alloc: Site allocation procedure using one matrix

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References Examples


A stratified survey design that selects a set of sampling localities from a universe of available sites using an allocation procedure in which environmental and geographical distances are assumed to be surrogates for diversity variations. Environmental and geographical distances are combined prior to the calculations.

Selects the sampling points with a set of iterative rules. First step: Maximizises both the amount of spatio-environmental coverage using a p-median allocation procedure. Next steps: uses a set of rules or conditions defined by the user. Conditions should be related to the prioritization in the selection procedure (for example: conservation status or distance to roads). For each rule a vector of values and the type of criteria should be defined (see definition of criteria and conditions).


  alloc(mdist, vini=rep(0, dim(mdist)[2]), vtarget=rep(1, dim(mdist)[2]), 
  	criteria, sdint=rep(1, length(criteria)), conditions, iter)



A dissimilarity matrix coming usually from the combination of a matrix of environmental distances and a matrix of geographic distances. The maximum value of the matrices need to be approximately equal, so if one of the matrices has very high values, usually the geographic distances matrix, normalization is recommended to restrict the variation within 0 and 1. Once the matrices are normalized multiplying the two matrices is enough to get an even representation of selected sample sites. Missing values are not allowed.


A binary vector (0,1) with the same length as the number of columns in mdist. Should be a set of previously well surveyed localities, these points will be used as starting points for the iteration procedure.

If vini is not provided the function will create a vector with all values are equal to "0". Including initial values is recommended, if there are no previously well known sites the best option is to create a random vector with one or two positive values. The starting points or previously well known places can affect the result of the selection. Caution is required when the initial vector is not provided.


A binary vector where values are equal to "1" are the sample sites fulfilling a set of minimum conditions defined by the user. For example, locations with good conservation status or an area above a threshold level.

The length of the vector has to be the same as the number of columns in mdist. If vtarget is not provided by the user the function will compute a vector with all values equal to "1" values, and therefore all the sites are assumed to be adequate in the selection procedure.


A vector of character strings specifying the criteria that will be applied to the conditions vector. Currently available options are minimum, maximum, rangemax and rangemin.

minimum selects sample sites with the minimum value within the conditions vector and is intended to be used when the variable in the conditions vector is qualitative (i.e. ordinal).

maximum selects sample sites with the maximum value within the conditions vector and is intended to be used when the variable in the conditions vector is qualitative (i.e. ordinal).

rangemin selects the sample sites with a value between the minimum (min) and one standard deviation (min + sd) within the conditions vector and is intended to be used when the variable in conditions vector is quantitative. The function allows changes in the number of standard deviations added to the minimum value. By default the function will add 1 standard deviation, but it can be changed to add 0.5, 2, or other user defined value (see item "n").

rangemax selects the sample sites with a value between the maximum (max) and one standard deviation (max - sd) of the values in the conditions vector. It is intended to be used when the variable in conditions vector is quantitative. The function allows changes in the number of standard deviations subtracted to the minimum value. By default the package will subtract one standard deviation, but it can be changed to subtract 0.5, 2 or other user defined value (see item "n").

For example, if the first condition (the first row in the conditions matrix) is conservation status in a quantitative scale from 1 to 6 and we are interested in well conserved sites we should chose maximum as the first criterion.

The first criterion in the vector criteria will be applied to the condition in the first row in conditions vector and so on.


A vector of numerical values with length equal to the number of criteria.

By default the function defines a vector with all values equal to "1". So one standard deviation will added or subtracted when applying the continuous criteria (rangemax or rangemin).

To change the number of standard deviations added (in the case of rangemin criteria) or subtracted (in the case of rangemax criteria) the values of the vector should be changed.

The value for ordinal criteria in the sdint vector needs to be equal to "1". In an example with one ordinal criterion, and two continuous criteria, if the user needs the third criteria to add 2 standard deviations, the vector should look like this:

sdint <- c(1, 1, 2)

Note that the first "1" in the vector applies to the ordinal criteria.

See Example 2 in the examples Section for further explanations.

Changes in the values of sdint are recommended when the variability in the data in conditions is very high or very low.


A matrix with the same number of columns as mdist.

Rules or conditions are defined by the user. A typical example is the level of conservation of each site.


Number of iterations.

Never bigger than the number of available sites, which are all the sites minus the previously well sampled sites (vini=1) and the sites that are not adequate (vtarget=0).

Note that the procedure selects one site per iteration, so the number of iterations and the number of selected points will be the same.


In each iteration, the procedure first selects a set of sample sites minimizing the total distance between the non selected sites (p-median procedure), and then, in the next steps, criteria defined by the user in conditions are used iteratively to restrict the number of selected sites. If more than one point remain selected after applying all the conditions, the function selects one at random. Therefore, in each step just one sample site is selected. The next iteration will start with all the points minus the selected point in the previous iteration and so on.


The function prints the criterion used to select the sampling point in each iteration. By default the names of the criteria arecrit1, crit2, etc.

crit1 represents the first criterion included in the criteria vector, crit2 the second and so on.

The function also returns a list including two matrices: pmmatrix, selmatrix (see below).


selmatrix is a matrix of the selected sampling points after applying the allocation procedure, rows being each one of the iterations and columns the sampling sites in the same order as entered by the user.


pmmatrix is a matrix of the distances between the selected sites and the non-selected sites in each step, rows being each one of the iterations and columns the sampling sites in the same order as entered by the user.

The value of each cell is the distance between each site to the closest previously selected site. Note that selected sites in each step have "0" value in this matrix.

Adding the values of the rows (see function rowSum() and examples below) in this matrix gives the amount of uncovered variability in each step. It is very useful to represent the decrease of uncovered variability in each iteration. See examples and Hortal et al. (2005) for an extended explanation.


Nagore Garcia Medina & Bernardo Garcia Carreras


Church, R.L. & Sorensen, P. (1994) Integrating Normative location models into GIS: problems and prospects with the p-median model. Technical Report, NGCIA.

Church, R.L. (2002) Geographical information systems and location science. Computers and Operation Research 29: 541-562.

Faith, D.P. & Walker, P.A. (1996) Environmental diversity: on the best possible use of surrogate data for assessing the relative biodiversity of sets of areas. Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 399-415.

Hortal, J., Araujo, M.B. & Lobo, J.M. (2009) Testing the effectiveness of discrete and continuous environmental diversity as a surrogate for species diversity. Ecological Indicators 9: 139-149.

Hortal, J. & Lobo, J.M. (2005) An ED-based protocol for the optimal sampling of diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 2913-2947.


  # load the environmental and spatial matrices

  # multiply environmental and geographic matrices
  mdist <- env * geogr
  # load a matrix containing the conditions, the initial vector and the target 
  # points
  # define vector of initial points  

  # define the criteria to apply to the conditions: maximise conservation
  # (qualitative variable), maximise area of the site (qualitative variable)
  # and minimise distance to roads (quantitative variable)

  result <- alloc(mdist=mdist, vini=vini, criteria=criteria, 
  		conditions=conditions, iter=20)

  uncov <- rowSums(result$pmmatrix)
  plot(1:length(uncov), uncov)

  # Example 2 
  # With the same data as Example 1, but with a change in the number of
  # standard deviations added in the first criteria, note that the first
  # condition is slope of the species area curve, and the criteria to apply is
  # \code{rangemax}, in this case the range of selection for the condition will
  # be = max-0.1*sd
  result <- alloc(mdist=mdist, vini=vini, criteria=criteria, sdint=c(0.1,1,1), 
  		conditions=conditions, iter=20)

  uncov <- rowSums(result$pmmatrix)
  plot(1:length(uncov), uncov)

SURDES documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:22 p.m.