Man pages for BGLR
Bayesian Generalized Linear Regression

BGLRBayesian Generalized Linear Regression
BLRBayesian Linear Regression
micemice dataset
mice.APedigree info for the mice dataset
mice.phenoPhenotypical data for the mice dataset
mice.XMolecular markers
plot.BGLRPlots for BGLR Analysis
predict.BGLRModel Predictions
residuals.BGLRExtracts models residuals
summary.BGLRsummary for BGLR fitted models
wheatwheat dataset
wheat.APedigree info for the wheat dataset
wheat.setsSets for cross validation (CV)
wheat.XMolecular markers
wheat.YGrain yield
BGLR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:53 p.m.