Man pages for ASSET
An R package for subset-based association analysis of heterogeneous traits and subtypes

ASSETAssociation analysis for SubSETs
dataData for the h.traits example
h.forestPlotForest plot for meta-analysis of heterogenerous traits or...
h.summarysummary results from subset-search.
h.traitsHeterogeneous traits or studies
h.typesHeterogeneous Subtype analysis
p.dlmDiscrete Local Maxima approximate p-value.
p.dlm.lsDiscrete Local Maxima approximate p-value.
p.tubeImportance sampling-based estimated p-value.
z.maxZ-score Maximization
z.max.lsZ-score Maximization
ASSET documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.