_dummies,
#' simulated_betas=sim_betas, diff_labs=fd_labs[,1]))
#' @seealso \code{\link{regressionComparison}}
#' @rdname generateMarginalEffect
#' @export
generateMarginalEffect <- function(unique_covars, simulated_betas, diff_labs, model_type, plotDifferences){
# go over all the possible combos of treatments
predicted_probs <- matrix(ncol=dim(simulated_betas)[2], nrow=dim(simulated_betas)[1])
for(covar_level in 1:dim(unique_covars)[1]){
predicted_probs[, covar_level] <- simulated_betas%*%unique_covars[covar_level, ]
# now we have each "scenario" as a column w/ all
# n simulations (default=10,000), so the first should be
# intercept, which is control and reference category
# for a simple interaction b/w a categorical variable
# and treatment (i.e. control independent)
colnames(predicted_probs) <- colnames(simulated_betas)
# next, go over each scenario and compare it to the others
# to get 1st diffs. Some are plausible, others are not
# Democrat from alienate to appease (predicted_probs[1,] - predicted_probs[4,])
# or Independent control to Democrat control, which is not plausible
# should be 36 combos for example
# 9! / 2! * (9 - 2)!
# (9*8) / factorial(2)
level_combos <- as.data.frame(t(combn(diff_labs, 2, simplify=T)))
combo_labs <- level_combos %>% unite("combo", V1:V2, na.rm = T, remove = F, sep="_")
combo_labs <- combo_labs[,"combo"]
sim_diffs <- data.frame(t(
comboGeneral(ncol(predicted_probs), 2, repetition = F, FUN = function(y){
predicted_probs[,y[2]] - predicted_probs[,y[1]]
nrow=choose(ncol(predicted_probs), 2),
sim_diffs <- data.frame(t(
comboGeneral(ncol(predicted_probs), 2, repetition = F, FUN = function(y){
(1/(1+exp(-predicted_probs[,y[2]]))) - (1/(1+exp(-predicted_probs[,y[1]])))
nrow=choose(ncol(predicted_probs), 2),
names(sim_diffs) <- combo_labs
# create df fill with point estimates, lower and upper bounds
CI_data <- data.frame(covar_cats = rep(NA, length(combo_labs)),
first_diffs = rep(NA, length(combo_labs)),
lower_CI = rep(NA, length(combo_labs)),
upper_CI = rep(NA, length(combo_labs)))
for(i in 1:length(combo_labs)){
CI_data[i, "first_diffs"] <- mean(sim_diffs[,i])
CI_data[i, "covar_cats"] <- names(sim_diffs)[i]
CI_interval <- quantile(sim_diffs[,i],
probs=c((1-0.95)/2, (1-(1-0.95)/2)))
CI_data[i, "lower_CI"] <- CI_interval[1]
CI_data[i, "upper_CI"] <- CI_interval[2]
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