DeducerEZ: Implementation of some functions from package sQuote(ez) for...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References See Also


Deducer plug-in enabling the analysis of factorial ANOVA designs, including within-subjects and mixed designs. Includes functions for reshaping within-subjects data from wide to long format.


DeducerEZ(data, dv, wid, between = NULL, observed = NULL, within = NULL, type = 3, detailed = FALSE, descriptives = FALSE, Tukey = FALSE, x = NULL, split = NULL, x_lab = NULL, y_lab = NULL, split_lab = NULL, test.var = NULL, at.var = NULL, var.equal = FALSE, p.adjust.method = "holm")



A data.frame containing the variables to be analyzed.


A dot object such as .(dv). The dependent variable.


A dot object such as .(wid). A unique identifier for each case or subject in the dataset. Will be converted to factor (with a warning).


Dot object such as .(payment,courtesy). A vector of between-subjects factors to be included in the model.


Dot object such as .(status). A vector of observed (not manipulated) factors to be included in the model, distinguished only for calculations of generalized eta squared (see Bakeman, 2005).


Dot object such as .(time). A vector of within-subjects factors. If data are in wide format (one row per subject), the data will need to be converted to long format, in which a new variable is added that identifies the level of the within-subjects factor for a particular observation.


Type of Sum of Squares, using the SAS sQuote(Type II) or sQuote(Type III) terminology. Type 3 is the default, and tests the effects of each factor by comparing the fit of a model with all the terms to the fit of a model with all the terms except the one being tested. To provide results comparable to those produced by SPSS and SAS, DeducerEZ stipulates options(contrasts=c(contr.sum,contr.poly)).


Logical. Should detailed output, including Sum of Squares for each factor, be provided? Default is FALSE.


Logical. Should descriptive statistics for the model be provided? Default is FALSE.


Logical. If true, Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference for all possible pairs is computed on all between-subjects factors and interactions of between-subjects factors. This is accomplished by first constructing a linear model by crossing all between-subjects factors, calling aov on the lm, and then calling TukeyHSD on the aov.


Variable to be plotted along the x-axis. If blank, no plot is generated.


Variable to be used in the legend. Can be left blank to create a plot with just one factor.


Character string used for the label of the x-axis.


Character string used for the label of the y-axis.


Character string used for the label of the legend.


Dot object such as .(payment) specifying the factor levels which will be compared (in pairs) using the sme (Simple Main Effects) function.


Dot object such as .(courtesy). Levels of test.var will be compared AT each level of at.var. Passed to the sme function.


Logical value. Are the variances of the cells in the factorial design assumed to be equal? Default is FALSE. Passed to the sme function.


One of the character vector values of p.adjust.method. See help(p.adjust) for accepted values.


Returns a list of data.frames.

Model Details

A summary of the model details.


The second is the results of the ANOVA, including SS if they are requested in sQuote(detailed).

Levene's test

The third can be Levene's test for equality of variances if there are only between-subjects factors.


If they are requested, the last item is descriptive statistics: N, mean, SD.

Tests of Simple Main Effects

Output from the sme (Simple Main Effects) function. See help(sme) for details.


Bill Altermatt


Bakeman, R. (2005). Recommended effect size statistics for repeated measures designs. Behavior Research Methods, 37 (3), 379-384.

See Also


DeducerANOVA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:11 p.m.