
##					        		                                       ##
##	              INPUT FILE FOR PFIM 3.2                          ##

#Name of the project
project <- "Example 5 "

#Name of the file containing the PK or PD model
file.model <- "model.r"

#Name of the output file for the results
output <- "Stdout.r"

#RUN:  Evaluation (EVAL) or Optimisation (OPT) 
run <- "EVAL"

#Block diagonal Fisher information matrix (option == 1) or complete Information matrix (option == 2)
option <- 1L

#Number of responses
nr <- 1L

################### MODEL OPTION ###########################

#Model form: Differential equations (DE) or analytical form (AF)
modelform <- "AF"

###### ANALYTICAL MODEL OPTION #############################

#Identical dose in each elementary design (Yes=T, No=F)
dose.identical <- T

# If 'Yes', enter the value of the dose, 
# else, enter the vector of the dose values for each elementary design
dose <- 30L

#Vector of the times intervals of each expression  
boundA <- list(c(0,Inf))

###### END ANALYTICAL MODEL OPTION ########################

###### DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION OPTION ##################################

#Initial time for which initial conditions are given


#Identical initial conditions in each elementary design (Yes=T, No=F)

# If 'Yes', enter once the expression of the initial values of the system at the initial time
# else, enter the vectors of the initial conditions for each elementary design
# If initial values depend on parameters to be estimated, 
# enter this parameter into the expression without any quotation marks 


# Error tolerance for solving differential equations
#RtolEQ <- 1e-08
#AtolEQ <- 1e-08
#Hmax <- 0.01                            # Default value 

###### END DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION OPTION #################################

#Name of the fixed effects parameters
parameters <- c("ka","V","Cl")

#Fixed effects parameters values
beta <- c(1,3.5,2)

#Number of occasions
n_occ <- 1L

#Random effect model (1) = additive  (2) = exponential 

Trand <- 2L

#Diagonal Matrix of variance for inter-subject random effects:
omega <- diag(c(0.09,0.09,0.09))

#Diagonal Matrix of variance for inter-occasion random effects:
gamma <- diag(c(0.0225,0.0225,0.0225))

#Standard deviation of residual error (sig.inter+sig.slope*f)^2:
sig.interA <- 0.1
sig.slopeA <- 0

#List of the vectors of sampling times for each elementary design 
#you can specify any sampling times for a group by writing NULL 
#ONLY if you have several responses

protA <- list(c(0.5,2,4,8)) 

#Vector of initial proportions or numbers of subjects for each elementary design 

subjects <- 40L

#Subjects input: (1) for number of subjects (2) for proportions of subjects
subjects.input <- 1

#If 'proportions of subjects' give the total number of samples
#Ntot <- 1000L

#                                                                 #
#                        Covariate model                          #
#                                                                 #

# Covariates not changing with occasion  # 

#Add covariate to the model
covariate.model <- FALSE

#Vector of covariates
#--------------------------------------------------------------------- <- list("Sex")

#Categories for each covariate (the first category is the reference)
#covariate.category <- list(Sex=c("M","F"))

#Proportions of subjects in each category
#covariate.proportions <- list(Sex=c(0.5, 0.5))

#Parameter(s) associated with each covariate
#parameter.associated <- list(Sex ="V")

# Values of covariate parameters in covariate model 
# (values of parameters for all other categories than the reference category (for which beta=0) 
# covariate is additive on parameter if additive random effect model (Trand=1)
# covariate is additive on log parameters if exponential random effect model (Trand=2)
#beta.covariate <- list(Sex=list(log(1.2)))

#Covariates changing with occasion  # 

#Add covariate to the model   (Yes==T No==F)
covariate_occ.model <- FALSE

#Vector of covariates depending on the occasion
#------------------------------------------------------------------- <- list("Treat")

#Categories for each covariate (the first category is the reference)
#covariate_occ.category <- list(Treat=c("A","B"))

#Sequences of values of covariates at each occasion 
#Specify as many values in each sequence as number of occasions (n_occ) for each covariate

#Proportions of elementary designs corresponding to each sequence of
#covariate values. Specify as many values of proportion as number of
#sequences defined in covariate_occ.sequence for each covariate 
#covariate_occ.proportions <- list(Treat=c(0.5,0.5))

#Parameter(s) associated with each covariate
#parameter_occ.associated <- list(Treat="Cl")

# Values of covariate parameters in covariate model (values of
# parameters for all other categories than the reference category (for
# which beta=0) covariate is additive on parameter if additive random
# effect model (Trand=1) covariate is additive on log parameters if
# exponential random effect model (Trand=2)
#beta.covariate_occ <- list(Treat=list(log(1.1)))

# Power and number of subjects              #

#Type one error alpha 
alpha <- 0.05

#Compute expected power for comparison test
compute.power <- FALSE

#Compute the number of subjects needed for a given power for
#comparison test
compute.nni <- FALSE

#Equivalence interval
interval_eq <- c(log(0.8), log(1.25))

#Compute expected power for equivalence test
compute.power_eq <- FALSE

#Compute the number of subjects needed for a given power for
#equivalence test 
compute.nni_eq <- FALSE

#Set value the given power

############ONLY FOR OPTIMISATION ###############################

#Identical sampling times for each response
# (only if you do not have sampling times==NULL)

######## OPTIMISATION ALGORITHM OPTION ###############

#Character string for thoice of the optimisation algorithm: 
#	"FW" for the Fedorov-Wynn algorithm 
#	"SIMP" for the Simplex algorithm
algo.option <- "FW"


#Optimisation of the proportions of subjects:
subjects.opt <- TRUE

#Vector of lower and upper admissible sampling times
lowerA <-  0
upperA <- 24

lowerB <-  0
upperB <- 24

#Minimum delay between two sampling times
delta.time <- 0

#Print iteration step
iter.print <- TRUE

#Parameter for initial simplex building (%)
simplex.parameter <- 20

#Maximum number of iterations
Max.iter <- 5000L

#Relative convergence tolerance
Rctol <- 1e-6


#Number of sampling windows
nwindA <- 1

#List of vector of the allowed sampling times for each sampling window
sampwinA <- list(c(0.5,1,1.5,2,4,6,8))

#List of vector of allowed number of points to be taken from each sampling window
nsampA <- list(4)

#Maximum total number of sampling times per subject
nmaxptsA <- 4

#Minimum total number of sampling times per subject
nminptsA <- 4

############# END OF OPTIMISATION ALGORITHM OPTION ###############

############## GRAPH SPECIFICATION OPTION ###############

#graphical representation
graph.logical <- TRUE

#Vector of Names on Y axes for each response
names.datax <- "t"

#Vector of Names on Y axes for each response
names.datay <- "Concentration"

#Controls logarithmic axes for the graphical representation.
#Values "xy", "x", or "y" produce log-log or log-x or log-y axes.
#(For standard graphic, log.logical<-F)
log.logical <- FALSE

#Vector of lower and upper sampling times for the graphical representation
graph.infA <-  0
graph.supA <- 12

#Vector of lower and upper concentration for the graphical representation
y.rangeA <- NULL # default range
#y.range <- c(0,10)

############# END OF GRAPH SPECIFICATION OPTION ###############

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PFIM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.