
Defines functions plot_AtCtEt_h

plot_AtCtEt_h <- function(AtCtEt, boot=FALSE, xlab, ylab, main, col)
		stop('The first parameter must be an object obtained from the AtCtEt or acetp_mcmc function.')

			stop('Please first run the AtCtEt model with bootstrapping.')
		model_cur <- AtCtEt

		l_a <- model_cur$n_beta_a
		l_c <- model_cur$n_beta_c
		l_e <- model_cur$n_beta_e
		{stop('The current model has no additive genetic component.')}

		#pheno_m <- c(t(data_m[,1:2]))
		#pheno_d <- c(t(data_d[,1:2]))
		#T_m <- rep(data_m[,3], each=2)
		#T_d <- rep(data_d[,3], each=2)
		n_beta <- 1:(l_a+l_c+l_e)
		order <- 3
		x <- seq(from=model_cur$min_t, to=model_cur$max_t, length.out=500)
			bb_a <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_a, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
			bb_a <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_a, x = x, ord=1, outer.ok = TRUE)
			bb_c <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_c, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
			bb_c <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_c, x = x, ord=1, outer.ok = TRUE)
			bb_e <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_e, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
			bb_e <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_e, x = x, ord=1, outer.ok = TRUE)

		points_a <- exp(bb_a%*%model_cur$beta_a)
		points_c <- exp(bb_c%*%model_cur$beta_c)
		points_e <- exp(bb_e%*%model_cur$beta_e)
		points_h <- points_a/(points_a+points_c+points_e)	

		#fisher <- solve(model_cur$hessian[2:(1+l_a+l_c),2:(1+l_a+l_c)])
		max_v <- 1
		plot(range(x), c(0,max_v), type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
		index <- 1
		# bb <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_a, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
		lines(x, points_h, col = col[1], lwd = 2)
		#lines(x, points_c, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
		#lines(x, points_e, col = "pink", lwd = 2)

		if(boot == TRUE)
			lines(AtCtEt$boot$x, AtCtEt$boot$lower.ci_h, col = "grey" ,lty = 2 , lwd = 0.6)
			lines(AtCtEt$boot$x, AtCtEt$boot$upper.ci_h, col = "grey" ,lty = 2 , lwd = 0.6)
			polygon(c(AtCtEt$boot$x, rev(AtCtEt$boot$x)),c(AtCtEt$boot$upper.ci_h, rev(AtCtEt$boot$lower.ci_h)),col='grey',border = NA, lty=3, density=20)
			fisher <- solve(model_cur$hessian[n_beta,n_beta])
		    e_a <- rep(0,length(x))
			{e_a <- exp(bb_c%*%model_cur$beta_c-bb_a%*%model_cur$beta_a)}
			e_b <- exp(bb_e%*%model_cur$beta_e-bb_a%*%model_cur$beta_a)
			lower <- rep(NA, length(x))
			upper <- rep(NA, length(x))
			sd <- rep(NA, length(x))
			flag <- 0
			for(i in 1:length(x))
			    P <- matrix(NA,2,l_a+l_c+l_e)
				  P[1,] <- c((-1)*bb_a[i,],bb_c[i,],rep(0,l_e))
				  P[2,] <- c((-1)*bb_a[i,],rep(0,l_c),bb_e[i,])
				  Sigma <- P%*%fisher%*%t(P)
				  delta <- t(c(e_a[i],e_b[i]))%*%Sigma%*%c(e_a[i],e_b[i])
				  delta <- delta*((1+e_a[i]+e_b[i])^(-4))
				  P <- matrix(NA,1,l_a+l_e)
				  P[1,] <- c((-1)*bb_a[i,],bb_e[i,])
				  Sigma <- P%*%fisher%*%t(P)
				  delta <- t(e_b[i])%*%Sigma%*%e_b[i]
				  delta <- delta*((1+e_b[i])^(-4))

				sd[i] <- sqrt(delta)
				esti <- 1/(1+e_a[i]+e_b[i])
				lower[i] <- esti - 1.96*sd[i]
				upper[i] <- esti + 1.96*sd[i]
				}else{flag <- 1}
			lower <- ifelse(lower<0, 0, lower)
			upper <- ifelse(upper>max_v, max_v, upper)	
			if(flag == 0)
			lines(x, lower, col = "grey" ,lty = 2 , lwd = 0.6)
			lines(x, upper, col = "grey" ,lty = 2 , lwd = 0.6)
			polygon(c(x, rev(x)),c(upper, rev(lower)),col='grey',border = NA, lty=3, density=20)
			}else{warning('Please try the bootstrap method for the confidence interval or use a different model.')}
		} # boot == FALSE
	# legend(x[1], max_v, c('Additive genetic component','Common environmental component', 'Unique environmental component'), col = c('red','blue','pink'), lty=c(1,1,1), lwd=c(2,2,2))
		model_cur <- AtCtEt

		l_a <- length(model_cur$beta_a_mc)
		l_c <- length(model_cur$beta_c_mc)
		l_e <- length(model_cur$beta_e_mc)
		{stop('The current model has no additive genetic component.')}

		order <- 3
		p_n <- 500
		x <- seq(from=model_cur$min_t, to=model_cur$max_t, length.out=p_n)
		t_int <- model_cur$max_t-model_cur$min_t
		l_m_1 <- (model_cur$max_t-x)/t_int
		l_m_2 <- (x-model_cur$min_t)/t_int

			bb_a <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_a, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
				bb_a <- matrix(NA, p_n, 2)
				bb_a[,1] <- l_m_1
				bb_a[,2] <- l_m_2
				bb_a <- matrix(1, p_n, 1)
		points_a <- exp(bb_a%*%model_cur$beta_a_mc)

			bb_c <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_c, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
				bb_c <- matrix(NA, p_n, 2)
				bb_c[,1] <- l_m_1
				bb_c[,2] <- l_m_2
				bb_c <- matrix(1, p_n, 1)
		points_c <- exp(bb_c%*%model_cur$beta_c_mc)

			bb_e <- splineDesign(model_cur$knots_e, x = x, ord=order, outer.ok = TRUE)
				bb_e <- matrix(NA, p_n, 2)
				bb_e[,1] <- l_m_1
				bb_e[,2] <- l_m_2
				bb_e <- matrix(1, p_n, 1)
		points_e <- exp(bb_e%*%model_cur$beta_e_mc)

		points_h <- points_a/(points_a+points_c+points_e)	

		fisher <- model_cur$cov_mc
		#fisher <- matrix(0, l_a+l_c+l_e, l_a+l_c+l_e)
		#fisher[1:l_a, 1:l_a] <- model_cur$cov_a
		#fisher[(1+l_a):(l_a+l_c), (1+l_a):(l_a+l_c)] <- model_cur$cov_c
		#fisher[(1+l_a+l_c):(l_a+l_c+l_e), (1+l_a+l_c):(l_a+l_c+l_e)] <- model_cur$cov_e
		max_v <- 1
		plot(range(x), c(0,max_v), type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)

		lines(x, points_h, col = col[1], lwd = 2)
		e_a <- exp(bb_c%*%model_cur$beta_c_mc-bb_a%*%model_cur$beta_a_mc)
		e_b <- exp(bb_e%*%model_cur$beta_e_mc-bb_a%*%model_cur$beta_a_mc)
		lower <- rep(NA, length(x))
		upper <- rep(NA, length(x))
		sd <- rep(NA, length(x))
		flag <- 0
		for(i in 1:length(x))
			P <- matrix(NA,2,l_a+l_c+l_e)
			P[1,] <- c((-1)*bb_a[i,],bb_c[i,],rep(0,l_e))
			P[2,] <- c((-1)*bb_a[i,],rep(0,l_c),bb_e[i,])

			Sigma <- P%*%fisher%*%t(P)
			delta <- t(c(e_a[i],e_b[i]))%*%Sigma%*%c(e_a[i],e_b[i])
			delta <- delta*((1+e_a[i]+e_b[i])^(-4))
				sd[i] <- sqrt(delta)
				esti <- 1/(1+e_a[i]+e_b[i])
				lower[i] <- esti - 1.96*sd[i]
				upper[i] <- esti + 1.96*sd[i]
			}else{flag <- 1}
		lower <- ifelse(lower<0, 0, lower)
		upper <- ifelse(upper>max_v, max_v, upper)	
		if(flag == 0)
			lines(x, lower, col = "grey" ,lty = 2 , lwd = 0.6)
			lines(x, upper, col = "grey" ,lty = 2 , lwd = 0.6)
			polygon(c(x, rev(x)),c(upper, rev(lower)),col='grey',border = NA, lty=3, density=20)
		}else{warning('Please try the bootstrap method for the confidence interval or use a different model.')}

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