SURDES-package: Functions for survey design based on environmental distance...

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


A method for selecting sampling points in a given territory using an environmental distance site allocation criterion which minimises the variation uncovered by the selected sites between all available locations using a p-median procedure.


Package: SURDES
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2010-02-02
License: GLU-2
LazyLoad: yes

Two different functions are included:

1- alloc()

in which the allocation procedure is based on one matrix combining environmental and geographic distance matrices. It is recommended to multiply distance and environmental matrices before running the analysis (see example).

2- allocTM()

which is based on a sequential procedure that first allocates points in the environmental distance matrix and then in the geographical distance matrix. Usually the function gives less weight to geographical distance than alloc().


Nagore Garcia Medina & Bernardo Garcia Carreras Maintainer: Nagore Garcia Medina<>


Church, R.L. & Sorensen, P. (1994) Integrating Normative location models into GIS: problems and prospects with the p-median model. Technical Report, NGCIA.

Church, R.L. (2002) Geographical information systems and location science. Computers and Operation Research 29: 541-562.

Faith, D.P. & Walker, P.A. (1996) Environmental diversity: on the best possible use of surrogate data for assessing the relative biodiversity of sets of areas. Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 399-415.

Hortal, J., Araujo, M.B. & Lobo, J.M. (2009) Testing the effectiveness of discrete and continuous environmental diversity as a surrogate for species diversity. Ecological Indicators 9: 139-149.

Hortal, J. & Lobo, J.M. (2005) An ED-based protocol for the optimal sampling of diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 2913-2947.


  # see examples in the help files of the main functions: \code{alloc()} and
  # \code{allocTM()}.

SURDES documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:22 p.m.