
#$HeadURL: file:///srv/svn/bertin/pkg/bertin/R/bertinrect.R $
#$Id: bertinrect.R 94 2014-03-04 18:01:57Z gsawitzki $
#$Revision: 94 $
#$Date: 2014-03-04 19:01:57 +0100 (Tue, 04 Mar 2014) $
#$Author: gsawitzki $

# rect function (xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, density = NULL, angle = 45, 
#    col = NA, border = NULL, lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), 
#    ...) 

# single row: not ok, eg. bertinrect(Hotel[19,]) bertinrect(Hotel[,12])

# bertinrect
# default mar= c(1,1,6,4)+0.1,
bertinrect <- function(z, main = deparse(substitute(z)), 
	sepwd = 0.05, 
	mar = c(1, 1, 2, 1) + 0.1, 
	names = TRUE, 
	...) {

	#$Revision: 94 $
	#! adjust calling structure with rect()
	# keep imagem() and bertinrect() in parallel 
	# [i,j] bottom left is at user coordinates (i,j)
	# sepwd is internal margin

	if (missing(main)) {
		main <- deparse(substitute(z))
	z <- as.matrix(z) #! support lists and data frames as well

	nrow <- nrow(z)
	ncol <- ncol(z)

	if (missing(asp) ) {
		if (missing(aspz)) {
	} else {
	if (missing(aspz)) {
	} else {
	titleline <- 1

	if (missing(pars)) {
		strwrow <- max(strwidth(rownames(z), 
		strcol <- max(strwidth(colnames(z), 
		chwidth <- par("cin")[1] * 0.6 # using our cex=0.6
		lineheight <- par("lheight") * 
		titleline <- ceiling(strcol/lineheight) + 
		#mai <- par("mai")
		mai <- c(0, chwidth, strcol + 
			chwidth, strwrow + chwidth) + 
			mar * lineheight
		#mai[3]<-strcol + 2*chwidth +4.1* lineheight# up: usual 4.1 lines
		#mai[4]<-strwrow + 2*chwidth
		#mai <- mai + mar* lineheight
		par(mai = mai)
		#adjust plot region
		pin <- par("pin")
		aspp <- pin[2]/pin[1]
		#aspz <- nrow/ncol
		if (aspp > aspz) {
			pin[2] <- pin[2]/aspp * aspz
		} else {
			pin[1] <- pin[1]/aspz * aspp
		par(pin = pin)
	} else {
		if (!is.null(pars)) {

	plot.window(c(1, ncol(z) + 1), c(1, 
		nrow(z) + 1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", 
		asp = asp)

	title(main = main, line = titleline) # let sub etc be handled by image

	p <- par("cin", "din", "fin", "pin", 
		"plt", "mai", "mar", "usr") # for debug
	#	oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#    par(mar=mar)
#	parasp(t(z))#par(pin=c(3,4))

	#	plot(c(1, ncol(z)+1), c(1, nrow(z)+1), 
	#	main=main,type= "n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE,mar=mar,...)

	#usrold <- par(usr= c(1, (ncol(z)+1)*(1+2*sepwd), 1, (nrow(z)+1)*(1+2*sepwd)) )
	#! improve. use scaling as in plot.window
ranges <- apply(z, 1, range, finite = TRUE) # transposed
	ranges[1, ] <- pmin(0, ranges[1, ]) #tack at zero
	ranges[2, ] <- pmax(0, ranges[2, ]) #tack at zero
	scale <- ranges[2, ] - ranges[1, ]
	scale[] <- ifelse(scale[] == 0, 0.1, 
	scale[!is.finite(scale[])] <- 0.1 # fix zero scales
	scale[scale[] == 0] <- 0.1
	#add some margin. ! improve. use scaling as in plot.window
	scale <- (1 - 2 * sepwd)/scale
	zeroline <- -ranges[1, ] * scale

	xleft <- matrix((1:ncol(z)), nrow(z), 
		ncol(z), byrow = TRUE) + sepwd
	xright <- xleft + 1 - 2 * sepwd
	xbottom <- 1 + nrow(z) - (matrix((1:nrow(z)), 
		nrow(z), ncol(z))) + sepwd + zeroline #box zero line
	xtop <- z * scale + xbottom

	rect(xleft, xbottom, xright, xtop, 

	if (any(ranges[2, ] == 0)) {
		abline(h = xbottom[ranges[2, ] == 
			0], lty = 3, col = "darkgray")

	pu <- par("usr")
	#          pos = 3, xpd = NA, offs = 1, srt = 90, cex=0.6)}
	if (!is.null(colnames(z))) {
		colwidth <- (pu[2] - pu[1])/ncol
		rowheight <- (pu[4] - pu[3])/nrow
		for (col in (1:dim(z)[2])) 
		text(col + 0.5 * colwidth, par("usr")[4] + 
			0.1 * rowheight, colnames(z)[col], 
			adj = c(0, 1), xpd = NA, offset = 2, 
			srt = 90, cex = 0.6)
	if (!is.null(rownames(z))) {
		r <- par("usr")[2] #right
		for (row in (1:dim(z)[1])) text(r, 
			nrow(z) - row + 1.4, rownames(z)[row], 
			pos = 4, xpd = NA, offset = 0.2, 
			srt = 0, cex = 0.6)

		if (!all(is.finite(z))) {
			badpos <- !is.finite(z)
			xbottom <- 1 + nrow(z) - (matrix((1:nrow(z)), 
				nrow(z), ncol(z))) + sepwd #box zero line
			text(xleft[badpos] + 0.4, 
				xbottom[badpos], labels = z[badpos], 
				pos = 3, offs = 0.5, col = "red", 
				cex = 0.6)
	par(usr = c(1, ncol(z) + 1, nrow(z), 
	p <- par("cin", "din", "fin", "pin", 
		"plt", "mai", "mar", "usr")
} #bertinrect

# bertinrect(Hotel)
# dev.set(3);bertinrect(dtabulated,aspz=0.1,main="aspz=0.1")

Try the bertin package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bertin documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.