
#' Derives prob ( X + Y < quantile) using Product copula
#' If X and Y are position P/Ls, then the VaR is equal to minus quantile. In
#' such cases, we insert the negative of the VaR as the quantile, and the
#' function gives us the value of 1 minus VaR confidence level. In other
#' words, if X and Y are position P/Ls, the quantile is the negative of the
#' VaR, and the output is 1 minus the VaR confidence level.
#' @param quantile Portfolio quantile (or negative of Var, if X, Y are position P/Ls)
#' @param mu1 Mean of Profit/Loss on first position 
#' @param mu2 Mean of Profit/Loss on second position
#' @param sigma1 Standard Deviation of Profit/Loss on first position
#' @param sigma2 Standard Deviation of Profit/Loss on second position
#' @return Probability of X + Y being less than quantile
#' @references Dowd, K. Measuring Market Risk, Wiley, 2007.
#' Dowd, K. and Fackler, P. Estimating VaR with copulas. Financial Engineering
#' News, 2004.
#' @author Dinesh Acharya
#' @examples
#'    # Prob ( X + Y < q ) using Product Copula for X with mean 2.3 and std. .2
#'    # and Y with mean 4.5 and std. 1.5 with beta 1.2 at 0.9 quantile
#'    CdfOfSumUsingProductCopula(0.9, 2.3, 4.5, 1.2, 1.5)
#' @export
CdfOfSumUsingProductCopula <- function(quantile, mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2){
  # Define w variable
  w.min <- 0.001
  w.max <- 0.999 # Specify min and max of w
  dw <- 0.001 # Specify incremental change in w
  w <- seq(w.min, w.max, dw) # Define w-variable going from min to max in units of size dw
  # Obtain 'first' and 'second' sets of copula values corresponding to 
  # values of w (NB: The difference between the 'first' and 'second' goes 
  # into the calculation of the approximate copula differential)
  first.copula <- double(length(w)) # initialize variables
  second.copula <- double(length(w))
  approximate.copula.differential <- double(length(w))
  for (i in 1:length(w)) {
    first.copula[i] <- ProductCopula(w[i], 
                                    pnorm(quantile - qnorm(w[i], mu1, sigma1), mu2, sigma2))
  for (i in 2:length(w)) {
    second.copula[i] <- ProductCopula(w[i] - dw, 
                                     pnorm(quantile - qnorm(w[i], mu1, sigma1), mu2, sigma2))
  # Obtain approximate copula differentials from the above
  for (i in 2:length(w)){
    approximate.copula.differential[i] <- (first.copula[i]-second.copula[i])/dw
  y<- sum(approximate.copula.differential) * dw

ProductCopula <- function(u, v){
  # Derives value of Product Copula
  # u is value of first marginal for random variable X
  # v is value of second marginal for random variable Y
  # beta parameter for Product Copula
  y <- u * v

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