
#' A class to represent a metadata object
#' @field clusters A list of cluster information
#' @field genfunc  A string specifying a distribution for the random numbers
#' @field seedinfo A list with the parameters for the random number generator
#' @export
         representation(clusters = "list",
                        genfunc = "function",
                        seedinfo = "list"),
#                        vars = "numeric",
#                        total_n = "numeric",
#                        k = "numeric"),
         validity = function(object){
                      retval <- NULL
                      #checking whethere there are exactly as many entries in 'clusters' than the number in 'k'
#                      if(length(object@clusters) != object@k)
#                        retval <- "No. of list entries in slot 'clusters' and no. of clusters in slot 'k' do not match"
                      #checking whether k does not exceed the number of observations
#                      if(object@total_n < object@k)
#                        retval <- "Fewer observations than clusters"
                      #checking whether all lists stored in 'cluster' are really lists
#                      checkval <- sum(unlist(lapply(object@clusters, function(x) is.list(x))))
#                      if(checkval != object@k)
#                        retval <- "Number of list entries in slot 'clusters' and number of actual cluster do not match"
                      #checking whether all cluster metadata arguments are valid arguments for the data generating function
                      for(i in 1:length(object@clusters)) {
                        if(!all(names(object@clusters[[i]]) %in% names(formals(object@genfunc)))){
                          retval <- "Distribution function arguments and cluster metadata names do not match" 
                      #checking whether the number of metadata arguments is consistent over all clusters
                      argvals <- unlist(lapply(object@clusters, function(x) length(x)))
                      if(mean(argvals) != median(argvals))
                        retval <- "Inconsistencies in slot 'clusters' regarding number of arguments"
         prototype = prototype(seedinfo = list(100, 
                                          paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = "."),

#' A class that represents a metadata object for metric data
#' @field standardization If standardization is needed, function can be supplied
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
         contains = "metadata.general",
         representation = representation(standardization = "character"),
         validity = function(object){
                      retval <- NULL
                    #  if(length(object@clusters) != object@k) 
                    #    retval <- "Cluster metadata and no. of clusters do not match"
                    #  for(i in 1:object@k) {
                    #    if(!all(names(object@clusters[[i]]) %in% names(formals(get(object@dist))))){
                    #      retval <- "Distribution function arguments and cluster metadata names do not match" 
                    #    }
                    #  }
                    #  if(!all(unlist(lapply(object@clusters, function(x) length(x$mu) == object@vars))))
                    #    retval <- "Dimensionality mismatch between slot 'vars' and at least one cluster center"
                    #checking whether cluster center dimensionality of each cluster metadata list matches the overall number
#                      argnum <- sum(unlist(lapply(object@clusters, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) length(y) == object@vars))))
#                      if(argnum != object@k)
#                        retval <- "Dimensionality mismatch between slot 'vars' and at least one cluster center"
         prototype = prototype(standardization = "NONE",
                   genfunc = mvrnorm))

#' A class that represents a metadata object for functional data
#' @export           
         representation(functions = "list", 
                        minTimePoints = "numeric",
                        maxTimePoints = "numeric",
                        total_n = "numeric",
                        resolution = "numeric",
                        interval = "numeric",
                        sd = "numeric",
                        gridMatrix = "matrix",
                        seedinfo = "list",
                        sd_distribution = "character",
                        regular = "logical"),
          validity = function(object){
                       retval = NULL
                       if(object@maxTimePoints <= object@minTimePoints)
                         retval <- "Number of maximum time points must be greater than the minimum number"
                       for(i in 1:length(object@functions)){
                         testvector <- seq(object@interval[1], object@interval[2], length.out=object@resolution)
                         FUN <- object@functions
                         vals <- FUN[[i]](testvector)
                         if(any(is.na(vals)) == T)
                           retval <- paste("Function ", i, " returned NA or NaN on a possible grid point")
          prototype = prototype(sd_distribution = "rnorm",
                                sd = 0.2,
                                minTimePoints = 2,
                                maxTimePoints = 10,
                                resolution = 100,
                                seedinfo = list(100, 
                                          paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = "."),

#' A class that represents a metadata object for ordinal data
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenOrd ordsample  
         contains = "metadata.general",
         validity = function(object){
                      retval = NULL
                      if(!all(unlist(lapply(object@clusters, function(x) names(x) %in% names(formals(object@genfunc))))))
                        retval <- "Nonconforming arguments found in slot 'clusters'"
         prototype = prototype(genfunc = ordsample))
#' A class that represents a metadata object for binary data
#' @export
#' @importFrom MultiOrd generate.binary          
         contains = "metadata.general",
         validity = function(object){
			          retval = NULL
			          if(!all(unlist(lapply(object@clusters, function(x) names(x) %in% names(formals(object@genfunc))))))
                      retval <- "Nonconforming arguments found in slot 'clusters'"
		 prototype = prototype(genfunc = generate.binary))
#' A class that represents a metadata object for string data
#' @export 
         representation = representation(clusters = "list",
                           distancetype = "character",
                           genfunc = "function",
                           seedinfo = "list"),
         validity = function(object){
			          retval = NULL
		 prototype = prototype(distancetype = "lv",
		                       genfunc = get.randomstrings <- function(){}))

# A class that represents a metadata object for wordnet data
# @export 		 
#         representation = representation(clusters = "list",
#                                         filtertype = "character",
#                                         case_ignore = "logical",
#                                         seedinfo = "list"),
#         validity = function(object){
#		              retval = NULL	 
#			          if(!any(object@filtertype == c("ContainsFilter", "EndsWithFilter", "StartsWithFilter",
#			                                  "RegexFilter", "SoundFilter", "ContainsFilter", "WildcardFilter",
#			                                  "ExactMatchFilter"))){
#				        retval <- "This filter type does not exist!"
#				      }
#			          retval                        
#		 },
#         prototype = prototype(case_ignore = TRUE))

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bdlp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:50 p.m.