Man pages for Reol
R interface to the Encyclopedia of Life

APItaxonEncode Taxon Name
CollectDataforWebCollect Data from EOL Pages for Website
CombineHierarchyInfoCombine Hierarchy Info
DataObjectOverviewData Object Information
DownloadHierarchyDownload Hierarchy Content From Contributors
DownloadSearchedTaxaDownload Page Content From EOL
FirstTwoGet Binomial Nomenclature
GatherProviderDataFrameGather EOL Provider Information
GatherSynonymsGathers A List Of Taxonomic Synonyms
GetCommonNamesGather Common Name Information
GetHierIDGets Hierarchy page ID
GetIUCNStatGather IUCN Status for EOL Pages
GetReferencesGather EOL References
GetRichnessScoresGather EOL Richness Score Information
MakeEdgeLabelsCreates Edge Labels for Hierarchy Trees
MakeHierarchyTreeCreates Hierarchical Trees
MatchHierPageToEOLdataMatch Data Functions
MatchTaxatoEOLIDMatches Taxa to and eolID
MyEOLsExample EOL and Hierarchy pages
OneFileHierarchyCreates A Taxonomic Hierarchy for a single Taxon
PageProcessingProcess XML Data into tree format
PingAPITest the working order of the EOL API
RepeatDataToDropRepeat Data To Drop
subsetDataForHierTreesSubset Data For Hier Trees
TaxonChildrenGathers A List Of Taxonomic Parents and Offspring
Reol documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.