Integral of a Pixel Image

View source: R/images.R

integral.imR Documentation

Integral of a Pixel Image


Computes the integral of a pixel image.


## S3 method for class 'im'
integral(f, domain=NULL, weight=NULL, ...)



A pixel image (object of class "im") with pixel values that can be treated as numeric or complex values.


Optional. Window specifying the domain of integration. Alternatively a tessellation.




Optional. A pixel image (object of class "im") or a function(x,y) giving a numerical weight to be applied to the integration.


The function integral is generic, with methods for spatial objects ("im", "msr", "linim", "linfun") and one-dimensional functions ("density", "fv").

The method treats the pixel image f as a function of the spatial coordinates, and computes its integral. The integral is calculated by summing the pixel values and multiplying by the area of one pixel.

The pixel values of f may be numeric, integer, logical or complex. They cannot be factor or character values.

The logical values TRUE and FALSE are converted to 1 and 0 respectively, so that the integral of a logical image is the total area of the TRUE pixels, in the same units as unitname(x).

If domain is a window (class "owin") then the integration will be restricted to this window. If domain is a tessellation (class "tess") then the integral of f in each tile of domain will be computed.

If weight is given, it should be a pixel image or a function of coordinates x and y returning numerical values. Then each pixel value of f will be multiplied by the corresponding value of weight. Effectively, the result is the integral of weight * f.


A single numeric or complex value (or a vector of such values if domain is a tessellation).




See Also

integral,, [.im


   # approximate integral of f(x,y) dx dy
   f <- function(x,y){3*x^2 + 2*y}
   Z <-, square(1))
   # correct answer is 2

   # integrate over the subset [0.1,0.9] x [0.2,0.8]
   W <- owin(c(0.1,0.9), c(0.2,0.8))
   integral(Z, W)

   # weighted integral
   integral(Z, weight=function(x,y){x})

spatstat.geom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:09 a.m.