Man pages for DCchoice
Analyzing Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Data

APAlbemarle-Pamlico sounds CVM data
bootCICalculating confidence intervals for WTP using a...
CarsonExxon Valdez Oil Spill CVM data
ct2dfConvert a data frame in contingency-table format into a...
dbchoiceParametric approach to analyze double-bounded dichotomous...
DCchoice-packageDCchoice: a package for analyzing dichotomous choice...
KRKristr\"om's single-bounded dichotomous choice CVM data
krCICalculating confidence intervals for WTP using a parametric...
kristromThe Kristr\"om's nonparametric approach to analyze...
oohbchoiceParametric approach to analyze one-and-one-half-bound...
oohbsynSynthetic data set for oohbchoice()
plot.dbchoicePlotting dbchoice objects
plot.kristromPlotting 'kristrom' objects
plot.sbchoicePlotting sbchoice objects
plot.turnbullPlotting 'turnbull' objects
predict.dbchoicePredicting model for dbchoice
predict.sbchoicePredicting model for sbchoice
sbchoiceParametric approach to analyze single-bounded dichotomous...
summary.dbchoiceSummarizing 'dbchoice' estimation
summary.kristromSummarizing the Kristr\"om's nonparametric estimation of WTP
summary.sbchoiceSummarizing 'sbchoice' estimation
summary.turnbullSummarizing the Kaplan-Meier-Turnbull nonparametric...
turnbullThe Kaplan-Meier-Turnbull nonparametric approach to analyze...
update.dbchoiceUpdating and refitting model for dbchoice
update.sbchoiceUpdating and refitting model for sbchoice
DCchoice documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:44 p.m.