
Defines functions fillNA ZeroValue.im ZeroValue anyNA.im as.function.im padimage Window.im zapsmall.im scaletointerval.im scaletointerval.default scaletointerval hsvim rgbim dim.im sort.im rebound.im by.im split.im conform.imagelist integral.im quantilefun.im quantile.im cut.im plot.barplotdata hist.im as.double.im where.min where.max mean.im as.data.frame.im as.array.im as.matrix.im xtfrm.im raster.xy raster.y raster.x rasterxy.im rastery.im rasterx.im nearestValue safelookup lookup.im nearest.valid.pixel nearest.pixel update.im shift.im levels.im is.im im

Documented in anyNA.im as.array.im as.data.frame.im as.double.im as.function.im as.matrix.im by.im conform.imagelist cut.im dim.im fillNA hist.im hsvim im integral.im is.im levels.im lookup.im mean.im nearest.pixel nearest.valid.pixel nearestValue padimage plot.barplotdata quantilefun.im quantile.im raster.x rasterx.im raster.xy rasterxy.im raster.y rastery.im rebound.im rgbim safelookup scaletointerval scaletointerval.default scaletointerval.im shift.im sort.im split.im update.im where.max where.min Window.im xtfrm.im zapsmall.im ZeroValue ZeroValue.im

#       images.R
#      $Revision: 1.180 $     $Date: 2023/11/04 04:39:23 $
#      The class "im" of raster images
#     im()     object creator
#     is.im()   tests class membership
#     rasterx.im(), rastery.im()    
#                      raster X and Y coordinates
#     nearest.pixel()   
#     lookup.im()
#                      facilities for looking up pixel values
########   basic support for class "im"
#   creator 

im <- function(mat, xcol=seq_len(ncol(mat)), yrow=seq_len(nrow(mat)), 
               xrange=NULL, yrange=NULL,
               unitname=NULL) {

  typ <- typeof(mat)
  if(typ == "double")
    typ <- "real"

  miss.xcol <- missing(xcol)
  miss.yrow <- missing(yrow)
  # determine dimensions
  if(!is.null(dim(mat))) {
    nr <- nrow(mat)
    nc <- ncol(mat)
    if(is.na(nc)) {
      #' handle one-dimensional tables
      nc <- 1
      nr <- length(mat)
      if(missing(xcol)) xcol <- seq_len(nc)
    if(length(xcol) != nc)
      stop("Length of xcol does not match ncol(mat)")
    if(length(yrow) != nr)
      stop("Length of yrow does not match nrow(mat)")
  } else {
    if(miss.xcol || miss.yrow)
                 "is not a matrix and I can't guess its dimensions"))
    stopifnot(length(mat) == length(xcol) * length(yrow))
    nc <- length(xcol)
    nr <- length(yrow)

  # deal with factor case
  if(is.factor(mat)) {
    typ <- "factor"
  } else if(!is.null(lev <- levels(mat))) {
    typ <- "factor"
    mat <- factor(mat, levels=lev)

  # Ensure 'mat' is a matrix (without destroying factor information)
    dim(mat) <- c(nr, nc)

  # set up coordinates
  if((miss.xcol || length(xcol) <= 1) && !is.null(xrange) ) {
    # use 'xrange' 
    xstep <- diff(xrange)/nc
    xcol <- seq(from=xrange[1L] + xstep/2, to=xrange[2L] - xstep/2, length.out=nc)
  } else if(length(xcol) > 1) {
    # use 'xcol'
    # ensure spacing is constant
    xcol <- seq(from=min(xcol), to=max(xcol), length.out=length(xcol))
    xstep <- diff(xcol)[1L]
    xrange <- range(xcol) + c(-1,1) * xstep/2
  } else stop("Cannot determine pixel width")
  if((miss.yrow || length(yrow) <= 1) && !is.null(yrange)) {
    # use 'yrange'
    ystep <- diff(yrange)/nr
    yrow <- seq(from=yrange[1L] + ystep/2, to=yrange[2L] - ystep/2, length.out=nr)
  } else if(length(yrow) > 1) {
    # use 'yrow'
    # ensure spacing is constant
    yrow <- seq(from=min(yrow), to=max(yrow), length.out=length(yrow))
    ystep <- diff(yrow)[1L]
    yrange <- range(yrow) + c(-1,1) * ystep/2
  }  else stop("Cannot determine pixel height")

  unitname <- as.unitname(unitname)

  out <- list(v   = mat,
              dim = c(nr, nc),
              xrange   = xrange,
              yrange   = yrange,
              xstep    = xstep,
              ystep    = ystep,
              xcol    = xcol,
              yrow    = yrow,
              type    = typ,
              units   = unitname)
  class(out) <- "im"

is.im <- function(x) {

levels.im <- function(x) {

"levels<-.im" <- function(x, value) {
  if(x$type != "factor") 
    stop("image is not factor-valued")
  levels(x$v) <- value

########   methods for class "im"

shift.im <- function(X, vec=c(0,0), ..., origin=NULL) {
  verifyclass(X, "im")
  if(!is.null(origin)) {
      warning("argument vec ignored; argument origin has precedence")
    locn <- interpretAsOrigin(origin, Window(X))
    vec <- -locn
  vec <- as2vector(vec)
  X$xrange <- X$xrange + vec[1L]
  X$yrange <- X$yrange + vec[2L]
  X$xcol <- X$xcol + vec[1L]
  X$yrow <- X$yrow + vec[2L]
  attr(X, "lastshift") <- vec

"Frame<-.im" <- function(X, value) {
  if(!is.subset.owin(value, Frame(X))) {
    ## first expand
    X <- X[value, drop=FALSE]
  X[value, drop=TRUE]

"[.im" <- local({

  disjoint <- function(r, s) { (r[2L] < s[1L]) || (r[1L] > s[2L])  }
  clip <- function(r, s) { c(max(r[1L],s[1L]), min(r[2L],s[2L])) }
  inrange <- function(x, r) { (x >= r[1L]) & (x <= r[2L]) }

  Extract.im <- function(x, i, j, ...,
                         drop=TRUE, tight=FALSE, raster=NULL,
                         rescue=is.owin(i)) {

    ## detect 'blank' arguments like second argument in x[i, ] 
    ngiven <- length(sys.call())
    nmatched <- length(match.call())
    nblank <- ngiven - nmatched
    itype <- if(missing(i)) "missing" else "given"
    jtype <- if(missing(j)) "missing" else "given"
    if(nblank == 1) {
      if(!missing(i)) jtype <- "blank"
      if(!missing(j)) itype <- "blank"
    } else if(nblank == 2) {
      itype <- jtype <- "blank"

    if(missing(rescue) && itype != "given")
      rescue <- FALSE
    if(itype == "missing" && jtype == "missing") {
      ## no indices: return entire image 
      out <- if(is.null(raster)) x else as.im(raster)
      xy <- expand.grid(y=out$yrow,x=out$xcol)
      if(!is.null(raster)) {
        ## resample image on new pixel raster
        values <- lookup.im(x, xy$x, xy$y, naok=TRUE)
        out <- im(values, out$xcol, out$yrow, unitname=unitname(out))
      else {
        v <- out$v

    if(itype == "given") {
      ## .................................................................
      ## Try spatial index
      ## .................................................................
      if(verifyclass(i, "owin", fatal=FALSE)) {

        if(jtype == "given")
          warning("Argument j ignored")
        ## 'i' is a window
        ## if drop = FALSE, just set values outside window to NA
        ## if drop = TRUE, extract values for all pixels inside window
        ##                 as an image (if 'i' is a rectangle)
        ##                 or as a vector (otherwise)

        disjoint.frames <-
          disjoint(i$xrange, x$xrange) || disjoint(i$yrange, x$yrange)
        if(disjoint.frames && drop) 
        ## determine pixel raster for output
        if(!is.null(raster)) {
          out <- as.im(raster)
          do.resample <- TRUE
        } else if(is.subset.owin(i, as.owin(x))) {
          out <- x
          do.resample <- FALSE
        } else {
          ## new window does not contain data window: expand it
          bb <- boundingbox(as.rectangle(i), as.rectangle(x))
          rr <- if(is.mask(i)) i else x
          xcol <- prolongseq(rr$xcol, bb$xrange, rr$xstep)
          yrow <- prolongseq(rr$yrow, bb$yrange, rr$ystep)
          out <- list(xcol=xcol, yrow=yrow)
          do.resample <- TRUE
        xy <- expand.grid(y=out$yrow,x=out$xcol)
        if(do.resample) {
          ## resample image on new pixel raster
          values <- lookup.im(x, xy$x, xy$y, naok=TRUE)
          out <- im(values, out$xcol, out$yrow, unitname=unitname(out))

        inside <- inside.owin(xy$x, xy$y, i)

        if(drop && !(rescue && i$type == "rectangle")) {
          ## return pixel values (possibly including NA)
          values <- out$v[inside]
        ## An image will be returned.
        ## pixels outside window 'i' have undefined values
        out$v[!inside] <- NA
        if(!drop && !tight) 
        ## Return image in smaller rectangle (possibly an empty image)
        xr <- clip(i$xrange, x$xrange)
        yr <- clip(i$yrange, x$yrange)
        colsub <- inrange(out$xcol, xr)
        rowsub <- inrange(out$yrow, yr)
        ncolsub <- sum(colsub)
        nrowsub <- sum(rowsub)
        if(ncolsub > 1) {
          xcolsub <- out$xcol[colsub]
        } else {
          xcolsub <- mean(xr)
          if(diff(xr) == 0) xr <- c(-1,1) * out$xstep/2
        if(nrowsub > 1) {
          yrowsub <- out$yrow[rowsub]
        } else {
          yrowsub <- mean(yr)
          if(diff(yr) == 0) yr <- c(-1,1) * out$ystep/2
        if(ncolsub == 0 || nrowsub == 0) {
          ## intersection of grids is empty
          mat <- matrix(RelevantNA(x$v), max(nrowsub, 1L), max(ncolsub, 1L))
        } else {
          mat <- out$v[rowsub, colsub, drop=FALSE]
        result <- im(mat,
                     xcol=xcolsub, xrange=xr,
                     yrow=yrowsub, yrange=yr,
                     unitname = unitname(x))

      if(verifyclass(i, "im", fatal=FALSE)) {
        if(jtype == "given")
          warning("Argument j ignored")
        ## logical images OK
        if(i$type == "logical") {
          ## convert to window
          w <- as.owin(eval.im(ifelse1NA(i)))
          return(x[w, drop=drop, ..., raster=raster])
        } else stop("Subset argument \'i\' is an image, but not of logical type")

      if(inherits(i, "linnet")) {
        #' linear network
        if(!requireNamespace("spatstat.linnet")) {
          warning(paste("X[L] where L is a linear network",
                        "requires the package 'spatstat.linnet'"),
        if(jtype == "given")
          warning("Argument j ignored")
        W <- raster %orifnull% as.owin(x)
        M <- psp2mask(as.psp(i), W=W, ...)
        xM <- x[M, drop=drop]
        if(is.im(xM)) xM <- spatstat.linnet::linim(i, xM)
      if(is.ppp(i)) {
        ## 'i' is a point pattern 
        if(jtype == "given")
          warning("Argument j ignored")
        ## Look up the greyscale values for the points of the pattern
        values <- lookup.im(x, i$x, i$y, naok=TRUE)
          values <- values[!is.na(values)]
        if(length(values) == 0) 
          ## ensure the zero-length vector is of the right type
          values <- 
                   factor={ factor(, levels=levels(x)) },
                   integer = { integer(0) },
                   logical = { logical(0) },
                   real = { numeric(0) },
                   complex = { complex(0) },
                   character = { character(0) },
                   { values }
    ## ............... not a spatial index .............................

    ## Try indexing as a matrix

    ## Construct a matrix index call for possible re-use
    M <- as.matrix(x)
    ## suppress warnings from code checkers
    ycall <- switch(itype,
                    given = {
                             given   = quote(M[i, j, drop=FALSE]),
                             blank   = quote(M[i,  , drop=FALSE]),
                             missing = quote(M[i,    drop=FALSE]))
                    blank = {
                             given   = quote(M[ , j, drop=FALSE]),
                             blank   = quote(M[ ,  , drop=FALSE]),
                             missing = quote(M[ ,    drop=FALSE]))
                    missing = {
                             given   = quote(M[j=j,  drop=FALSE]),
                             blank   = quote(M[j= ,  drop=FALSE]),
                             missing = quote(M[      drop=FALSE]))
    ## try it
    y <- try(eval(as.call(ycall)), silent=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(y, "try-error")) {
      ## valid subset index for a matrix
      if(rescue) {
        ## check whether it's a rectangular block, in correct order
        RR <- row(x$v)
        CC <- col(x$v)
        rcall <- ycall
        rcall[[2L]] <- quote(RR)
        ccall <- ycall
        ccall[[2L]] <- quote(CC)
        rr <- eval(as.call(rcall))
        cc <- eval(as.call(ccall))
        rseq <- sortunique(as.vector(rr))
        cseq <- sortunique(as.vector(cc))
        if(all(diff(rseq) == 1) && all(diff(cseq) == 1) &&
           (length(rr) == length(rseq) * length(cseq)) &&
           all(rr == RR[rseq, cseq]) && all(cc == CC[rseq,cseq])) {
          ## yes - make image
          dim(y) <- c(length(rseq), length(cseq))
          Y <- x
          Y$v <- y
          Y$dim <- dim(y)
          Y$xcol <- x$xcol[cseq]
          Y$yrow <- x$yrow[rseq]
          Y$xrange <- range(Y$xcol) + c(-1,1) * x$xstep/2
          Y$yrange <- range(Y$yrow) + c(-1,1) * x$ystep/2
      ## return pixel values (possibly as matrix)

    ## Last chance!
    if(itype == "given" &&
       !is.matrix(i) &&
       !is.null(ip <- as.ppp(i, W=as.owin(x), fatal=FALSE, check=FALSE))) {
      ## 'i' is convertible to a point pattern 
      ## Look up the greyscale values for the points of the pattern
      values <- lookup.im(x, ip$x, ip$y, naok=TRUE)
        values <- values[!is.na(values)]
      if(length(values) == 0) 
        ## ensure the zero-length vector is of the right type
        values <- 
                 factor={ factor(, levels=levels(x)) },
                 integer = { integer(0) },
                 logical = { logical(0) },
                 real = { numeric(0) },
                 complex = { complex(0) },
                 character = { character(0) },
                 { values }
    stop("The subset operation is undefined for this type of index")


update.im <- function(object, ...) {
  ## update internal structure of image after manipulation
  X <- object
  mat <- X$v
  typ <- typeof(mat)
  if(typ == "double")
    typ <- "real"
  ## deal with factor case
  if(is.factor(mat)) {
    typ <- "factor"
  } else if(!is.null(lev <- levels(mat))) {
    typ <- "factor"
    X$v <- factor(mat, levels=lev)
  X$type <- typ

"[<-.im" <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE, value) {
  # detect 'blank' arguments like second argument of x[i, ] 
  ngiven <- length(sys.call())
  nmatched <- length(match.call())
  nblank <- ngiven - nmatched
  itype <- if(missing(i)) "missing" else "given"
  jtype <- if(missing(j)) "missing" else "given"
  if(nblank == 1) {
    if(!missing(i)) jtype <- "blank"
    if(!missing(j)) itype <- "blank"
  } else if(nblank == 2) {
    itype <- jtype <- "blank"

  X <- x
  W <- as.owin(X)

  stopifnot(is.im(value) || is.vector(value) ||
            is.matrix(value) || is.array(value) || is.factor(value))
    value <- value$v

  if(itype == "missing" && jtype == "missing") {
    #' no index provided
    #' set all pixels to 'value'
    #' (if drop=TRUE, this applies only to pixels inside the window)
    v <- X$v
    if(!is.factor(value)) {
      if(!drop) {
        v[] <- value
      } else {
        v[!is.na(v)] <- value
    } else {
      vnew <- matrix(NA_integer_, ncol(v), nrow(v))
      if(!drop) {
        vnew[] <- as.integer(value)
      } else {
        vnew[!is.na(v)] <- as.integer(value)
      lnew <- levels(value)
      v <- factor(vnew, levels=seq_along(lnew), labels=lnew)
    X$v <- v
  if(itype == "given") {
    # ..................... Try a spatial index ....................
    if(verifyclass(i, "owin", fatal=FALSE)) {
      if(jtype == "given") warning("Index j ignored")
      # 'i' is a window
      rxy <- rasterxy.mask(W)
      xx <- rxy$x
      yy <- rxy$y
      ok <- inside.owin(xx, yy, i)
      X$v[ok] <- value
      X$type <- ifelse(is.factor(X$v), "factor", typeof(X$v))
    if(verifyclass(i, "im", fatal=FALSE) && i$type == "logical") {
      if(jtype == "given") warning("Index j ignored")
      # convert logical vector to window where entries are TRUE
      i <- as.owin(eval.im(ifelse1NA(i)))
      # continue as above
      rxy <- rasterxy.mask(W)
      xx <- rxy$x
      yy <- rxy$y
      ok <- inside.owin(xx, yy, i)
      X$v[ok] <- value
      X$type <- ifelse(is.factor(X$v), "factor", typeof(X$v))
    if(is.ppp(i)) {
      # 'i' is a point pattern
      if(jtype == "given") warning("Index j ignored")
      nv <- length(value)
      np <- npoints(i)
      if(nv != np && nv != 1)
        stop("Length of replacement value != number of point locations")
      # test whether all points are inside window FRAME
      ok <- inside.owin(i$x, i$y, as.rectangle(W))
      if(any(!ok)) {
        warning("Some points are outside the outer frame of the image")
        if(nv == np)
          value <- value[ok]
        i <- i[ok]
      if(npoints(i) > 0) {
        # determine row & column positions for each point 
        loc <- nearest.pixel(i$x, i$y, X)
        # set values
        X$v[cbind(loc$row, loc$col)] <- value
      X$type <- ifelse(is.factor(X$v), "factor", typeof(X$v))
  # .................. 'i' is not a spatial index ....................
  # Construct a matrix replacement call 
  ycall <- switch(itype,
                  given = {
                           given   = quote(X$v[i, j] <- value),
                           blank   = quote(X$v[i,  ] <- value),
                           missing = quote(X$v[i]    <- value))
                  blank = {
                           given   = quote(X$v[ , j] <- value),
                           blank   = quote(X$v[ ,  ] <- value),
                           missing = quote(X$v[ ] <- value))
                  missing = {
                           given   = quote(X$v[j=j] <- value),
                           blank   = quote(X$v[j= ] <- value),
                           missing = quote(X$v[] <- value))
  # try it
  litmus <- try(eval(as.call(ycall)), silent=TRUE)
  if(!inherits(litmus, "try-error")){
    X$type <- ifelse(is.factor(X$v), "factor", typeof(X$v))
  #  Last chance!
  if(itype == "given" &&
     !is.matrix(i) &&
     !is.null(ip <- as.ppp(i, W=W, fatal=FALSE, check=TRUE))) {
    # 'i' is convertible to a point pattern
    if(jtype == "given") warning("Index j ignored")
    nv <- length(value)
    np <- npoints(ip)
    if(nv != np && nv != 1)
      stop("Length of replacement value != number of point locations")
    # test whether all points are inside window FRAME
    ok <- inside.owin(ip$x, ip$y, as.rectangle(W))
    if(any(!ok)) {
      warning("Some points are outside the outer frame of the image")
      if(nv == np)
        value <- value[ok]
      ip <- ip[ok]
    if(npoints(ip) > 0) {
      # determine row & column positions for each point 
      loc <- nearest.pixel(ip$x, ip$y, X)
      # set values
      X$v[cbind(loc$row, loc$col)] <- value
    X$type <- ifelse(is.factor(X$v), "factor", typeof(X$v))

  stop("The subset operation is undefined for this type of index")

########   other tools

# This function is similar to nearest.raster.point except for
# the third argument 'im' and the different idiom for calculating
# row & column - which could be used in nearest.raster.point()

nearest.pixel <- function(x,y, Z) {
  stopifnot(is.im(Z) || is.mask(Z))
  if(length(x) > 0) {
    nr <- Z$dim[1L]
    nc <- Z$dim[2L]
    cc <- as.integer(round(1 + (x - Z$xcol[1L])/Z$xstep))
    rr <- as.integer(round(1 + (y - Z$yrow[1L])/Z$ystep))
    cc <- pmax.int(1L,pmin.int(cc, nc))
    rr <- pmax.int(1L,pmin.int(rr, nr))
  } else cc <- rr <- integer(0)
  return(list(row=rr, col=cc))

# Explores the 3 x 3 neighbourhood of nearest.pixel
# and finds the nearest pixel that is not NA

nearest.valid.pixel <- function(x, y, Z,
                                nsearch=1) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
         interpreted = {
           rc <- nearest.pixel(x,y,Z) # checks that Z is an 'im' or 'mask'
           rr <- rc$row
           cc <- rc$col
           #' check whether any pixels are outside image domain
           inside <- as.owin(Z)$m
           miss <- !inside[cbind(rr, cc)]
           #' for offending pixels, explore 3 x 3 neighbourhood (if nsearch=1)
           nr <- Z$dim[1L]
           nc <- Z$dim[2L]
           xcol <- Z$xcol
           yrow <- Z$yrow
           searching <- (-nsearch):(nsearch)
           for(i in which(miss)) {
             rows <- rr[i] + searching
             cols <- cc[i] + searching
             rows <- unique(pmax.int(1L, pmin.int(rows, nr)))
             cols <- unique(pmax.int(1L, pmin.int(cols, nc)))
             rcp <- expand.grid(row=rows, col=cols)
             ok <- inside[as.matrix(rcp)]
             if(any(ok)) {
               #' At least one of the neighbours is valid
               #' Find the closest one
               rcp <- rcp[ok,]
               dsq <- with(rcp, (x[i] - xcol[col])^2 + (y[i] - yrow[row])^2)
               j <- which.min(dsq)
               rc$row[i] <- rcp$row[j]
               rc$col[i] <- rcp$col[j]
         C = {
           stopifnot(is.im(Z) || is.mask(Z))
           n <- length(x)
           if(n == 0) {
             cc <- rr <- integer(0)
           } else {
             nr <- Z$dim[1L]
             nc <- Z$dim[2L]
             xscaled <- (x - Z$xcol[1])/Z$xstep
             yscaled <- (y - Z$yrow[1])/Z$ystep
             aspect  <- Z$ystep/Z$xstep
             inside <- as.owin(Z)$m
             zz <- .C(SG_nearestvalidpixel,
                      n = as.integer(n),
                      x = as.double(xscaled),
                      y = as.double(yscaled),
                      nr = as.integer(nr),
                      nc = as.integer(nc),
                      aspect = as.double(aspect),
                      z = as.integer(inside),
                      nsearch = as.integer(nsearch),
                      rr = as.integer(integer(n)),
                      cc = as.integer(integer(n)),
             rr <- zz$rr + 1L
             cc <- zz$cc + 1L
             if(any(bad <- (rr == 0 | cc == 0))) {
               rr[bad] <- NA
               cc[bad] <- NA
           rc <- list(row=rr, col=cc)

## ................ IMAGE LOOKUP ................................

##  lookup.im() is a generalisation of inside.owin()
##              to images other than binary-valued images.

lookup.im <- function(Z, x, y, naok=FALSE, strict=TRUE) {
  verifyclass(Z, "im")

  if(Z$type == "factor")
    Z <- repair.old.factor.image(Z)

  if((missing(y) || is.null(y)) && all(c("x", "y") %in% names(x))) {
    y <- x$y
    x <- x$x
  if(length(x) != length(y))
    stop("x and y must be numeric vectors of equal length")

  # initialise answer to NA 
  if(Z$type != "factor") {
    niets <- NA
    mode(niets) <- mode(Z$v)
  } else {
    niets <- factor(NA, levels=levels(Z))
  value <- rep.int(niets, length(x))
  # test whether inside bounding rectangle
  xr <- Z$xrange
  yr <- Z$yrange
  eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  frameok <- (x >= xr[1L] - eps) & (x <= xr[2L] + eps) & 
             (y >= yr[1L] - eps) & (y <= yr[2L] + eps)
  if(!any(frameok)) {
    # all points OUTSIDE range - no further work needed
      warning("Internal error: all values NA")
    return(value)  # all NA

  # consider only those points which are inside the frame
  xf <- x[frameok]
  yf <- y[frameok]
  # map locations to raster (row,col) coordinates
    loc <- nearest.pixel(xf,yf,Z)
    loc <- nearest.valid.pixel(xf,yf,Z)
  # look up image values
  vf <- Z$v[cbind(loc$row, loc$col)]
  # insert into answer
  value[frameok] <- vf

  if(!naok && anyNA(value))
    warning("Internal error: NA's generated")


## safelookup() ensures that a finite value is obtained for each query location

safelookup <- function(Z, x, factor=2, warn=TRUE) {
  #' x is a ppp giving the query points.
  #' Evaluates Z[x], replacing any NA's by values at nearby pixels
  #' First pass - look up pixel values at query locations
  Zvals <- Z[x, drop=FALSE]
  isna <- is.na(Zvals)
  #' Second pass - look up values at neighbouring pixels if valid
  Xbad <- x[isna]
  rc <- nearest.valid.pixel(Xbad$x, Xbad$y, Z, nsearch=ceiling(factor))
  Nvals <- Z$v[cbind(rc$row, rc$col)]
  fixed <- !is.na(Nvals)
  Zvals[isna] <- Nvals
  notfixed <- !fixed
  isna[isna] <- notfixed
  Xbad <- Xbad[notfixed]
  #' Third pass - project to nearest pixel at any distance
  W <- as.mask(Z)
  eW <- exactPdt(W)
  ## discretise points of Xbad
  Gbad <- nearest.raster.point(Xbad$x, Xbad$y, W)
  ijGbad <- cbind(Gbad$row, Gbad$col)
  ## find nearest pixels inside domain
  iclosest <- eW$row[ijGbad]
  jclosest <- eW$col[ijGbad]
  ## look up values of Z
  Cvals <- Z$v[cbind(iclosest, jclosest)]
  fixed <- !is.na(Cvals)
  Zvals[isna] <- Cvals
  nfixed <- sum(fixed)
  if(warn && nfixed > 0)
    warning(paste("Values for", nfixed, "query", 
                  ngettext(nfixed, "point", "points"),
                  "lying outside the pixel image domain",
                  "were estimated by projection to the nearest pixel"),
    stop(paste("Internal error:", sum(!fixed),
               "pixel values were NA, even after projection"),

nearestValue <- function(X) {
  #' For EACH raster location, look up the nearest defined pixel value
  #' regardless of how far away it is. Return an image.
  X <- as.im(X)
  if(!anyNA(X)) return(X)
  Y <- X ## copy dimensions, value type, units etc etc
  W <- as.mask(X)
  eW <- exactPdt(W)
  iclosest <- as.vector(eW$row)
  jclosest <- as.vector(eW$col)
  ## look up values of Z
  Y$v[] <- X$v[cbind(iclosest, jclosest)]

## .............. low level ...................................

rasterx.im <- function(x) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  xx <- x$xcol
  matrix(xx[col(x)], ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))

rastery.im <- function(x) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  yy <- x$yrow
  matrix(yy[row(x)], ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))

rasterxy.im <- function(x, drop=FALSE) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  xx <- x$xcol
  yy <- x$yrow
  ans <- cbind(x=as.vector(xx[col(x)]),
  if(drop) {
    ok <- as.vector(!is.na(x$v))
    ans <- ans[ok, , drop=FALSE]

## user interface 

raster.x <- function(w, drop=FALSE) {
  if(is.owin(w)) return(rasterx.mask(w, drop=drop))
  if(!is.im(w)) stop("w should be a window or an image")
  x <- w$xcol[col(w)]
  x <- if(drop) x[!is.na(w$v), drop=TRUE] else array(x, dim=w$dim)
raster.y <- function(w, drop=FALSE) {
  if(is.owin(w)) return(rastery.mask(w, drop=drop))
  if(!is.im(w)) stop("w should be a window or an image")
  y <- w$yrow[row(w)]
  y <- if(drop) y[!is.na(w$v), drop=TRUE] else array(y, dim=w$dim)

raster.xy <- function(w, drop=FALSE) {
  if(is.owin(w)) return(rasterxy.mask(w, drop=drop))
  if(!is.im(w)) stop("w should be a window or an image")
  x <- w$xcol[col(w)]
  y <- w$yrow[row(w)]
  if(drop) {
    ok <- !is.na(w$v)
    x <- x[ok, drop=TRUE]
    y <- y[ok, drop=TRUE]


# methods for other functions

xtfrm.im <- function(x) { as.numeric(as.matrix.im(x)) }

as.matrix.im <- function(x, ...) {

as.array.im <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- as.matrix(x)
  a <- do.call(array, resolve.defaults(list(quote(m)),
                                       list(dim=c(dim(m), 1))))

as.data.frame.im <- function(x, ...) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  v <- x$v
  xx <- x$xcol[col(v)]
  yy <- x$yrow[row(v)]
  ok <- !is.na(v)
  xx <- as.vector(xx[ok])
  yy <- as.vector(yy[ok])
  # extract pixel values without losing factor info
  vv <- v[ok]
  dim(vv) <- NULL
  data.frame(x=xx, y=yy, value=vv, ...)

mean.im <- function(x, trim=0, na.rm=TRUE, ...) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  xvalues <- x[drop=na.rm]
  return(mean(xvalues, trim=trim, na.rm=na.rm))

## arguments of generic 'median' will change in R 3.4
median.im <- if("..." %in% names(formals(median))) {
   function(x, na.rm=TRUE, ...) {
    verifyclass(x, "im")
    xvalues <- x[drop=na.rm]
    return(median(xvalues, ...))
} else {
   function(x, na.rm=TRUE) {
    verifyclass(x, "im")
    xvalues <- x[drop=na.rm]

where.max <- function(x, first=TRUE) {
  x <- as.im(x)
  if(first) { 
    ## find the first maximum
    v <- x$v
    locn <- which.max(as.vector(v))  # ignores NA, NaN
    locrow <- as.vector(row(v))[locn]
    loccol <- as.vector(col(v))[locn]
  } else {
    ## find all maxima
    xmax <- max(x)
    M <- solutionset(x == xmax)
    loc <- which(M$m, arr.ind=TRUE)
    locrow <- loc[,1L]
    loccol <- loc[,2L]
  xx <- x$xcol[loccol]
  yy <- x$yrow[locrow]
  return(ppp(x=xx, y=yy, window=Window(x)))

where.min <- function(x, first=TRUE) {
  x <- as.im(x)
  if(first) { 
    ## find the first minimum
    v <- x$v
    locn <- which.min(as.vector(v))  # ignores NA, NaN
    locrow <- as.vector(row(v))[locn]
    loccol <- as.vector(col(v))[locn]
  } else {
    ## find all minima
    xmin <- min(x)
    M <- solutionset(x == xmin)
    loc <- which(M$m, arr.ind=TRUE)
    locrow <- loc[,1L]
    loccol <- loc[,2L]
  xx <- x$xcol[loccol]
  yy <- x$yrow[locrow]
  return(ppp(x=xx, y=yy, window=Window(x)))

## the following ensures that 'sd' works

as.double.im <- function(x, ...) { as.double(x[], ...) }


hist.im <- function(x, ..., probability=FALSE, xname) {
  if(missing(xname) || is.null(xname)) xname <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  main <- paste("Histogram of", xname)
  # default plot arguments
  # extract pixel values
  values <- as.matrix(x)
  dim(values) <- NULL
  # barplot or histogram
  if(x$type %in% c("logical", "factor")) {
    # barplot
    tab <- table(values)
    probs <- tab/sum(tab)
    if(probability) {
      heights <- probs
      ylab <- "Probability"
    } else {
      heights <- tab
      ylab <- "Number of pixels"
    mids <- do.call(barplot,
                                    list(xlab=paste("Pixel value"),
    out <- list(counts=tab, probs=probs, heights=heights,
                mids=mids, xname=xname)
    class(out) <- "barplotdata"
  } else {
    # histogram
    values <- values[!is.na(values)]
    plotit <- resolve.defaults(list(...), list(plot=TRUE))$plot
    if(plotit) {
      ylab <- if(probability) "Probability density" else "Number of pixels"
      out <- do.call(hist.default,
                                           xlab="Pixel value",
      out$xname <- xname
    } else {
      # plot.default whinges if `probability' given when plot=FALSE
      out <- do.call(hist.default,
      # hack!
      out$xname <- xname

plot.barplotdata <- function(x, ...) {
                           list(main=paste("Histogram of ", x$xname))))

cut.im <- function(x, ...) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  typ <- x$type
  if(typ %in% c("factor", "logical", "character")) 
    stop(paste0("cut.im is not defined for ", typ, "-valued images"),
  vcut <- cut(as.numeric(as.matrix(x)), ...)
            xcol=x$xcol, yrow=x$yrow,
            xrange=x$xrange, yrange=x$yrange,

quantile.im <- function(x, ...) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  x <- as.numeric(as.matrix(x))
  q <- do.call(quantile,

quantilefun.im <- function(x, ..., type=1) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  f <- ecdf(as.numeric(x[]))
  quantilefun(f, type=type)
integral.im <- function(f, domain=NULL, weight=NULL, ...) {
  verifyclass(f, "im")
  if(!is.null(weight)) {
      weight <- as.im(weight, W=as.owin(f))
    f <- f * weight
  typ <- f$type
  if(!any(typ == c("integer", "real", "complex", "logical")))
    stop(paste("Don't know how to integrate an image of type", sQuote(typ)))
  if(is.tess(domain)) {
    doh <- as.im(domain, W=as.mask(f))
    fx <- as.vector(as.matrix(f))
    dx <- factor(as.integer(as.matrix(doh)))
    a <- tapplysum(fx, list(dx)) * with(f, xstep * ystep)
    names(a) <- tilenames(domain)
    f <- f[domain, drop=FALSE, tight=TRUE]
  a <- with(f, sum(v, na.rm=TRUE) * xstep * ystep)

conform.imagelist <- function(X, Zlist) {
  # determine points of X where all images in Zlist are defined
  ok <- rep.int(TRUE, length(X$x))
  for(i in seq_along(Zlist)) {
    Zi <- Zlist[[i]]
    ZiX <- Zi[X, drop=FALSE]
    ok <- ok & !is.na(ZiX)

split.im <- function(x, f, ..., drop=FALSE) {
  if(inherits(f, "tess")) 
    subsets <- tiles(f)
  else if(is.im(f)) {
    if(f$type != "factor")
      f <- eval.im(factor(f))
    subsets <- tiles(tess(image=f))
  } else stop("f should be a tessellation or a factor-valued image")
  if(!is.subset.owin(as.owin(x), as.owin(f)))
    stop("f does not cover the window of x")
  n <- length(subsets)
  out <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
  names(out) <- names(subsets)
  for(i in 1:n)
    out[[i]] <- x[subsets[[i]], drop=drop]

by.im <- function(data, INDICES, FUN, ...) {
  V <- split(data, INDICES)
  U <- lapply(V, FUN, ...)
  return(as.solist(U, demote=TRUE))

rebound.im <- function(x, rect) {
  rect <- as.rectangle(rect)
  stopifnot(is.subset.owin(as.rectangle(x), rect))
  # compute number of extra rows/columns
  dx <- x$xstep
  nleft  <- max(0, floor((x$xrange[1L]-rect$xrange[1L])/dx))
  nright <- max(0, floor((rect$xrange[2L]-x$xrange[2L])/dx))
  dy <- x$ystep
  nbot <- max(0, floor((x$yrange[1L]-rect$yrange[1L])/dy))
  ntop <- max(0, floor((rect$yrange[2L]-x$yrange[2L])/dy))
  # determine exact x and y ranges (to preserve original pixel locations)
  xrange.new <- x$xrange + c(-nleft, nright) * dx
  yrange.new <- x$yrange + c(-nbot,  ntop) * dy
  # expand pixel data matrix
  nr <- x$dim[1L]
  nc <- x$dim[2L]
  nrnew <- nbot  + nr + ntop
  ncnew <- nleft + nc + nright
  naval <- switch(x$type,
  vnew <- matrix(naval, nrnew, ncnew)
  if(x$type != "factor") {
    vnew[nbot + (1:nr), nleft + (1:nc)] <- x$v
  } else {
    vnew[nbot + (1:nr), nleft + (1:nc)] <- as.integer(x$v)
    vnew <- factor(vnew, labels=levels(x))
    dim(vnew) <- c(nrnew, ncnew)
  # build new image object
  xnew <- im(vnew,
             xrange = xrange.new,
             yrange = yrange.new,
             unitname = unitname(x))

sort.im <- function(x, ...) {
  verifyclass(x, "im")
  sort(as.vector(as.matrix(x)), ...)

dim.im <- function(x) { x$dim }

# colour images
rgbim <- function(R, G, B, A=NULL, maxColorValue=255, autoscale=FALSE) {
  if(autoscale) {
    R <- scaletointerval(R, 0, maxColorValue)
    G <- scaletointerval(G, 0, maxColorValue)
    B <- scaletointerval(B, 0, maxColorValue)
      A <- scaletointerval(A, 0, maxColorValue)
  Z <- eval.im(factor(rgbNA(as.vector(R), as.vector(G), as.vector(B),

hsvim <- function(H, S, V, A=NULL, autoscale=FALSE) {
  if(autoscale) {
    H <- scaletointerval(H, 0, 1)
    S <- scaletointerval(S, 0, 1)
    V <- scaletointerval(V, 0, 1)
      A <- scaletointerval(A, 0, 1)
  Z <- eval.im(factor(hsvNA(as.vector(H), as.vector(S), as.vector(V),

scaletointerval <- function(x, from=0, to=1, xrange=range(x)) {

scaletointerval.default <- function(x, from=0, to=1, xrange=range(x)) {
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  rr <- if(missing(xrange)) range(x, na.rm=TRUE) else as.numeric(xrange)
  b <- as.numeric(to - from)/diff(rr)
  if(is.finite(b)) {
    y <- from + b * (x - rr[1L])
  } else {
    y <- (from+to)/2 + 0 * x
  y[] <- pmin(pmax(y[], from), to)

scaletointerval.im <- function(x, from=0, to=1, xrange=range(x)) {
  v <- scaletointerval(x$v, from, to, xrange=xrange)
  y <- im(v, x$xcol, x$yrow, x$xrange, x$yrange, unitname(x))

zapsmall.im <- function(x, digits) {
  return(eval.im(zapsmall(x, digits=digits)))

domain.im <- Window.im <- function(X, ...) { as.owin(X) }

"Window<-.im" <- function(X, ..., value) {
  verifyclass(value, "owin")
  X[value, drop=FALSE]

padimage <- function(X, value=NA, n=1, W=NULL) {
  stopifnot(length(value) == 1)
  if(!missing(n) && !is.null(W)) 
    stop("Arguments n and W are incompatible", call.=FALSE)
  padW <- !is.null(W)
  if(isfac <- (X$type == "factor")) {
    ## handle factors
    levX <- levels(X)
    if(is.factor(value)) {
      stopifnot(identical(levels(X), levels(value)))
    } else {
      value <- factor(value, levels=levX)
    X <- eval.im(as.integer(X))
    value <- as.integer(value)
  if(!padW) {
    ## pad by 'n' pixels
    nn <- rep(n, 4)
    nleft   <- nn[1L]
    nright  <- nn[2L]
    nbottom <- nn[3L]
    ntop    <- nn[4L]
  } else {
    ## pad out to window W
    FX <- Frame(X)
    B <- boundingbox(Frame(W), FX)
    nleft   <- max(1, round((FX$xrange[1L] - B$xrange[1L])/X$xstep))
    nright  <- max(1, round((B$xrange[2L] - FX$xrange[2L])/X$xstep))
    nbottom <- max(1, round((FX$yrange[1L] - B$yrange[1L])/X$ystep))
    ntop    <- max(1, round((B$yrange[2L] - FX$yrange[2L])/X$ystep))
  mX <- as.matrix(X)
  dd <- dim(mX)
  mX <- cbind(matrix(value, dd[1L], nleft, byrow=TRUE),
              matrix(value, dd[1L], nright, byrow=TRUE))
  dd <- dim(mX)
  mX <- rbind(matrix(rev(value), nbottom, dd[2L]),
              matrix(value, ntop, dd[2L]))
  xcol <- with(X,
               c(xcol[1L]     - (nleft:1) * xstep,
                 xcol[length(xcol)] + (1:nright) * xstep))
  yrow <- with(X,
               c(yrow[1L]     - (nbottom:1) * ystep,
                 yrow[length(yrow)] + (1:ntop) * ystep))
  xr <- with(X, xrange + c(-nleft, nright) * xstep)
  yr <- with(X, yrange + c(-nbottom, ntop) * ystep)
  Y <- im(mX,
          xcol=xcol, yrow=yrow, xrange=xr, yrange=yr,
    Y <- eval.im(factor(Y, levels=seq_along(levX), labels=levX))
  if(padW && !is.rectangle(W)) 
    Y <- Y[W, drop=FALSE]

as.function.im <- function(x, ...) {
  Z <- x
  f <- function(x,y) { Z[list(x=x, y=y)] }
  g <- funxy(f, Window(x))

anyNA.im <- function(x, recursive=FALSE) {

ZeroValue <- function(x) {

ZeroValue.im <- function(x) {
  lev <- levels(x)
  z <- switch(x$type,
              factor  = factor(lev[1L], levels=lev),
              integer = integer(1L),
              logical = logical(1L),
              real    = numeric(1L),
              complex = complex(1L),
              character = character(1L),

## replace 'NA' pixel values with a specified value

fillNA <- function(x, value=0) {
  v <- x$v
  v[is.na(v)] <- value
  x$v <- v

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spatstat.geom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:09 a.m.