
#### see http://adv-r.had.co.nz/S3.html
#### for the advices on best practices for a S3 class  

######### Create a construction method that checks the types of the input, 
# and returns a list with the correct class label. XXX <- function(...) {}

#' A S3 class for univariate functional data on a common grid
#' The hmatrix class represents data for a functional historical effect. 
#' The class is basically a matrix containing the time and the id for the observations of the 
#' functional response. The functional covariate is contained as attribute. 
#' @param time set of argument values of the response in long format, 
#' i.e. at which \code{t} the response curve is observed
#' @param id specify to which curve the point belongs to, id from 1, 2, ..., n.  
#' @param x matrix of functional covariate, each trajectory is in one row 
#' @param argvals set of argument values, i.e., the common gird at which the functional covariate 
#' is observed, by default \code{1:ncol(x)}
#' @param timeLab name of the time axis, by default \code{t}
#' @param idLab name of the id variable, by default \code{wideIndex}
#' @param xLab name of the functional variable, by default NULL
#' @param argvalsLab name of the argument for the covariate by default \code{s}
#' @details In the hmatrix class the id has to run from i=1, 2, ..., n including all integers from 1 to n. 
#' The rows of the functional covariate x correspond to those observations. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{getTime.hmatrix}} to extract attributes, 
#' and ?"[.hmatrix" for the extract method. 
#' @examples 
#' ## Example for a hmatrix object
#' t1 <- rep((1:5)/2, each=3)
#' id1 <- rep(1:3, 5)
#' x1 <- matrix(1:15, ncol=5) 
#' s1 <- (1:5)/2 
#' myhmatrix <- hmatrix(time=t1, id=id1, x=x1, argvals=s1, timeLab="t1", argvalsLab="s1", xLab="test")
#' # extract with [ keeps attributes 
#' # select observations of subjects 2 and 3
#' myhmatrixSub <- myhmatrix[id1 %in% c(2,3),]  
#' str(myhmatrixSub)
#' getX(myhmatrixSub)
#' getX(myhmatrix)
#' # get time
#' myhmatrix[,1] # as column matrix as drop=FALSE
#' getTime(myhmatrix) # as vector
#' # get id
#' myhmatrix[,2] # as column matrix as drop=FALSE
#' getId(myhmatrix) # as vector
#' # subset hmatrix on the basis of an index, which is defined on the curve level
#' reweightData(data = list(hmat = myhmatrix), vars = "hmat", index = c(1,1,2))
#' # this keeps only the unique x values in attr(,'x') but multiplies the corresponding
#' # ids and times in the time id matrix 
#' # for bhistx baselearner, there may be an additional id variable for the tensor product
#' newdat <- reweightData(data = list(hmat = myhmatrix, 
#'   repIDx = rep(1:nrow(attr(myhmatrix,'x')), length(attr(myhmatrix,"argvals")))), 
#'   vars = "hmat", index = c(1,1,2), idvars="repIDx")
#' length(newdat$repIDx) 
#' ## use hmatrix within a data.frame
#' mydat <- data.frame(I(myhmatrix), z=rnorm(3)[id1])
#' str(mydat)
#' str(mydat[id1 %in% c(2,3),])
#' str(myhmatrix[id1 %in% c(2,3),])
#' @export
hmatrix <- function(time, id, x, argvals=1:ncol(x), 
                    timeLab="t", idLab="wideIndex", xLab="x", argvalsLab="s"){
  ## check that id is integer valued containing 1, 2, 3, ..., n 
  ## and that x has n rows
  stopifnot( all(sort(unique(id)) == 1:nrow(x)) )  
  # convert x to a matrix, especially if x is of class AsIs
  # <FIXME> is there a more elegant way for this?
  x <- matrix(x, ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))  
  #### check argvals and x
  if( any(duplicated(argvals)) ){
    stop("argvals contains duplicates.")
  if( is.unsorted(argvals) ){
    stop("argvals is not sorted.")
  if (ncol(x)!=length(argvals)) {
    stop(quote(x), " must have same number of columns as the length of ", quote(s), ".")
  ret <- matrix(c(time, id), ncol=2)
  colnames(ret) <- c("time","id")
  ## ret <- data.frame(time=time, id=id) # use matrix to use hmatrix within a data.frame
  attr(ret, "x") <- x
  attr(ret, "argvals") <- argvals
  attr(ret, "timeLab") <- timeLab
  attr(ret, "idLab") <- idLab 
  attr(ret, "xLab") <- xLab
  attr(ret, "argvalsLab") <- argvalsLab
  class(ret) <- c("hmatrix", class(ret)) 

### Define the generic methods
#' Generic functions to asses attributes of functional data objects
#' Extract attributes of an object.  
#' @param object an R-object, currently implemented for hmatrix and fmatrix
#' @details Extract the time variable \code{getTime}, the id\code{getId}, 
#' the functional covariate \code{getX}, its argument values \code{getArgvals}. 
#' Or the names of the different variables \code{getTimeLab}, 
#' \code{getIdLab}, \code{getXLab}, \code{getArgvalsLab}. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{hmatrix}} for the h.atrix class. 
#' @aliases getId getX getArgvals getTimeLab getIdLab getXLab getArgvalsLab
#' @export
getTime <- function(object) { UseMethod("getTime", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getId <- function(object) { UseMethod("getId", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getX <- function(object) { UseMethod("getX", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getArgvals <- function(object) { UseMethod("getArgvals", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getTimeLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getTimeLab", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getIdLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getIdLab", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getXLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getXLab", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getArgvalsLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getArgvalsLab", object) }

#' Extract attributes of hmatrix
#' Extract attributes of an object of class \code{hmatrix}.  
#' @param object object of class hmatrix
#' @details Extract the time variable \code{getTime}, the id\code{getId}, 
#' the functional covariate \code{getX}, its argument values \code{getArgvals}. 
#' Or the names of the different variables \code{getTimeLab}, 
#' \code{getIdLab}, \code{getXLab}, \code{getArgvalsLab} for an object of class \code{hmatrix}.  
#' @aliases getId.hmatrix getX.hmatrix getArgvals.hmatrix getTimeLab.hmatrix getXLab.hmatrix getArgvalsLab.hmatrix
#' @export
getTime.hmatrix <- function(object) object[ , 1, drop=TRUE]

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getId.hmatrix <- function(object)  object[ , 2, drop=TRUE]

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getX.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "x")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getArgvals.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "argvals")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getTimeLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "timeLab")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getIdLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "idLab")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getXLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "xLab")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getArgvalsLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "argvalsLab")

######### Write a function to check if an object is of your class: 
# is.XXX <- function(x) inherits(x, "XXX")
#' Test to class of hmatrix
#' is.hmatrix tests if its argument is an object of class hmatrix.   
#' @param object object of class hmatrix
#' @export
is.hmatrix <- function(object){
  inherits(object, "hmatrix")

######### When implementing a vector class, you should implement these methods: 
# length, [, [<-, [[, [[<-, c. (If [ is implemented rev, head, and tail should all work).

#' Extract or replace parts of a hmatrix-object
#' Operator acting on hmatrix preserving the attributes when rows are extracted.  
#' @param x object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).
#' @param i,j indices specifying elements to extract or replace. Indices are numeric 
#' vectors or empty (missing) or NULL. Numeric values are coerced to integer as by as.integer 
#' (and hence truncated towards zero). 
#' @param ... not used
#' @param drop  If \code{TRUE} the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension 
#' (or just a matrix). This only works for extracting elements, not for the 
#' replacement, defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @details If used on columns or rows/columns a matrix is returned. 
#' If used on rows only, i.e. x[i,] an object of class hmatrix is returned. 
#' The id is changed so that it runs from 1, ..., nNew, where nNew is the number of different 
#' id values in the new hmatrix-object. 
#' From the functional covariate \code{x} rows are selected accordingly.
#' @seealso ?"["
#' @export 
`[.hmatrix` <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
  # number of arguments without drop
  Narg <- nargs() - (!missing(drop)) 
  # save attributs of x
  xAttr <- attributes(x) 
  ## use "[" method as for a matrix
  r <- NextMethod("[", drop=drop)
  class(r) <- class(r)[class(r)!="hmatrix"] 
  ## x[i] return column i 
  if(Narg == 2){
  ## x[i,] whole rows are selected 
  ## the is.symbol(j) is used if hmatrix is part of a data.frame using I()
  if(missing(j) || is.symbol(j)){ 
    tempId <- r[ ,2] # get the id of the corresponding rows
    tempId <- (1:length(unique(tempId)))[factor(tempId)]  # transform the id to 1, 2, 3, ...        
    return( hmatrix(time=r[ ,1], id=tempId, 
                  x=xAttr$x[unique(r[ ,2]), , drop=FALSE], argvals = xAttr$argvals, 
                  timeLab = xAttr$timeLab, idLab = xAttr$idLab, xLab = xAttr$xLab, argvalsLab = xAttr$argvalsLab) )
  # x[i,j] select on rows and colums, or only columns x[,j]

#' Transform id and time of wide format into long format
#' Transform id and time from wide format into long format, i.e., time and id are 
#' repeated accordingly so that two vectors of the same length are returned. 
#' @param time the observation points
#' @param id the id for the curve 
#' @export
wide2long <- function(time, id){
  newtime <- rep(time, each=length(unique(id)))
  newid <- rep(id, length(time))
  return(list(time=newtime, id=newid))

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