
HerfindahlIndex <-
function (Ra, ...)
{ # @author Brian G. Peterson

    # Description:

    # Ra    return vector

    # Function:

    if (is.vector(Ra)) {
        # clean the data and get rid of NAs
        Ra = checkData (Ra,na.rm=TRUE, method="vector", ...=...)
        # compute the simple acf
        # get the subset of positive acf values
        # scale the positive acf to get percent contribution to total positive acf
        # Herfindal Index is the sum of the squared percentage contributions
    } else {
        apply(Ra, 2, HerfindahlIndex, ...=...)


# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id: HerfindahlIndex.R,v 1.3 2007/09/01 04:05:28 brian Exp $

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