
factorModelSimulation <- function(n.sim=5000, factorBetas, factorData, residualMoments,
        residual.dist = c("normal","Cornish-Fisher", "skew-t")) {
    ## Simulate performance for specified funds from fitted factor models
    ## Simulations are computed using a semi-parametric methodology. Factor performance
    ## is simulated by bootstrapping with replacement from historical performance, and
    ## a fitted factor model return conditional on factor performance is computed by
    ## applying estimated factor model coefficients to the bootstrapped factor performance.
    ## Residuals are simulated parametrically from one of three distributions: normal
    ## distribution, Cornish-Fisher distribution, skew-t distribution. Unconditional
    ## performance is then computed by adding the risidual simulations to the conditional
    ## performance.
    ## inputs:
    ## n.sim            scalar, number of simulations
    ## factorBetas      n.fund x k matrix of factor model betas for n.fund funds
    ## factorData       n x k matrix of historical factor performance
    ## residualMoments  n.fund x 7 vector of residual moments with columns sigma, skew,
    ##                  ekurt, location, scale, shape, df
    ## residual.dist    character value indicating the residual distribution. Valid choices
    ##                  are "normal" for normal distribution; "Cornish-Fisher" for
    ##                  Cornish-Fisher distribution; "skew-t' for skew-t distribution.
    ## output:
    ## n.sim x n.fund matrix of simulated performance.
    ## Remarks:
    ## 1. The factor model has the form
    ## R(t) = beta'F(t) + e(t), e(t) ~ D(0,theta)
    ## where beta = fitted factor model parameters, F(t) = risk factors, e(t) = residuals,
    ## and theta = parameters of residual distribution D. If D = normal, then theta =
    ## sd; if D = Cornish-Fisher, then theta = (sd, skew, kurt)'; if D = skew-t, then
    ## theta = (location, scale, skew, df)'. Performance is simulated using the following
    ## algorithm:
    ## 1. bootstrap B values of F(t) from historical data giving F*(t), t=1,...,B
    ## 2. Compute conditional performance: R*(t)|F*(t) = beta'F*(t)
    ## 3. Simulate B values of e(t) from parametric distribution giving e*(t), t=1,...,B
    ## 4. Compute marginal performance: R*(t) = R*(t)|F*(t) + e*(t)
    ## 2. The following non-base R functions are used:
    ##    rCornishFisher() from the BaaRiskTools package
    ##    rst() from the sn package
    ## References:
    ## 1. Jiang, Y. (2009). Overcoming Data Challenges in Fund-of-Funds Portfolio Management,
    ##    PhD Thesis, Department of Statistics, University of Washington.
    ## 2. Goodworth, T. and C. Jones (2007). "Factor-based, Non-parametric Risk Measurement
    ##    Framework for Hedge Funds and Fund-of-Funds," The European Journal of Finance.
    factorData = as.matrix(factorData)
    factorBetas = as.matrix(factorBetas)
    residual.dist = residual.dist[1]
    ## bootstrap factor data
    bootIdx = sample(nrow(factorData),  n.sim, replace=TRUE)
    factorDataBoot = factorData[bootIdx, ]
    ## construct bootstrapped returns from factor model
    fundReturnsBoot = matrix(0, n.sim, nrow(factorBetas))
    colnames(fundReturnsBoot) = rownames(factorBetas)
    ## loop over funds
    for (i in 1:nrow(factorBetas)) {
        if (residual.dist == "normal") {
            residualsBoot = as.matrix(rnorm(n.sim, sd=sqrt(residualMoments[i,"sigma"])))
        if (residual.dist == "Cornish-Fisher") {
            residualsBoot = as.matrix(rCornishFisher(n.boot, sigma=(ResidMoments[i,"sigma"]),
        if (residual.dist == "skew-t") {
            residualsBoot = as.matrix(rzt(n.boot, location=ResidMoments[i, "location"],scale=ResidMoments[i, "scale"]))
            shape=ResidMoments[i, "shape"]
            df=ResidMoments[i, "df"]
        fundReturnsBoot[, i] = ( as.matrix(factorDataBoot[, colnames(factorBetas)]) %*% t(factorBetas[i, ,drop=F]) + residualsBoot )

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FactorAnalytics documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:25 p.m.