
# --------------------------------------------------

#' wkf_tsample
#' Samples codes from a list of codestamp datasets. A wrapper for `wkf_tsample_one` that passes on datasets one at a time.
#' @param ds_cstamp A list of codestamp datasets ($type = "cstamp").
#' @param dt Sampling timestep. Defaults to 1 second.
#' @param bt POSIXct object giving the time to begin sampling. If NULL, sampling will begin at the earliest time in the dataset.
#' @param et POSIXct object given the time to end sampling. If NULL, sampling will end at the latest time in the dataset.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, codes will be printed at each timestep and a summary of missing codes will be given.
#' @param warn Logical. If true (default), warnings will be issued when an NA code
#' @return A list of time-sample dataset ($type = "tsample").
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' smpl_codestamps <- resToy[c(1,2)]
#' time_samples <- wkf_tsample(smpl_codestamps, dt = 60)
#' str(time_samples)

wkf_tsample <- function(ds_list, dt = 1, bt = NULL, et = NULL,
                        verbose = FALSE, warn = TRUE) {

  ## Basic error checking
  if (dt <= 0) stop(paste("nonsensical timestep: dt =", dt))

  ## Simple coercian to allow caller to pass a single ds_cstamp dataset
  # xxx code at a later date. Not sure how to do it now mdg 2018-02-12

  tmp <- ds_list %>%
    map(~ wkf_tsample_one(ds_cstamp = ., dt = dt, bt = bt, et = et,
                      verbose = verbose, warn = warn))


# --------------------------------------------------

#' wkf_tsample_one
#' Samples codes from a single condestamp dataset.
#' @param ds_cstamp A codestamp dataset ($type = "cstamp").
#' @param dt Sampling timestep. Defaults to 1 second.
#' @param bt POSIXct object giving the time to begin sampling. If NULL, sampling will begin at the earliest time in the dataset.
#' @param et POSIXct object given the time to end sampling. If NULL, sampling will end at the latest time in the dataset.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, codes will be printed at each timestep and a summary of missing codes will be given.
#' @param warn Logical. If true (default), warnings will be issued when an NA code
#' @return A time-sample dataset ($type = "tsample").
#' @export
#' @examples
#' smpl_codestamps <- resToy[c(1,2)]
#' time_samples <- wkf_tsample(smpl_codestamps, dt = 60)
#' str(time_samples)
wkf_tsample_one <- function(ds_cstamp, dt = 1, bt = NULL, et = NULL,
                verbose = FALSE, warn = TRUE) {

  src     <- ds_cstamp$ds_src
  id      <- ds_cstamp$ds_id
  cstamps <- ds_cstamp$data

  if (is.null(bt)) bt <- min(cstamps$In)
  if (is.null(et)) et <- max(cstamps$Out)

  ## Set up blank time sample data frame
  tsample_df <- dplyr::data_frame(
    t      = .POSIXct(double(), tz = "UTC"),  # create a null time var
    bin    = factor(levels = study$facilitation$code, ordered = TRUE),
    focus1 = factor(levels = study$focus$code, ordered = TRUE),
    focus2 = factor(levels = study$focus$code, ordered = TRUE))

  t <- bt
  i <- 1
  while(t <= et) {

    ## Get all codestamps that contain this sample time.

    # Coding is not exclusive but is exhaustive. May be one or two codes at
    # any time, so filter() may return 1 or 2 codestamps

    smple <- dplyr::filter(cstamps, In <= t, t <= Out)
    if (verbose) {                       #  for tracking
      print(paste(t, smple$code))
    if (warn) {                          #  for suspect datasets
      if (is.na(smple[1, ]$code))
        warning(paste("No codes at time", t, "for", paste(id, collapse = ".")),
                call. = FALSE)

    # If only one codestamp in `smple`, the other will report as NA.
    tsample_df[i, ]$t      <- t
    tsample_df[i, ]$bin    <- smple[1, ]$bin
    tsample_df[i, ]$focus1 <- smple[1, ]$code
    tsample_df[i, ]$focus2 <- smple[2, ]$code
    t  <- t + dt
    i <- i + 1

  # Dataset has same source, but different type and data
    ds_src = src,
    ds_id  = id,
    ds_type = "tsample",
    data    = tsample_df
zmdg11/wkFocus documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:33 a.m.