redis: Redis-based futures

View source: R/redis.R

redisR Documentation

Redis-based futures


Use the Redis key/value database to define partially fault-tolerant, asynchronous task queues for elastic distributed computing.


  envir = parent.frame(),
  substitute = TRUE,
  globals = TRUE,
  queue = getOption("future.redis.queue", "{{session}}"),
  config = redis_config(),
  output_queue = NA,
  max_retries = 3,



An R expression.


The environment from where global objects should be identified.


If TRUE, argument expr is substitute():ed, otherwise not.


(optional) a logical, a character vector, a named list, or a [globals::Globals] object. If 'TRUE', globals are identified by code inspection based on 'expr' and 'tweak' searching from environment 'envir'. If 'FALSE', no globals are used. If a character vector, then globals are identified by lookup based their names 'globals' searching from environment 'envir'. If a named list or a Globals object, the globals are used as is.


Redis key name of the task queue (Redis list).


Redis config.


(optional) Redis key name of the work output queue (note: reserved for future use).


Maximum number of times the future can be re-submitted to the task queue in the event of failure.


Additional named elements of the future.


An object of class [RedisFuture].

See Also

redis_config, worker, removeQ


if (redux::redis_available()) {
## The example assumes that a Redis server is running on the local host
## and standard port.

# Register the redis plan on a specified task queue:
plan(redis, queue = "R jobs")

# Start some local R worker processes:
startLocalWorkers(n=2, queue="R jobs", linger=1)

# Alternatively, use the following to run the workers quietly without
# showing messages as they run:
# startLocalWorkers(n=2, queue="R jobs", linger=1, log="/dev/null")

# A function that returns a future, note that N uses lexical scoping...
f <- \() future({4 * sum((runif(N) ^ 2 + runif(N) ^ 2) < 1) / N}, seed = TRUE)

# Run a simple sampling approximation of pi in parallel using  M * N points:
N <- 1e6  # samples per worker
M <- 10   # iterations
Reduce(sum, Map(value, replicate(M, f()))) / M

# Clean up
removeQ("R jobs")

bwlewis/future.redis documentation built on May 12, 2023, 1:52 a.m.