
context("as.aweek tests")
ver <- package_version(paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = "."))
min_ver <- package_version("3.5")

# Setup for a default
d <- strptime("2019-05-23 03:11", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tz = "UTC")
e <- "2019-W21-4"
attr(e, "week_start") <- get_week_start()
class(e) <- "aweek"

test_that("aweek rejects invalid classes", {

  expect_error(as.aweek(iris), "There is no method to convert an object of class 'data.frame' to an aweek object")


test_that("aweek rejects NULL", {

  expect_error(as.aweek(NULL), "aweek objects can not be NULL")


test_that("as.aweek rejects invalid weeks", {

  base <- "aweek strings must match the pattern 'YYYY-Www-d'. The first incorrect string was: '%s'"

  expect_error(as.aweek("2018-01-01"), sprintf(base, "2018-01-01"))
  expect_error(as.aweek("2018-W61-1"), sprintf(base, "2018-W61-1"))


test_that("as.aweek takes into account the length of week_start", {

  x <- as.aweek("2018-W10-1", start = 1:2)
  y <- as.aweek("2018-W10-1", start = c("Mon", "Tue"))
  z <- as.aweek(c("2018-W09-7", "2018-W10-1"), week_start = get_week_start() + runif(1), start = "Tuesday")

  expect_identical(x, y)
  expect_identical(y, z)


test_that("as.aweek correctly converts characters", {

  x <- c(NA, "2018-W10-1")
  skip_if(ver < min_ver)
  expect_is(as.aweek(x), "aweek")
  expect_identical(as.aweek(x), as.aweek(x, start = "Monday"))
  expect_is(as.aweek(x, factor = TRUE, floor_day = TRUE), "aweek")
  expect_is(as.aweek(x, factor = TRUE, floor_day = TRUE), "factor")


test_that("as.aweek correctly converts factors", {

  skip_if(ver < min_ver)
  f <- factor(c(NA, "2018-W10-1"))
  expect_is(as.aweek(f), "aweek")
  expect_identical(as.aweek(f), as.aweek(f, start = "Monday"))
  expect_is(as.aweek(f, factor = TRUE, floor_day = TRUE), "aweek")
  expect_is(as.aweek(f, factor = TRUE, floor_day = TRUE), "factor")


test_that("as.aweek correctly converts dates", {

  expect_is(as.Date(d), "Date")
  expect_is(as.aweek(as.Date(d)), "aweek")
  expect_identical(as.aweek(as.Date(d)), e)


test_that("as.aweek correctly converts POSIXt", {

  expect_is(d, "POSIXt")
  expect_is(as.aweek(d), "aweek")
  expect_identical(as.aweek(d), e)


test_that("as.aweek will act like change_week_start", {

  x <- as.aweek("2019-W10-1", week_start = 5)
  y <- as.aweek(as.Date(x), week_Start = 1)

  expect_is(x, "aweek")
  expect_is(y, "aweek")

  expect_identical(x, as.aweek(x))
  expect_identical(x, as.aweek(y, 5L))

zkamvar/aweek documentation built on Jan. 5, 2021, 4:36 a.m.