
Defines functions treatPath

Documented in treatPath

treatPath <- function(intrnpath, type = "R") {
    if (length(intrnpath) > 1) {
        if (type == "R") {
            stop("The lbls argument should contain a single path to the list object.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
        else if (type == "csv") {
            stop("The csvfile argument should contain a single path to the .csv file.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
    currdir <- getwd()
    ## MUST USE:
    # basename(path)
    # dirname(path)
    # normalizePath() to deal with the symbolic links, relative paths and absolute paths
    ## file_test() determines if basename is a file or a folder
    # file_test("-d", basename(path))
    lastpart <- basename(intrnpath)
    pathname <- dirname(intrnpath)
    # check if a path exists, before the lastpart
    pathexists <- pathname != "."
    # return(list(lastpart=lastpart, pathname=pathname, pathexists=pathexists, file=lastpartisfile))
    if (pathexists) {
        if (!file.exists(pathname)) {
            stop(paste("Cannot find the path up to \"", pathname, "\".\n",
                       "Please check that path, or try changing the working directory.\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
    allfiles <- FALSE
    if (!file.exists(file.path(pathname, lastpart))) {
        filesplit <- unlist(strsplit(lastpart, split="\\."))
        if (length(filesplit) >= 2) {
            if (filesplit[1] == "*") {
                allfiles <- TRUE
        if (!allfiles) {
            stop(paste("There is no \"", lastpart, "\" in the directory \"", pathname, "/\".\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
    completePath <- pathname
    fileobj <- "" # a default neutral value
    if (allfiles) {
        fileobj <- getFiles(dirpath = ".", type = filesplit[2])
        if (length(fileobj) > 1) { # otherwise it's just an error message from getFiles()
            files <- fileobj$files
            filenames <- fileobj$filenames
            fileext <- toupper(fileobj$fileext)
    else {
        if (file_test("-d", file.path(pathname, lastpart))) {
            # if it's a subfolder
            completePath <- file.path(pathname, lastpart)
            fileobj <- getFiles(dirpath = completePath, type = type)
            if (length(fileobj) > 1) { # otherwise it's just an error message from getFiles()
                files <- fileobj$files
                filenames <- fileobj$filenames
                fileext <- toupper(fileobj$fileext)
        else {
            files <- lastpart
            filesplit <- unlist(strsplit(lastpart, split="\\."))
            filenames <- filesplit[1]
            fileext <- toupper(paste(filesplit[seq(2, length(filesplit))], collapse="."))
    if (length(fileobj) == 1) {
        if (fileobj != "") {
    return(list(completePath=completePath, files=files, filenames=filenames, fileext=fileext))

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DDIwR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:19 p.m.