forceSymmetric-methods: Force a Matrix to 'symmetricMatrix' Without Symmetry Checks

forceSymmetric-methodsR Documentation

Force a Matrix to 'symmetricMatrix' Without Symmetry Checks


Force a square matrix x to a symmetricMatrix, without a symmetry check as it would be applied for as(x, "symmetricMatrix").


forceSymmetric(x, uplo)



any square matrix (of numbers), either “"traditional"” (matrix) or inheriting from Matrix.


optional string, "U" or "L" indicating which “triangle” half of x should determine the result. The default is "U" unless x already has a uplo slot (i.e., when it is symmetricMatrix, or triangularMatrix), where the default will be x@uplo.


a square matrix inheriting from class symmetricMatrix.

See Also

symmpart for the symmetric part of a matrix, or the coercions as(x, <symmetricMatrix class>).


 ## Hilbert matrix
 i <- 1:6
 h6 <- 1/outer(i - 1L, i, "+")
 sd <- sqrt(diag(h6))
 hh <- t(h6/sd)/sd # theoretically symmetric
 isSymmetric(hh, tol=0) # FALSE; hence
 try( as(hh, "symmetricMatrix") ) # fails, but this works fine:
 H6 <- forceSymmetric(hh)

 ## result can be pretty surprising:
 (M <- Matrix(1:36, 6))
 forceSymmetric(M) # symmetric, hence very different in lower triangle
 (tm <- tril(M))

Matrix documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:20 a.m.