Man pages for EdSurvey
Analysis of NCES Education Survey and Assessment Data

achievementLevelsAchievement Levels to a Data Frame R Objects by Rows or Columns
checkIdVarGive warning if idVar is null on on light edsurvey dataframe.
checkPsuStrataGive error if Strata and PSU var not present on light...
contourPlotOverlaid Scatter and Contour Plots
cor.sdfBivariate Correlation of an or an...
DoFCorrectionDegrees of Freedom
downloadCivEDICCSInstructions for Downloading and Unzipping CivED or ICCS...
downloadECLS_KDownload and Unzip ECLS_K Files
downloadELSDownload and Unzip ELS Files
download_ePIRLSDownload and Unzip ePIRLS Files
downloadHSLSDownload and Unzip HSLS Files
downloadICILSInstructions for Downloading and Unzipping ICILS Files
downloadNHESInstructions for Downloading and Unzipping NHES Files
downloadPIAACDownload and Unzip PIAAC Files
downloadPIRLSDownload and Unzip PIRLS Files
downloadPISADownload and Unzip PISA Files
downloadPISA_YAFSInstructions for Downloading and Unzipping PISA YAFS Files
downloadSSOCSInstructions for Downloading and Unzipping SSOCS Files
downloadTALISDownload and Unzip TALIS Files
downloadTIMSSDownload and Unzip TIMSS Files
downloadTIMSSAdvDownload and Unzip TIMSS Advanced Files
drawPVs.sdfDraw plausible values from an mml fit
edsurvey-classEdSurvey Class Constructors and Helpers Dataset Vectorization
EdSurvey-packageAnalysis of NCES Education Survey and Assessment Data
edsurveyTableEdSurvey Tables With Conditional Means
edsurveyTable2pdfPDF File From an edsurveyTable
es_roundround ouptut of EdSurvey functions before printing
gapGap Analysis
getAllItemsRetrieve IRT Item Variable Names
getDataRead Data to a Data Frame
getNHES_SurveyInfoGet NHES Survey Code Definitions and Survey Meta-data
getPlausibleValueGet Plausible Value Variables
getWeightJkReplicatesRetrieve the Jackknife Replicate Weights
glm.sdfEdSurvey Generalized Linear Models
hasPlausibleValuePlausible Value Test
isWeightWeight Test
levelsSDFPrint Levels and Labels
lm.sdfEdSurvey Linear Models
merge.edsurvey.dataEdSurvey Merge
mixed.sdfEdSurvey Mixed-Effects Model
mml.sdfEdSurvey Direct Estimation
mvrlm.sdfMultivariate Regression
oddsRatioOdds Ratios for edsurveyGlm Models
parseNAEPdctFormat AM dct File for Use with DirectEstimation
parseScript_SPSSParse SPSS Syntax Script for Fixed-Width Data Files
percentileEdSurvey Percentiles
print.achievementLevelsPrint AchievementLevels Results Metadata Summary
printGapGap Analysis Printing
readBTLSConnect to BTLS Data
readCivEDICCSConnect to ICCS and CivED Data
readECLS_BConnect to ECLS-B Data
readECLS_K1998Connect to ECLS-K 1998 Data
readECLS_K2011Connect to ECLS-K 2011 Data
readELSConnect to Education Longitudinal Study (ELS:2002) Data
read_ePIRLSConnect to ePIRLS Data
readHSB_SeniorConnect to HS&B Study Senior Data
readHSB_SophomoreConnect to HS&B Study Sophomore Data
readHSLSConnect to High School Longitudinal Study 2009 (HSLS:2009)...
readHSTSConnect to HSTS Data
readICILSConnect to ICILS Data
readNAEPConnect to NAEP Data
readNHESConnect to NHES Survey Data
readPIAACConnect to PIAAC Data
readPIRLSConnect to PIRLS Data
readPISAConnect to PISA Data
readPISA_YAFSPISA YAFS (Young Adult Follow-up Study)
readSSOCSConnect to School Survey on Crime and Safety Data
readTALISConnect to TALIS Data
readTIMSSConnect to TIMSS Data
readTIMSSAdvConnect to TIMSS Advanced Data
rebindAttributesCopy Data Frame Attributes
recode.sdfRecode Levels Within Variables
rename.sdfModify Variable Names
roundnrounding helper
roundNCESrounding helper for NCES
rq.sdfEdSurvey Quantile Regression Models
scoreDefaultAssessment scoring
scoreTIMSSEdSurvey Direct Estimation - TIMSS scoring
SDEdSurvey Standard Deviation
searchSDFEdSurvey Codebook Search
setNAEPScoreCardset NAEP Score Card
showCodebookSummary Codebook
showCutPointsRetrieve Achievement Level Cutpoints
showPlausibleValuesPlausible Value Variable Names
showWeightsRetrieve Weight Variables
suggestWeightsWeight suggestions for ECLS-K:2011 data
summary2Summarize Variables
UnclassColsremove non-standard classes from data frame columns
updatePlausibleValueUpdate Plausible Value Variable Names
varEstToCovCovariance Estimation
viewNHES_SurveyCodesView NHES Survey Code Definitions
waldTestWald Tests
EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.