Man pages for batman
Bayesian AuTomated Metabolite Analyser for NMR spectra

batmanPerform BATMAN and Plot Analysis Result
Batman-InputBATMAN Input Files are Explained Here
Batman-OutputBATMAN Outputs are Explained Here
batman-packageBayesian AuTomated Metabolite Analyser for NMR spectra...
batmanrerunPerform BATMAN with Fixed (Previously Estimated) Multiplet...
checkBatmanOptionsCheck previouse versions of batmanOptions.txt file and unify...
createChemShiftPerSpecCreating the file chemShiftPerSpec.csv which contains...
createPuerSpectraTemplateCreating a folder called 'PureSpectraTemplate' in the...
getinputFor Internal Use Only
getSpectraRangeGet spectra range from batmanOptions.txt file
menuAFor Internal Use Only
newDirCreate a New Directory with Installed Data Files
plotBatmanFitPlot Batman Metabolite Fit of NMR Spectra (With Down...
plotBatmanFitHRPlot BATMAN Metabolite Fit of NMR Spectra in Original...
plotBatmanFitStackStack plot Batman Metabolite Fit of NMR Spectra (With Down...
plotChemShiftDistPlot histogram of chemical shifts for the multiplets across a...
plotDiagnosticScatterDiagnostic scatter plot of batman metabolites fit vs NMR...
plotMetaFitPlot Posterior Means of Metabolites Fit with 95% Credible...
plotRelConBoxplot or Histogram of Posterior distributions of Relative...
plotShiftBoxplot or Histogram of ppm Shift Posterior distributions for...
readBatmanOutputReads in BATMAN Output Data Files
readBrukerRead Raw Binary Bruker NMR Spectra
readBrukerZippedRead Raw Binary Bruker NMR Spectra in Zipped format
saveBruker2TxtRead Raw Binary Bruker NMR Spectra and save them to ASCII...
batman documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:13 p.m.