Man pages for HDPenReg
High-Dimensional Penalized Regression

coeffget coefficients at a given step.
coef.LarsPathCompute coefficients
computeCoefficientsCompute coefficients
EMcvfusedlassocross validation for EM fused-lasso
EMcvlassocross validation for 'EMlasso'
EMfusedlassoEM algorithm for fused-lasso penalty
EMlassoEM algorithm for lasso penalty
HDcvlarscross validation
HDfusionFusion algorithm
HDlarsLars algorithm
HDPenReg-packageAlgorithms for lasso and fused-lasso problems.
LarsPath-classConstructor of LarsPath class
listToMatrixList to sparse matrix conversion
plotCoefficientPlot of coefficients
plot.HDcvlarsplot cross validation mean square error
plot-methodsplot methods for LarsPath object
predict.LarsPathPrediction of response
simulSimulate copy number data for a case-control study.
HDPenReg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:09 p.m.