#' Plot Two Figures Side-by-Side Identifying Common Elements
#' @name side_plot
#' @description Plot two decoration graphs side-by-side identifying common nodes and common edges. This function is called by the function \code{\link[iconr]{plot_compar}}.
#' @param grph list of two or more 'igraph' graphs created with the \code{\link[iconr]{list_compar}} function.
#' @param dir Working directory which contains the imgs, nodes, edges dataframes and the decoration images.
#' @param nd.var Field of nodes on which the comparison will be done.
#' @param focus Focus on nodes or on edges, by default \code{focus = "nodes"}.
#' @param nd.color,nd.size,ed.color,ed.width Graphical parameters for the nodes and edges. The \strong{different} nodes/edges will be displayed with the first values of the vectors (eg, "orange") while the \strong{common} nodes/edges will be displayed with the second values of the vectors (eg, "red").
#' @param lbl.size size of the labels
#' @seealso \code{\link[iconr]{plot_compar}}.
#' @return No return value, group images side-by-side.
#' @export
side_plot <- function(grph, dir, nd.var, focus = "nodes",
nd.color = c("orange", "red"), nd.size = c(0.5, 1),
ed.color = c("orange", "red"), ed.width = c(1, 2),
lbl.size = 0.5) {
igraph::V(grph)$name <- 1:igraph::gorder(grph)
nodes <- igraph::as_data_frame(grph, what = "vertices")
edges <- igraph::as_data_frame(grph)
# Set edge positions
edg.vert <- unlist(edges[, c("from","to")])
edges[, c("xa", "xb", "ya", "yb")] <- unlist(nodes[edg.vert, c("x", "y")])
if (focus == "nodes") {
nodes.group <- nodes$comm + 1
edges.group <- rep(1, nrow(edges))
} else if (focus == "edges") {
comm.eds.subgr <- igraph::subgraph.edges(grph, which(edges$comm == 1))
nodes.group <- as.numeric(
nodes$name %in% igraph::V(comm.eds.subgr)$name) + 1
edges.group <- edges$comm + 1
edges$lty <- ifelse(edges$type %in% c("+"), "33", "solid")
edges$col <- ed.color[edges.group]
edges$lwd <- ed.width[edges.group]
nodes$cex <- nd.size[nodes.group]
nodes$lbl.col <- nodes$col <- nd.color[nodes.group]
nodes$lbl.cex <- lbl.size
# Get common nodes to plot labels
lbl.nds <- nodes.group == 2
dec.img <- magick::image_read(paste0(dir, "/", grph$img))
draw_graph(nodes, edges, lbl.nds,
nd.var, dec.img,
paste0(grph$name, "\n", grph$site, "\n", grph$decor))
draw_edges <- function(edges, offset) {
if(is.null(edges) || nrow(edges) == 0) return()
edges$lwd <- edges$lwd * scale_factor()
edges[, c("ya", "yb")] <- edges[, c("ya", "yb")] + offset
for (edg in seq_len(nrow(edges))) {
graphics::lines(edges[edg, c("xa", "xb")],
edges[edg, c("ya", "yb")],
lty = edges$lty[edg],
lwd = edges$lwd[edg],
col = edges$col[edg])
draw_nodes <- function(nodes, lbl.nds, nd.var, offset) {
if(is.null(nodes) || nrow(nodes) == 0) return()
nodes$y <- nodes$y + offset
graphics::points(nodes$x, nodes$y, pch = 16,
cex = nodes$cex,
col = nodes$col)
labels <- nodes[lbl.nds, ]
labels_shadow(labels$x, labels$y, labels = labels[, nd.var],
col = labels$lbl.col, bg = "white",
cex = labels$lbl.cex, r = 0.15, adj = c(0.5, -0.2))
annotate_dec <- function(dec.img, title, nd.var) {
# Add the decoration name, site and decor at the top-left corner:
graphics::text(1, magick::image_info(dec.img)$height - 4,
cex = 0.5, adj = c(0, 1))
# Add the nd.vars at the top-right corner:
graphics::text(magick::image_info(dec.img)$width - 1,
magick::image_info(dec.img)$height - 4,
nd.var, cex = 0.5, adj = c(1, 1))
draw_graph <- function(nodes, edges, lbl.nds,
nd.var, dec.img, title) {
# the par() user's parameters will be restore after the
# run of the plot_compar() function
graphics::par(cex = scale_factor())
annotate_dec(dec.img, title, nd.var)
# The y-coordinate requires to be added the image offset
offset <- magick::image_info(dec.img)$height
draw_edges(edges, offset)
draw_nodes(nodes, lbl.nds, nd.var, offset)
scale_factor <- function() {
# The text, labels and point sizes have been calibrated with the plot size
# used in plot_compar() and plot_dec_graph() (height=7cm). In case it is
# used with different sizes a global cex variable is defined dependent on
# plot height to make them appear with the same relative sizes.
# The plot width is secondarily taken into account. If plot aspect ratio
# is above 750/666, then the sizes are further corrected considering the
# plot width instead of the height.
dec.asp <- grDevices::dev.size()[2]/grDevices::dev.size()[1]
# the par() user's parameters will be restore after the
# run of the plot_compar() function
exp.dec.asp <- 750/(666*graphics::par("mfrow")[2])
return(grDevices::dev.size(units = "cm")[1] * min(dec.asp, exp.dec.asp) / 7)
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