
Defines functions rpp rpp.lm

Documented in rpp

rpp <- function(mymodel, id=c("all","none"), ...){
setGeneric("rpp", def=rpp)
###                                                                   synonym
partialResidual.eachPredictor <- rpp
###                                                                        LM
rpp.lm <- function(mymodel, id=c("all","none"), ...){
  id <- match.arg(id)
### ================================= reading
  f <- parseFormula(mymodel)
### ================================= CALCULATIION
  dataX <- data.frame()
  if(length(f@predict.vars.numeric)==0){stop("your model does not contain a numeric predictor")}
  for(this.numeric.predictor in f@predict.vars.numeric){
    x.values <- f@response.values
    y.values <- rstudent(mymodel)
    dataX <- rbind(dataX, data.frame(x.values=scale(as.numeric(x.values)),
                                     name=rep(this.numeric.predictor, times=length(x.values)),
### ================================= CORE
  ## panel arrangement
  n.panels <- length(f@predict.vars.numeric) #number of panels
  r.dim <- ceiling(sqrt(n.panels)) #number of panel rows
  c.dim <- ceiling(n.panels/r.dim) #number of panel cols
  respred <- xyplot(y.values~x.values|name, data=dataX,#layout=c(c.dim,r.dim),
                    main="rpp \n stud. residuals vs. each predictor",
                    pch=1, cex=1.5,
                    xlab="SCALED Predictors",
                    ylab="stud. residuals",
                    panel=myPanel <- function(x,y,...){
### ================================= IDENTIFICATION
setMethod("rpp", "lm", rpp.lm)

## #############################################################################
## ###                                                                       GLM
## #############################################################################
## rpp.glm <- function(mymodel, id=c("all","none"), ...){
##   verbose <- FALSE
##   ## to do:
##   ## 1) ploting the fitted line with abline
##   ### ================================= checking
##   if( class(mymodel)[1]!="glm" ){stop("the model has to be of class glm")}
##   id <- match.arg(id)
## ### ================================= PANEL ARANGEMENT
## ##   n.panels <- length(levels(dataX$name)) #number of panesl
## ##   r.dim <- ceiling(sqrt(n.panels)) #number of panel rows
## ##   c.dim <- ceiling(n.panels/r.dim) #number of panel cols
## ### ================================= reading
##   parseFormula(mymodel)
##   mu <- predict(mymodel, type="response")
##   attach(my.data)
##   for(index.this.predict in seq(along=predict.terms.numeric)){
##     this.predict <- predict.terms.numeric[index.this.predict]
##     x <- match(names(coef(mymodel)), this.predict)
##     this.predict.i <- c(1:length(x))[x==1&!is.na(x)]
##     x.values <- eval(parse(text=this.predict))  # needs mydata to be attached!
##     y.values <- (response.values-mu)/mu + coef(mymodel)[this.predict.i]*x.values
## #    plot.eval <- paste("plot_",index.this.predict,"<-xyplot(y.values~x.values, data=my.data, main=\"rpp.glm() \n partial residuals vs. each predictor\", pch=1, cex=1.5, xlab=\"scaled predictor\", ylab=\"partial residual\", panel=myPanel <- function(x,y, ...){panel.xyplot(x,y,...); panel.abline(a=0,b=",coef(mymodel)[this.predict],", ...); panel.loess(x,y,...)} )", sep="")
##         plot.eval <- paste("plot_",index.this.predict,"<-xyplot(y.values~x.values, data=my.data, main=\"\", pch=1, cex=1.5, xlab=\"\", ylab=\"\", panel=myPanel <- function(x,y, ...){panel.xyplot(x,y,...); panel.abline(a=0,b=",coef(mymodel)[this.predict],", ...); panel.loess(x,y,...)} )", sep="")
## #    plot.name.eval <- paste("plot.name_",index.this.predict,"<-grid.text(\"", this.predict, "\", y=unit(0.95, \"npc\"))",sep="")
##     eval(parse(text=paste(plot.eval)))
##   }
##   detach(my.data, pos=2)
##     ### ================================= PANEL ARANGEMENT
##   n.panels <- length(predict.terms.numeric) #number of panesl
##   if(n.panels<1){stop("ERROR: there should be at least one numeric predictor")}
##   r.dim <- ceiling(sqrt(n.panels)) #number of panel rows
##   c.dim <- ceiling(n.panels/r.dim) #number of panel cols
##   panel.matrix <- matrix(c(1:n.panels, rep(0, r.dim*c.dim-n.panels)), nrow=r.dim, ncol=c.dim, byrow=TRUE)
##   panel.matrix.logical <- panel.matrix>0
##  # x11()
##   grid.newpage()
##   ##
##   x.label <- "predictor"
##   y.label <- "partial residual"
##   ##
##   pushViewport(viewport())
##   grid.text("rpp.glm(), partial residuals vs. each predictor", y=unit(0.95, "npc"))
##   grid.text(x.label, y=unit(0.05, "npc"))
##   grid.text(y.label, x=unit(0.05, "npc"), rot=90)
##   pushViewport(viewport(width=unit(0.9, "npc"), height=unit(0.9, "npc"), just=c("center", "center"), layout=grid.layout(r.dim,c.dim)))
## #    pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(4, "lines"), y=unit(4, "lines"), just=c("left", "bottom"), layout=grid.layout(r.dim,c.dim)))
##   for (m in 1:r.dim){
##     for (n in 1:c.dim){
##       if(panel.matrix.logical[m,n]){
##         pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=n, layout.pos.row=m))
##         eval(parse(text=paste("grid.text(\"",predict.terms.numeric[panel.matrix[m,n]],"\",y=unit(0.9, \"npc\"))",sep="")))
##         eval(parse(text=paste("print(plot_",panel.matrix[m,n],", newpage=FALSE)",sep="")))
##         upViewport()
##         }
##       }
##     }

## ##   predicted.response <- predict(mymodel, type="response")
## ##   ##
## ##   my.vars <- all.vars(formula(mymodel))
## ##   class.vars <- attr(mymodel$terms, "dataClasses")
## ##   terms <- names(attr(mymodel$terms, "dataClasses")) # they have the transformation ! e.g. log(Area)
## ##   ## variables without the transformation
## ##   response.var <- my.vars[1]
## ##   numeric.vars <- my.vars[class.vars=="numeric"]
## ##   ## terms with transformation
## ##   numeric.terms <-  terms[class.vars=="numeric"]  # the numeric predictors
## ##   predict.numeric.terms <- numeric.terms[-1]
## ##   ##
## ##   mydata <- mymodel$data
## ##   to.eval <- paste("response.values <- mydata","$",response.var,sep="")
## ##   eval(parse(text=to.eval))
## ##   ### ================================= CALCULATIION
## ##   mu <- predict(mymodel, type="response")
## ##   ##
## ##   attach(my.data)
## ##   ##
## ##   dataX <- data.frame()
## ##   coef <- vector()
## ##  for(this.predict in predict.terms.numeric){
## ##     ## print(this.predict)
## ##     ## finding the index of the current predictor
## ##     x <- match(names(coef(mymodel)), this.predict)
## ##     this.predict.i <- c(1:length(x))[x==1&!is.na(x)]
## ##     ##
## ##     x.values <- eval(parse(text=this.predict))  # needs mydata to be attached!
## ##     y.values <- (response.values-mu)/mu + coef(mymodel)[this.predict.i]*x.values
## ##     ##    x.values <- residuals(mymodel, type="partial")[,this.predict.i]
## ##     ## print(length(x.values))
## ##     ## print(length(y.values))
## ##     ## plot(x.values~y.values)
## ##     ## print(names(y.values))
## ##     dataX <- rbind(dataX, data.frame(x.values=scale(as.numeric(x.values)), y.values=scale(as.numeric(y.values)), name=rep(this.predict, times=length(x.values)),  original.row.names=names(y.values)))
## ##     ## x.values
## ##     ## y.values
## ##     ## name: for the strip name
## ##     ## original.row.names: the name of the rows in the original data frame , they are needed to be returned later
## ##     coef <- c(coef, coef(mymodel)[this.predict.i])
## ##   }
## ##   if(verbose){print(paste("VERBOSE names(dataX):", names(dataX)))}
## ##   detach(my.data, pos=2)
## ## ### ================================= PANEL ARANGEMENT
## ##     n.panels <- length(levels(dataX$name)) #number of panesl
## ##     r.dim <- ceiling(sqrt(n.panels)) #number of panel rows
## ##     c.dim <- ceiling(n.panels/r.dim) #number of panel cols
## ## #    panel.matrix <- matrix(names.y.values, nrow=r.dim, ncol=c.dim
## ##     ##   for.ploting <- xyplot(y.values ~ x.values|name,
## ##     ##                         xlab=paste("linear predictor"),
## ##     ##                         ylab=paste("linearized response"),
## ##     ##                         data=dataX             
## ##     ##                         )
## ##     ##   print(for.ploting)
## ##   ### ================================= PLOT
## ##   plot1 <- xyplot(y.values~x.values|name, data=dataX,layout=c(c.dim,r.dim),
## ##                   main="rpp.glm() \n partial residuals vs. each predictor",
## ##                   pch=1, cex=1.5,
## ##                   xlab="scaled predictor",
## ##                   ylab="partial residual",
## ##                   as.table=TRUE,
## ##                   panel=myPanel <- function(x,y, ...){
## ##                     panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
## ##                     panel.abline(0,coef(mymodel)[name])
## ##                     panel.loess(x,y,...)
## ##                   }
## ##                   )
## ##   print(plot1)
## ### ================================= IDENTIFICATION
## ##  identifyControl(panel.matrix=trellis.currentLayout(), original.row.names=dataX$original.row.names, id=id)
##  ##  identified <- NULL
## ##   selection.message <- "The row names of the points you select will be returned\n"
## ##   if(is.numeric(id)){
## ##     if(length(id)==2 && id[2]<=r.dim && id[1]<=c.dim){
## ##       cat(selection.message)
## ##       trellis.focus("panel", id[1], id[2])
## ##       identified <- panel.identify(labels=dataX$names)
## ##       return(as.numeric(levels(as.factor(identified)))) #controls that every "number" enters just once!
## ##     }else{stop("wrong id specified!")}
## ##   }else{
## ##     if(id=="none"){}
## ##     if(id=="all"){
## ##       for (j in 1:r.dim){ #moves across panel cols
## ##         for (i in 1:c.dim){ #moves across panel rows
## ##           current.panel <- (j-1)*c.dim + i
## ##           if(current.panel <= n.panels){
## ##             cat(selection.message)
## ##             trellis.focus("panel", i, j)
## ##             current.identified <- list(panel.identify(labels=dataX$names))
## ##             identified <- c(identified, current.identified)
## ##           }
## ##         }
## ##       }
## ##     }
## ##   }
## ##   return(NULL) #identified
## }
## ###
## setMethod("rpp", "glm", rpp.glm)

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