
div.param.invasion <- function(spSite, phy, fun, nrep = 100, invad, null.model = c("native_inv")) {
    # check the number of simulated communities, and adjust the input format accordingly
    Ncom <- nrow(spSite)
    if (Ncom == 1) {
        spSite <- rbind(spSite, spSite)
        row.names(spSite) <- c(1, 2)
    # get observed values
    obs <- div.param.invasion.obs(spSite, phy, fun, invad)
    # prepare randomizations for null models
    if (!is.null(null.model)) {
        # Randomise the species position in the phylogeny
        phyNULL <- lapply(1:nrep, function(x) taxaShuffle(phy))
        # Randomise the species functional trait values
        funNULL <- lapply(1:nrep, function(x) taxaShuffle(fun))
        # Do not change the site-species matrix
        spSiteNULL <- list(samp = spSite, inv = invad)
        # Loop for each invader
        AllInv <- sapply(invad, function(INV) {
            # Calculate the null distribution of invaders indices
            tmp <- lapply(1:nrep, function(x) {
                div.param.invasion.obs(spSite, phyNULL[[x]], funNULL[[x]], INV)
            # get output for null model observations
            obs_1 <- obs[[INV]]
            tmpp <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x[[1]])
            tmp1 <- lapply(1:nrow(obs_1), function(z) {
                lapply(1:length(colnames(obs_1)), function(y) {
                  sapply(1:nrep, function(x) tmpp[[x]][z, y])
            meanNULL <- t(sapply(tmp1, function(z) sapply(z, mean, na.rm = TRUE)))
            sdNULL <- t(sapply(tmp1, function(z) sapply(z, sd, na.rm = TRUE)))
            rankNULL <- t(sapply(1:nrow(obs_1), function(z) {
                sapply(1:length(colnames(obs_1)), function(y) {
                  ifelse(is.na(obs_1[z, y]), NA, rank(c(obs_1[z, y], tmp1[[z]][[y]]))[1]/(nrep + 1))
            zNULL <- (obs_1 - meanNULL)/sdNULL
            colnames(zNULL) <- colnames(rankNULL) <- colnames(meanNULL) <- colnames(sdNULL) <- colnames(obs_1)
            output <- list(obs = obs_1, zNULL = zNULL, rankNULL = rankNULL, meanNULL = meanNULL, sdNULL = sdNULL)
            # check the number of simulated communities, and adjust the input format accordingly
            if (Ncom == 1) {
                output <- sapply(names(output), function(x) {
                  matrix(output[[x]][1, ], nrow = 1, dimnames = list(1, colnames(output[[x]])))
                }, simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T)
        }, simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T)
    if (is.null(null.model)) {
        AllInv <- sapply(invad, function(INV) {
            if (Ncom >= 1) {
                obs_1 <- obs[[INV]]
            if (Ncom == 1) {
                obs_1 <- matrix(obs[[INV]][1, ], nrow = 1, dimnames = list(1, colnames(obs[[1]])))
            zNULL <- rankNULL <- meanNULL <- sdNULL <- NULL
            return(list(obs = obs_1, zNULL = zNULL, rankNULL = rankNULL, meanNULL = meanNULL, sdNULL = sdNULL))
        }, simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T)

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VirtualCom documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.