
Defines functions usage2

Documented in usage2

#' Usage data of a DeepL API Free account
#' \code{usage2} returns the character usage and the configured limit for the current period of
#'     a DeepL API Free account.
#' @importFrom httr POST content
#' @param auth_key authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' usage(auth_key = "my_key")
#' }
usage2 <- function(auth_key = "your_key") {

  # DeepL API call
  response <- httr::POST(
    url = "https://api-free.deepl.com/v2/usage",
    httr::add_headers("Authorization" = paste("DeepL-Auth-Key", auth_key))



zumbov2/deeplr documentation built on March 30, 2024, 12:17 p.m.