API for IBDhaploRtools
Functions for the Analysis of IBD Haplo Output.

Global functions
IBDhaploRtools Man page
IBDhaploRtools-package Man page
cumul.sum Man page
get.counts Man page
h.to.g Man page
ibdhap.barplot Man page
ibdhap.compare.loci Man page
ibdhap.compare.segs Man page
ibdhap.make.calls Man page
ibdhap.make.true Man page
ibdhap.names Man page
ibdhap.reduce.states Man page
ibdhap.seg.lengths Man page
ibdhap.summary.calls Man page
ibdhap.transitions Man page
ids_phased Man page
ids_unphased Man page
make.col.vec Man page
meet.cutoff Man page
posvec Man page
qibd_phased Man page
qibd_unphased Man page
removezeros Man page
return.ibd.val Man page
sumcol Man page
trueibd_phased Man page
IBDhaploRtools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.