Lipset: Lipset's indicators for the survival of democracy during the...

Description Usage Format Details References


This dataset is taken from Lipset (1959), as used by Rihoux and De Meur (2009), Cronqvist and Berg-Schlosser (2009) and Ragin (2009).




A data frame containing 18 rows and the following 6 columns:

DEV Level of development: it is the GDP per capita (USD) in the raw data, calibrated in the
binary crisp version to 0 if below 550 USD and 1 otherwise. For the multi-value crisp
version, two thresholds were used: 550 and 850 USD.
URB Level of urbanization: percent of the population in towns with 20000 or more
inhabitants, calibrated in the crisp versions to 0 if below 50% and 1 if above.
LIT Level of literacy: percent of the literate population, calibrated in the crisp versions
to 0 if below 75% and 1 if above.
IND Level of industrialization: percent of the industrial labor force, calibrated in the
crisp versions to 0 if below 30% and 1 if above.
STB Government stability: a “political-institutional” condition added to the previous
four “socioeconomic” ones. The raw data has the number of cabinets which governed
in the period under study, calibrated in the crisp versions to 0 if 10 or above and to 1
if below 10.
SURV Outcome: survival of democracy during the inter-war period: calibrated to 0 if negative,
and 1 if positive raw data.


There are four different versions of the Lipset data:

LR contains the raw data
LC is the same data calibrated to binary crisp sets
LM is calibrated to multi-value sets
LF is calibrated to fuzzy-sets


Lipset, S. M. (1959) “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”, American Political Science Review vol.53, pp.69-105.

Cronqvist, L.; Berg-Schlosser, D. (2009) “Multi-Value QCA (mvQCA)”, in Rihoux, B.; Ragin, C. (eds.) Configurational Comparative Methods. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques, SAGE.

Rihoux, B.; De Meur, G. (2009) “Crisp Sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis (mvQCA)”, in Rihoux, B.; Ragin, C. (eds.) Configurational Comparative Methods. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques, SAGE.

Ragin, C. (2009) “Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using Fuzzy-Sets (fsQCA)”, in Rihoux, B.; Ragin, C. (eds.) Configurational Comparative Methods. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques, SAGE.

QCA documentation built on Nov. 29, 2020, 3:01 p.m.

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