Man pages for MPsychoR
Modern Psychometrics with R

ageiatTime Series Implicit Association Test (Age)
ASTIAdult Self-Transcendence Inventory
AvalanchePrepPreparanedness Backcountry Skiing
bandprefBand Preferences
BerghGeneralized Prejudice Dataset
BrainIQBrain Size and Intelligence
BSSSBrief Sensation Seeking Scale Questions (BSSS-8)
CEAQChildren's Empathic Attitudes Questionnaire (CEAQ)
chileChile dataset.
condomAttitude towards condoms
FamilyIQFamily Intelligence
HarvardPsychResearch Topics Harvard Psychology Faculty
HRBHealth Risk Behavior
iatfacesImplicit Association Test (Faces)
KoreanSpeechKorean Speech Data
LakesResponse to challenge scale
learnemoLearning related emotions in mathematics
NeuralActivityNeural Activity
PashkamGoal-Directed Visual Processing
PaskvanCognitive appraisal of work intensification
PrivacyInternet Privacy
RmotivationMotivational structure of R package authors
Rmotivation2Psychometric structure of R package authors
RogersCo-Morbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Depression
Rogers_AdolescentCo-Morbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Depression -...
RWDQWork design questionnaire R package authors
SDOwaveLongitudinal Social Dominance Orientation (SDO)
storcapEEG Visual Working Memory Storage Capacity
tensionPerceived Tension in Music Over Time
WenchuanWenchuan PTSD Dataset
WilmerVerbal Paired-Associates Memory Test (VPMT)
WilPatWilson-Patterson Conservatism Scale
yaassYAASS dataset
YouthDepYouth Depression Indicators
zarekiNeuropsychological Test Battery for Number Processing and...
MPsychoR documentation built on June 15, 2020, 3 p.m.