
Defines functions cops

Documented in cops

#' High Level COPS Function
#' About the function cops: The high level function allows for minimizing copstress for a clustered MDS configuration. Allows to choose COPS-C (finding a configuration from copstress with cordillera penalty) and profile COPS (finding hyperparameters for MDS models with power transformations). It is a wrapper for copstressMin and pcops.
#'@param dis a dissimilarity matrix or a dist object
#'@param variant a character string specifying which variant of COPS to fit. Allowed is any of the following "1","2","Variant1","Variant2","v1","v2","COPS-C","P-COPS","configuration-c","profile","copstress-c","p-copstress". Defaults to "COPS-C".
#'@param ... arguments to be passed to  \code{\link{copstressMin}} (for Variant 1) or \code{\link{pcops}} (for Variant 2).
#'@return For COPS-C Variant 1 see \code{\link{copstressMin}}, for P-COPS Variant 2 see \code{\link{pcops}}
#'#COPS-C with equal weight to stress and cordillera 
#'           minpts=2,itmax=1000) #use higher itmax in real
#'#s-stress type copstress (i.e. kappa=2, lambda=2)
#'# power-stress type profile copstress
#'# search for optimal kappa and lambda between
#'# kappa=0.5,lambda=0.5 and kappa=2,lambda=5
#'# nu is fixed on -1
#'           theta=c(1.4,3,-1), lower=c(1,0.5,-1),upper=c(3,5,-1),
#'           weightmat=ws, stressweight=0.9,cordweight=0.1) 
#'@keywords clustering multivariate
cops <- function(dis, variant=c("1","2","Variant1","Variant2","v1","v2",
                 if(missing(variant)) variant <- "COPS-C"
                 if(variant%in%c("1","Variant1","v1","configuration-c","COPS-C","copstress-c","cops-c","copsc")) out <- copstressMin(dis,...)
#                 if(variant%in%c("0","Variant0","v0","configuration-0","COPS-0","copstress-c")) stop("Not yet implemented") out <- shrinkCopstress0(dis,...)
                 if(variant%in%c("2","Variant2","v2","profile","p-copstress","P-COPS","COPS-P","p-cops","copstress-p","pcops")) out <- pcops(dis,...)

## #' PCOPS versions of smacofSym models
## #'
## #' The free parameter is lambda for power transformations the observed proximities. The fitted distances power is internally fixed to 1 and the power for the weights is 1. 
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector; must be a scalar for the lambda (proximity) transformation. Defaults to 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 1000
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes smacofs default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #'    \itemize{
## #'         \item{stress:} the stress
## #'         \item{stress.m:} default normalized stress
## #'         \item{copstress:} the weighted loss value
## #'         \item{OC:} the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item{parameters:} the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item{fit:} the returned object of the fitting procedure (which has all smacofB elements and some more)
## #'         \item{cordillera:} the cordillera object
## #' }
## #'
## #'@importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #'@import cordillera 
## #'@import smacof
## #' 
## #'@keywords multivariate
## cop_smacofSym <- function(dis,theta=1,ndim=2,weightmat=NULL,init=NULL,itmaxi=1000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,normed=TRUE,scale="sd",stresstype="default") {
##                                         #TODO Unfolding
##   if(is.null(init)) init <- "torgerson"
##   if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##   if(is.null(weightmat)) weightmat <- 1-diag(dim(dis)[1])
##   #kappa first argument, lambda=second
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   lambda <- theta
##  # if(length(theta)==3L) lambda <- theta[2]
##  # addargs <- list(...)
##  # addargs
##   fit <- smacof::smacofSym(dis^lambda,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,init=init,verbose=isTRUE(verbose==2),itmax=itmaxi,...) #optimize with smacof
##   #fit$kappa <- 1
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##   #fit$nu <- 1
##   fit$stress.1 <- fit$stress
##  # fit$stress <- (fit$stress^2)*sum(fit$obsdiss^2) check if this is like below
##  # fitdis <- 2*sqrt(sqdist(fit$conf))
##   fitdis <- as.matrix(fit$confdist)
##   delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta) #That was my choice to not use the normalized deltas but try it on the original; that is scale and unit free as Buja said
##  # if(inherits(fit,"smacofSP")) delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta)[-1,-1]
##   fit$stress.r <- sum(weightmat*(delts-fitdis)^2)
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress^2#fit$stress.r/sum(weightmat*delts^2)
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   fit$deltaorig <- fit$delta^(1/fit$lambda)  
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.r=fit$stress.r, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
##   out
## }

## #' PCOPS versions of elastic scaling models (via smacofSym)
## #'
## #' The free parameter is lambda for power transformations the observed proximities. The fitted distances power is internally fixed to 1 and the power for the weights=delta is -2. Allows for a weight matrix because of smacof.
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; this must be a scalar of the lambda transformation for the observed proximities. Defaults to 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 1000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights (NOT the elscal weights)
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the corrdillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted 
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes smacofs default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #'    \itemize{
## #'         \item{stress:} the stress
## #'         \item{stress.m:} default normalized stress
## #'         \item{copstress:} the weighted loss value
## #'         \item{OC:} the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item{parameters:} the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item{fit:} the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item{cordillera:} the cordillera object
## #' }
## #'
## #'
## #'@importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #'@import smacof
## #'@import cordillera 
## #' 
## #'@keywords multivariate
## cop_elastic <- function(dis,theta=1,ndim=2,weightmat=1,init=NULL,itmaxi=1000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,normed=TRUE,scale="sd",stresstype="default") {
##                                         #TODO Unfolding
##   if(is.null(init)) init <- "torgerson"
##   if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##   if(is.null(weightmat)) weightmat <- 1-diag(dim(dis)[1]) 
##   #kappa first argument, lambda=second
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   lambda <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==3L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   nu <- -2
##   #addargs <- list(...)
##   #addargs
##   elscalw <- dis^(nu*lambda) #the weighting in elastic scaling
##   diag(elscalw) <- 1
##   combwght <- weightmat*elscalw #combine the user weights and the elastic scaling weights
##   fit <- smacof::smacofSym(dis^lambda,ndim=ndim,weightmat=combwght,init=init,verbose=isTRUE(verbose==2),itmax=itmaxi,...) #optimize with smacof
##   #fit$kappa <- 1
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##   #fit$nu <- nu
##   fit$stress.1 <- fit$stress
##  # fit$stress <- (fit$stress^2)*sum(fit$obsdiss^2) check if this is like below
##  # fitdis <- 2*sqrt(sqdist(fit$conf))
##   fitdis <- as.matrix(fit$confdist)
##   delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta) 
##   fit$stress.r <- sum(combwght*((delts-fitdis)^2))
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress^2#fit$stress.r/sum(combwght*delts^2)
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   fit$deltaorig <- fit$delta^(1/fit$lambda)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.r=fit$stress.r, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
##   out
## }

## #' PCOPS versions of smacofSphere models
## #'
## #' The free parameter is lambda for power transformations the observed proximities. The fitted distances power is internally fixed to 1 and the power for the weights is 1. 
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; this must be a scalar of the lambda transformation for the observed proximities. Defaults to 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 1000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the corrdillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted 
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes smacofs default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #'    \itemize{
## #'         \item{stress:} the stress
## #'         \item{stress.m:} default normalized stress
## #'         \item{copstress:} the weighted loss value
## #'         \item{OC:} the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item{parameters:} the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item{fit:} the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item{cordillera:} the cordillera object
## #' }
## #'
## #'@import smacof
## #'@import cordillera 
## #'@importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #'@keywords multivariate
## cop_smacofSphere <- function(dis,theta=1,ndim=2,weightmat=NULL,init=NULL,itmaxi=1000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,normed=TRUE,scale="sd",stresstype="default") {
##                                         #TODO Unfolding
##   if(is.null(init)) init <- "torgerson"
##   if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##   if(is.null(weightmat)) weightmat <- 1-diag(dim(dis)[1])
##   #kappa first argument, lambda=second
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   lambda <- theta
##  # if(length(theta)==2L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   #addargs <- list(...)
##   #addargs
##   fit <- smacof::smacofSphere(dis^lambda,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,init=init,verbose=isTRUE(verbose==2),itmax=itmaxi,...) #optimize with smacof
##   #fit$kappa <- 1
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##   #nu <- 
##   fit$stress.1 <- fit$stress
##  # fit$stress <- (fit$stress^2)*sum(fit$obsdiss^2) check if this is like below
##  # fitdis <- 2*sqrt(sqdist(fit$conf))
##   fitdis <- as.matrix(fit$confdist)
##   delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta)[-1,-1]
##   fit$stress.r <- sum(weightmat*(delts-fitdis)^2)
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress^2#fit$stress.r/sum(weightmat*delts^2)
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda) #c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   fit$deltaorig <- fit$delta^(1/fit$lambda)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.r=fit$stress.r, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
##   out
## }

## #' PCOPS version of Sammon mapping
## #'
## #' Uses MASS::sammon. The free parameter is lambda for power transformations of the observed proximities. The fitted distances power is internally fixed to 1 and the power for the weights=delta is -1. 
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; this must be  a scalar of the lambda transformation for the observed proximities. Defaults to 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 1000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the corrdillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes smacofs default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #'
## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @keywords multivariate
## #'
## #' 
## cop_sammon <- function(dis,theta=1,ndim=2,init=NULL,weightmat=NULL,itmaxi=100,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype="default") {
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##   lambda <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==2L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   #if(length(theta)==3L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   #nu <- -1
##  # if(is.null(init)) init <- cmdscale(dis^lambda,k=ndim)$points
##   fit <- smacofx::sammon(dis^lambda,k=ndim,y=init,trace=isTRUE(verbose>1),niter=itmaxi,...)
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##   #fit$kappa <- 1
##   #fit$nu <- -1
##   dis <- stats::as.dist(dis)
##   fitdis <- stats::dist(fit$points)
##   fit$stress.r <- sum(((dis^lambda-fitdis)^2)/dis)
##   fit$stress.n <- fit$stress.r/sum(dis)
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress^2#TODO: Passt das?
##   fit$conf <- fit$points
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters,  fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
## }

## #' Another COPS versions of Sammon mapping models (via smacofSym)
## #'
## #' Uses Smacof, so it can deal with a weight matrix too.  The free parameter is lambda for power transformations of the observed proximities. The fitted distances power is internally fixed to 1 and the power for the weights=delta is -1. 
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta theta the theta vector of powers; this must be a scalar of the lambda transformation for the observed proximities. Defaults to 1. 
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 1000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights (NOT the sammon weights)
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the corrdillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes smacofs default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #'    \itemize{
## #'         \item{stress:} the stress
## #'         \item{stress.m:} default normalized stress
## #'         \item{copstress:} the weighted loss value
## #'         \item{OC:} the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item{parameters:} the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item{fit:} the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item{cordillera:} the cordillera object
## #' }
## #'
## #'
## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #' @import smacof
## #' @import cordillera
## #'@keywords multivariate
## cop_sammon2 <- function(dis,theta=1,ndim=2,weightmat=NULL,init=NULL,itmaxi=1000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,normed=TRUE,scale="sd",stresstype="default") {
##     if(is.null(init)) init <- "torgerson" 
##   if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##   if(is.null(weightmat)) weightmat <- 1-diag(dim(dis)[1]) 
##   #kappa first argument, lambda=second
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   lambda <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==3L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   nu <- -1
##   #addargs <- list(...)
##   elscalw <- dis^(nu*lambda) #the weighting in elastic scaling
##   diag(elscalw) <- 1
##   combwght <- weightmat*elscalw #combine the user weights and the elastic scaling weights
##   fit <- smacof::smacofSym(dis^lambda,ndim=ndim,weightmat=combwght,init=init,verbose=isTRUE(verbose==2),itmax=itmaxi,...) #optimize with smacof
##   #fit$kappa <- 1
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##   #fit$nu <- nu
##   fit$stress.1 <- fit$stress
##  # fit$stress <- (fit$stress^2)*sum(fit$obsdiss^2) check if this is like below
##  # fitdis <- 2*sqrt(sqdist(fit$conf))
##   fitdis <- as.matrix(fit$confdist)
##   delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta) 
##   fit$stress.r <- sum(combwght*((delts-fitdis)^2))
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress^2#fit$stress.r/sum(combwght*delts^2)
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   fit$deltaorig <- fit$delta^(1/fit$lambda)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.r=fit$stress.r, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
##   out
## }

## #' PCOPS version of strain
## #'
## #' The free parameter is lambda for power transformations of the observed proximities.
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta  the theta vector of powers; this must be a scalar of the lambda transformation for the observed proximities.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. No effect here.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the corrdillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes cmdscales default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' 
## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @keywords multivariate
## cop_cmdscale <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1,1),weightmat=NULL,ndim=2,init=NULL,itmaxi=1000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype="default") {
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(length(theta)==1L) lambda <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==2L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   #if(length(theta)==3L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   fit <- cmdscale(dis^lambda,k=ndim,eig=TRUE,...) 
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##  # fit$kappa <- 1
##  # fit$nu <- 1
##   dis <- stats::as.dist(dis)
##   fitdis <- stats::dist(fit$points)
##   fit$stress.r <- sum((dis^lambda-fitdis)^2)
##   fit$stress.n <- fit$stress.r/sum(dis^(2*lambda))
##   fit$stress <- sqrt(fit$stress.n)
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   fit$conf <- fit$points
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   list(stress=fit$GOF,stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
## }

## #' PCOPS version of rstress
## #'
## #' Free parameter is kappa for the fitted distances.
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; this must be a scalar of the kappa transformation for the fitted distances proximities. Defaults to 1. Note the kappa here differs from Jan's version where the parameter was called r and the relationship is r=kappa/2 or kappa=2r. 
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to explicitly normed stress
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @keywords multivariate
## #' @import cordillera
## cop_rstress <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=10000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"  
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   kappa <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==3L) kappa <- theta[1] 
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=kappa,lambda=1,nu=1,weightmat=weightmat,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   fit$kappa <- kappa
##   #fit$lambda <- 1
##   #fit$nu <- 1
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(kappa=fit$kappa)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##  # fit$deltaorig <- fit$delta^(1/fit$lambda)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj)
##   out
## }

## #' PCOPS version of sstress
## #'
## #'Free parameter is lambda for the observed proximities. Fitted distances are transformed with power 2, weights have exponent of 1. Note that the lambda here works as a multiplicator of 2 (as sstress has f(delta^2)).
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; this must be a scalar of the lambda transformation for the observed proximities. Defaults to 1. Note that the lambda here works as a multiplicator of 2 (as sstress has f(delta^2)). 
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to explicitly normed stress
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @keywords multivariate
## #' @import cordillera
## cop_sstress <- function(dis,theta=c(2,1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=10000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"  
##   if(length(theta)>1) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   lambda <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==3L) lambda <- theta[2]
##   flambda <- lambda*2 #sstress is d^2 and delta^2 so f(delta^2)=delta^(2*1); lambda works in factors of 2  
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=2,lambda=flambda,nu=1,weightmat=weightmat,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   #fit$kappa <- 2
##   fit$lambda <- lambda
##   #fit$nu <- 1
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj)
##   out
## }

## #' PCOPS version of powermds
## #'
## #' This is power stress with free kappa and lambda but nu is fixed to 1, so no weight transformation.
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; a vector of length 2 where the first element is kappa (for the fitted distances), the second lambda (for the observed proximities). If a scalar is given it is recycled.  Defaults to 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to whatever whim is my default (currently explicitly normed stress)
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @keywords multivariate
## #' @import cordillera
## cop_powermds <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=itmaxi,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"
##   if(length(theta)>2) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(length(theta)<2) theta <- rep(theta,length.out=2)
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[2],nu=1,weightmat=weightmat,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   fit$kappa <- theta[1]
##   fit$lambda <- theta[2]
##   #fit$nu <- 1
##    fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit, copsobj=copobj)
##   out 
## }

## #' PCOPS version of sammon with powers
## #'
## #' This is power stress with free kappa and lambda but nu is fixed to -1 and the weights are delta.
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; a vector of length two where the first element is kappa (for the fitted distances), the second lambda (for the observed proximities). If a scalar is given it is recycled for the free parameters.  Defaults to 1 1..
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to explicitly normed stress
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @keywords multivariate
## cop_powersammon <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=10000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"
##   if(length(theta)>2) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(length(theta)==1L) theta <- rep(theta,2)
##   nu <- -1
##   sammwght <-dis^(theta[2])
##   diag(sammwght) <- 1
##   combwght <- sammwght*weightmat
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[2],nu=nu,weightmat=combwght,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   fit$kappa <- theta[1]
##   fit$lambda <- theta[2]
##   #fit$nu <- nu
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda)# c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit, copsobj=copobj)
##   out 
## }

## #' PCOPS version of elastic scaling with powers
## #'
## # This is power stress with free kappa and lambda but nu is fixed to -2 and the weights are delta.
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers;  a vector of length two where the first element is kappa (for the fitted distances), the second lambda (for the observed proximities). If a scalar for the free parameters is given it is recycled.  Defaults to 1 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale  should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to explicitly normed stress
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @keywords multivariate
## cop_powerelastic <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=10000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"
##   if(length(theta)>2) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(length(theta)==1L) theta <- rep(theta,2)
##   nu <- -2
##   elawght <- dis^(theta[2])
##   diag(elawght) <- 1
##   combwght <- elawght*weightmat
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[2],nu=nu,weightmat=combwght,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   fit$kappa <- theta[1]
##   fit$lambda <- theta[2]
##   #fit$nu <- nu
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <-  c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda) # c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit, copsobj=copobj)
##   out 
## }

## #' COPS version of powerstress
## #'
## #' Power stress with free kappa and lambda and rho (the theta argument).
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; the first is kappa (for the fitted distances), the second lambda (for the observed proximities), the third nu (for the weights). If a scalar is given it is recycled.  Defaults to 1 1 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale  should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to explicitly normed stress
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @keywords multivariate
## cop_powerstress <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=10000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"
##   if(length(theta)>3) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(length(theta)<3) theta <- rep(theta,length.out=3)
##   wght <- weightmat
##   diag(wght) <- 1
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[2],nu=theta[3],weightmat=wght,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   #fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[2],nu=theta[3],weightmat=wght,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   fit$kappa <- theta[1]
##   fit$lambda <- theta[2]
##   fit$nu <- theta[3]
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit, copsobj=copobj)
##   out 
## }

## #' PCOPS version of restricted powerstress.  
## #
## #'
## #' This is a power stress where kappa and lambda are free to vary but restricted to be equal, so the same exponent will be used for distances and dissimilarities. nu (for the weights) is also free.  
## #' 
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; the first two arguments are for kappa and lambda and should be equal (for the fitted distances and observed proximities), the third nu (for the weights). Internally the kappa and lambda are equated. If a scalar is given it is recycled (so all elements of theta are equal); if a vector of length 2 is given, it gets expanded to c(theta[1],theta[1],theta[2]). Defaults to 1 1 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 10000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale  should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report? Defaults to explicitly normed stress
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'         \item stress: the stress1 value (sqrt(stress.m))
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @keywords multivariate
## cop_rpowerstress <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1,1),weightmat=1-diag(nrow(dis)),init=NULL,ndim=2,itmaxi=10000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,scale="sd",normed=TRUE,stresstype=c("default","stress1","rawstress","normstress","enormstress","enormstress1")) {
##   if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "default"
##   if(length(theta)>3) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   #if(length(theta)==3L & theta[1]!=theta[2]) warning("The powers given for kappa and lambda do not agree. The first value in theta will be used for both kappa and lambda.")  
##   if(length(theta)==1L) theta <- rep(theta,3)
##   if(length(theta)==2L) theta <- c(rep(theta[1],2),theta[2])
##   wght <- weightmat
##   diag(wght) <- 1
##   fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[1],nu=theta[3],weightmat=wght,init=init,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi,...)
##   #fit <- powerStressMin(delta=dis,kappa=theta[1],lambda=theta[2],nu=theta[3],weightmat=wght,ndim=ndim,verbose=verbose,itmax=itmaxi)
##   if(stresstype=="default") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.m
##   if(stresstype=="stress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.1
##   if(stresstype=="rawstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.r
##   if(stresstype=="normstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.n
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en
##   if(stresstype=="enormstress1") fit$stress.m <- fit$stress.en1
##   fit$kappa <- theta[1]
##   fit$lambda <- theta[1]
##   fit$nu <- theta[3]
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(kappa=fit$kappa,lambda=fit$lambda,nu=fit$nu)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.m=fit$stress.m, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit, copsobj=copobj)
##   out 
## }

## #' PCOPS version of approximated power stress model.
## #'
## #' This uses an approximation to power stress that can make use of smacof as workhorse. Free parameters are tau and upsilon.
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param theta the theta vector of parameters to optimize over. Must be of length two, with the first the tau argument and the second the upsilon argument. It can also be a scalar of the tau and upsilon transformation for the observed proximities and gets recycled for both ups and tau (so they are equal). Defaults to 1 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param itmaxi number of iterations. default is 1000.
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a binary matrix of nonnegative weights
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness.
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted
## #' @param stresstype which stress to report. Only takes smacofs default stress currrently.
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the fitting procedure
## #' 
## #' @return A list with the components
## #'    \itemize{
## #'         \item{stress:} the stress
## #'         \item{stress.m:} default normalized stress
## #'         \item{copstress:} the weighted loss value
## #'         \item{OC:} the Optics cordillera value
## #'         \item{parameters:} the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item{fit:} the returned object of the fitting procedure (which has all smacofB elements and some more
## #'         \item{cordillera:} the cordillera object
## #' }
## #'
## #'@importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #'@import cordillera 
## #'@import smacof
## #' 
## #'@keywords multivariate
## cop_apstress <- function(dis,theta=c(1,1,1),ndim=2,weightmat=NULL,init=NULL,itmaxi=1000,...,stressweight=1,cordweight=0.5,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,normed=TRUE,scale="sd",stresstype="default") {
##   #TODO Unfolding  
##   if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##   if(is.null(weightmat)) weightmat <- 1-diag(dim(dis)[1])
##   if(length(setdiff(unique(unlist(as.vector(weightmat))),c(0,1)))>0) stop("For approximated power stress, only binary weight matrices are allowed.")   
##   #kappa first argument, lambda=second
##   if(length(theta)>2) stop("There are too many parameters in the theta argument.")
##   if(length(theta)==1L) theta <- rep(theta,2)
## # tau <- theta
##   #if(length(theta)==3L)  {
##         tau <- theta[1]
##         ups <- theta[2]
##    #     }
##  # addargs <- list(...)                                        # addargs
##   combwght <- weightmat*(dis^ups)
##   fit <- smacof::smacofSym(dis^tau,ndim=ndim,weightmat=combwght,init=init,verbose=isTRUE(verbose==2),itmax=itmaxi,...) #optimize with smacof
##   #fit$kappa <- 1
##   fit$tau <- tau
##   fit$upsilon <- ups
##   fit$stress.1 <- fit$stress
##  # fit$stress <- (fit$stress^2)*sum(fit$obsdiss^2) check if this is like below
##  # fitdis <- 2*sqrt(sqdist(fit$conf))
##   fitdis <- as.matrix(fit$confdist)
##   delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta) #That was my choice to not use the normalized deltas but try it on the original; that is scale and unit free as Buja said
##  # if(inherits(fit,"smacofSP")) delts <- as.matrix(fit$delta)[-1,-1]
##   fit$stress.r <- sum(combwght*(delts-fitdis)^2)
##   fit$stress.m <- fit$stress^2#fit$stress.r/sum(combwght*delts^2)
##   fit$parameters <- fit$theta <- c(tau=fit$tau,upsilon=fit$upsilon)#c(kappa=fit$kappa,tau=fit$tau,upsilon=fit$upsilon)
##   fit$deltaorig <- fit$delta^(1/fit$tau)
##   copobj <- copstress(fit,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##   out <- list(stress=fit$stress, stress.r=fit$stress.r, stress.m=fit$stress^2, copstress=copobj$copstress, OC=copobj$OC, parameters=copobj$parameters, fit=fit,copsobj=copobj) #target functions
##   out
## }

## #' Calculates copstress for given MDS object 
## #'
## #' @param obj MDS object (supported are sammon, cmdscale, smacof, rstress, powermds)
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.5
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to 2
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the distances (min distance minus max distance). If NULL (default) the cordillera will be normed to each configuration's maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness. 
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is very verbose (copstress level), >3 is extremely (up to MDS optimization level)
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scale adjusted.
## #' @param init a reference configuration when doing procrustes adjustment
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the cordillera function
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #'        \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'        \item OC: the Optics cordillera value
## #'        \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'        \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' @keywords multivariate
## #' @import cordillera
## copstress <- function(obj,stressweight=1,cordweight=5,q=1,minpts=2,epsilon=10,rang=NULL,verbose=0,normed=TRUE,scale=c("std","sd","proc","none"),init,...)
## {
##         if(missing(scale)) scale <- "sd"
##         stressi <- obj$stress.m
##         #kappa <- obj$kappa
##         #lambda <- obj$lambda
##         #nu <- obj$nu
##         confs <- obj$conf
##         confs <- scale_adjust(confs,init,scale=scale)
##         corrd <- cordillera::cordillera(confs,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=FALSE,...)
##         struc <- corrd$raw
##         maxstruc <- corrd$normi
##         if(normed) {
##                    struc <- corrd$normed
##                    maxstruc <- 1
##                    }
##         ic <- stressweight*stressi - cordweight*struc
##         if(verbose>0) cat("copstress =",ic,"mdsloss =",stressi,"OC =",struc,"theta =",obj$parameters,"\n")
##         out <- list(copstress=ic,OC=struc,parameters=obj$parameters,cordillera=corrd)
##         out
##      }

## #' Profile COPS Function (aka COPS Variant 2)
## #'
## #' Metaparameter selection for MDS models baseed on the Profile COPS approach (COPS Variant 2). It uses copstress for hyperparameter selection. It is a special case of a STOPS model.  
## #'
## #' @param dis numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param loss which loss function to be used for fitting, defaults to strain. Currently allows for the following models:
## #' \itemize{
## #' \item Power transformations of observed proximities only (theta must be scalar): Strain loss or classical scaling (\code{strain}, workhorse is cmdscale), Kruskall's stress for symmetric matrices (\code{smacofSym} or \code{stress} and \code{smacofSphere} for scaling onto a sphere; workhorse is smacof), Sammon mapping (\code{sammon} or \code{sammon2}; for the earlier the workhorse is sammon from MASS for the latter it is smacof), elastic scaling (\code{elastic}, the workhorse is smacof), Takane et al's s-Stress \code{sstress} (workhorse is powerstressMin)
## #' \item Power transformations of fitted distances only (theta must be scalar): De Leeuw's r-stress \code{rstress} (workhorse is powerstressMin)
## #' \item Power transformations of fitted distances and observed proximities (theta must be scalar or of length 2): Power MDS (\code{powermds}), Sammon mapping/elastic scaling with powers (\code{powersammon}, \code{powerelastic})
## #' \item Power transfomations of fitted distances, observed proximities and weights (theta must be of length 3 at most): powerstress (POST-MDS, \code{powerstress}), restricted powerstress with equal transformations for distances and proximities (\code{rpowerstress}); workhorse is powerstressMin)
## #' \item Approximation to power stress (theta must be of length 2): Approximated power stress (\code{apstress}; workhorse is smacof)
## #' }
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; see the corresponding cop_XXX function for which theta are allowed. If a scalar is given as argument, it will be recycled. Defaults to 1.
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights; defaults to 1 for all off diagonals 
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration. If not supplied, the Torgerson scaling result of the dissimilarity matrix dis^theta[2]/enorm(dis^theta[2],weightmat) is used.
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; if missing gets estimated from the initial configuration so that copstress = 0 for theta=c(1,1) 
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS; defaults to ndim+1
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked; defaults to 10
## #' @param rang range of the minimum reachabilities to be considered. If missing it is found from the initial configuration by taking 1.5 times the maximal minimum reachability of the model with theta=c(1,1). If NULL it will be normed to each configuration's minimum and maximum distance, so an absolute value of goodness-of-clusteredness. Note that the latter is not necessarily desirable when comparing configurations for their relative clusteredness. See also \code{\link[cordillera]{cordillera}}.     
## #' @param optimmethod What general purpose optimizer to use? Defaults to our adaptive LJ version (ALJ). Also allows particle swarm optimization with s particles ("pso") and simulated annealing ("SANN"), "DIRECT" and "DIRECTL", Hooke-Jeeves ("hjk"), StoGo ("stogo"), and "MADS". We recommend not using SANN and pso with the rstress, sstress and the power stress models. We made good experiences with ALJ, stogo, DIRECT and DIRECTL and also MADS. 
## #' @param lower A vector of the lower box contraints of the search region. Its length must match the length of theta.
## #' @param upper A vector of the upper box contraints of the search region. Its length must match the length of theta. 
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is extremely verbose. Note that for models with some parameters fixed, the iteration progress of the optimizer shows different values also for the fixed parameters because due to the modular setup we always optimize over a three parameter vector. These values are inconsequential however as internally they will be fixed. 
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE
## #' @param scale should the configuration be scaled and/or centered for calculating the cordillera? "std" standardizes each column of the configurations to mean=0 and sd=1 (typically not a good idea), "sd" scales the configuration by the maximum standard devation of any column (default), "proc" adjusts the fitted configuration to the init configuration (or the Togerson scaling solution if init=NULL). This parameter only has an effect for calculating the cordillera, the fitted and returned configuration is NOT scaled.     
## #'@param s number of particles if pso is used
## #'@param stresstype what stress to be used for comparisons between solutions. Currently not implemented and pcops uses explicitly normalized stress for copstress (not stress-1). Stress-1 is reported by the print function though.   
## #'@param itmaxo iterations of the outer step (optimization over the hyperparmeters; if solver allows it). Defaults to 200.  
## #'@param itmaxi iterations of the inner step (optimization of the MDS). Defaults to 10000 (whichis huge).
## #'@param acc termination threshold difference of two successive outer minimization steps.
## #'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to the optimization procedure
## #'
## #'@return A list with the components
## #'         \itemize{
## #'         \item copstress: the weighted loss value
## #'         \item OC: the OPTICS cordillera for the scaled configuration (as defined by scale) 
## #'         \item optim: the object returned from the optimization procedure
## #'         \item stress: the stress (square root of stress.m)
## #'         \item stress.m: default normalized stress 
## #'         \item parameters: the parameters used for fitting (kappa, lambda)
## #'         \item fit: the returned object of the fitting procedure
## #'         \item cordillera: the cordillera object
## #' }
## #' 
## #'@examples
## #' dis<-as.matrix(smacof::kinshipdelta)
## #' set.seed(210485)
## #' #configuration is scaled with highest column sd for calculating cordilera 
## #' res1<-pcops(dis,loss="strain",lower=0.1,upper=5,minpts=2) 
## #' res1
## #' summary(res1)
## #' plot(res1)
## #' 
## #' 
## #'@importFrom stats dist as.dist optim sd
## #'@importFrom pso psoptim
## #'@importFrom nloptr direct directL stogo 
## #'@importFrom crs snomadr
## #'@importFrom dfoptim hjk
## #'@import cordillera
## #' 
## #'@keywords clustering multivariate
## #'@export
## pcops <- function(dis,loss=c("stress","smacofSym","smacofSphere","strain","sammon","rstress","powermds","sstress","elastic","powersammon","powerelastic","powerstress","sammon2","powerstrain","apstress","rpowerstress"),weightmat=NULL,ndim=2,init=NULL,theta=1,stressweight=1,cordweight,q=2,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=100,rang,optimmethod=c("ALJ","pso","SANN","DIRECT","DIRECTL","stogo","MADS","hjk"),lower=0.5,upper=5,verbose=0,scale=c("proc", "sd", "none", "std"),normed=TRUE,s=4,stresstype="default",acc=1e-7,itmaxo=200,itmaxi=10000,...)
## {
##       if(missing(scale)) scale <- "sd"
##       if(inherits(dis,"dist")) dis <- as.matrix(dis)
##       if(is.null(weightmat)) weightmat <- 1-diag(dim(dis)[1]) 
##       if(missing(loss)) loss <- "strain"
##       #if(length(theta)==1L) expo <- theta
##       #if(length(theta)>2) expo <- theta[2]
##       #if(is.null(init)) init <- cops::torgerson(dis^expo/enorm(dis^expo,weightmat),p=ndim) #like in powerstressMin
##       .confin <- init #initialize a configuration
##       psfunc <- switch(loss,"strain"=cop_cmdscale,"powerstrain"=cop_cmdscale,"elastic"=cop_elastic,"sstress"=cop_sstress,"stress"=cop_smacofSym,"smacofSym"= cop_smacofSym,"smacofSphere"=cop_smacofSphere,"rstress"=cop_rstress,"powermds"=cop_powermds,"powerstress"=cop_powerstress,"sammon"=cop_sammon,"sammon2"=cop_sammon2,"powersammon"=cop_powersammon,"powerelastic"=cop_powerelastic,"apstress"=cop_apstress,"rpowerstress"=cop_rpowerstress) #choose the stress to minimize
##       if(missing(optimmethod)) optimmethod <- "ALJ"
##       if(missing(rang)) 
##           {
##            if(verbose>1) cat ("Fitting configuration for rang. \n")    
##            initsol <- do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,theta=1,init=.confin,weightmat=weightmat,ndim=ndim,rang=c(0,1),q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,verbose=verbose-2,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))
##            init0 <- initsol$fit$conf
##            #if(scale=="std") init0 <- scale(init0)
##            #if(scale=="sd") init0 <- init0/max(apply(init0,2,sd))
##                                         #if(scale=="proc") init0 <- smacof::Procrustes(init,init0)$Yhat
##            init0 <- scale_adjust(init0,.confin,scale=scale)
##            crp <- cordillera::cordillera(init0,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,scale=FALSE)$reachplot
##            cin <- max(crp)
##            rang <- c(0,1.5*cin) #approximate upper bound by 1.5 times the max distance in the initial config
##                  #alternatives: use an adjusted boxplot idea so e.g., rang<-c(quantile(crp,0.25)-exp(-4*robustbase::mc(crp))*1.5*IQR(crp),quantile(crp,0.75)+exp(4*robustbase::mc(crp))*1.5*IQR(crp)
##                  #alternatives: use an adjusted boxplot idea so e.g., c(min(crp)-exp(-4*robustbase::mc(crp))*1.5,max(crp)+exp(4*robustbase::mc(crp))*1.5) 
##             if(verbose>1) cat("dmax is",max(rang),". rang is",rang,"\n")
##            }
##       if(is.null(rang) && verbose > 1) cat("rang=NULL which makes the cordillera a goodness-of-clustering relative to the largest distance of each given configuration. \n") 
##       if(missing(cordweight))
##       {
##           if(!exists("initsol")) {
##                  if(verbose>1) cat ("Fitting configuration for cordweight. \n")     
##                  initsol <- do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,theta=1,init=.confin,weightmat=weightmat,ndim=ndim,rang=rang,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,verbose=verbose-2,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))
##           }
##             init0 <- initsol$fit$conf
##             init0 <- scale_adjust(init0,.confin,scale=scale)
##             #if(scale=="std") init0 <- scale(init0)
##             #if(scale=="sd") init0 <- init0/max(apply(init0,2,sd))
##             #if(scale=="proc") init0 <- smacof::Procrustes(init,init0)$Yhat
##             initcorrd <- cordillera::cordillera(init0,q=q,epsilon=epsilon,minpts=minpts,rang=rang,scale=FALSE)$normed 
##             if(identical(normed,FALSE)) initcorrd <- cordillera::cordillera(init0,q=q,epsilon=epsilon,minpts=minpts,rang=rang,scale=scale)$raw
##             cordweight <- initsol$stress.m/initcorrd  
##             if(verbose>1) cat("Weights are stressweight=",stressweight,"cordweight=",cordweight,"\n")
##             }
##       if(verbose>1) cat("Starting Optimization \n ")
##       if(optimmethod=="SANN") {
##           opt<- stats::optim(theta, function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,theta=theta,weightmat=weightmat,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,method="SANN",control=list(maxit=itmaxo,trace=verbose-2,reltol=acc),...)
##       }
##       if(optimmethod=="pso") {
##         addargs <- list(...)
##         control <- list(trace=verbose-2,s=s,addargs)
##         opt<- pso::psoptim(theta, function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,theta=theta,weightmat=weightmat,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,control=control)
##         thetaopt <- opt$par
##        }
##       if(optimmethod=="ALJ") {
##           opt<- cops::ljoptim(theta, function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=theta,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,verbose=verbose-2,itmax=itmaxo,acc=acc,...)
##             # opt<- cops::ljoptim(theta, function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=theta,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,verbose=verbose-2,itmax=itmaxo,acc=acc)
##             thetaopt <- opt$par
##       }
##       if(optimmethod=="DIRECT") {
##           opt<- nloptr::direct(function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=theta,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,nl.info=isTRUE(all.equal(verbose-2,0)),control=list(maxeval=itmaxo,xtol_rel=acc),...)
##             thetaopt <- opt$par
##       }
##        if(optimmethod=="stogo") {
##            opt<- nloptr::stogo(theta,function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=theta,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,nl.info=isTRUE(all.equal(verbose-2,0)),maxeval=itmaxo,xtol_rel=acc,...)
##              thetaopt <- opt$par
##       }
##       if(optimmethod=="DIRECTL") {
##           opt<- nloptr::directL(function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=theta,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,nl.info=isTRUE(all.equal(verbose-2,0)),control=list(maxeval=itmaxo,xtol_rel=acc),...)
##             thetaopt <- opt$par
##        }
##       if(optimmethod=="MADS") {
##       #snomard is super stupid with extra parameters    
##       eval.f.pars <- function(x,params)
##       {
##         psfunc <- params[[1]]
##         tmplist <- list(theta=x)
##         parlist <- c(tmplist,params[-1])
##         tmpo <- do.call(psfunc,parlist)
##         return(tmpo$copstress)
##        }
##        params <- list(psfunc,dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-4,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi)   
##        opt<- crs::snomadr(n=length(theta),x0=theta,eval.f=eval.f.pars,params=params,bbin=0,lb=lower,ub=upper,print.output=isTRUE(all.equal(verbose-2,0)),opts=list("MAX_BB_EVAL"=itmaxo),...)
##        thetaopt <- opt$solution
##        opt$par <- opt$solution  
##        }
##       if(optimmethod=="hjk") {
##           opt<- dfoptim::hjkb(theta, function(theta) do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=theta,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-3,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))$copstress,lower=lower,upper=upper,control=list(info=isTRUE(all.equal(verbose-2,0)),maxfeval=itmaxo,tol=acc),...)
##        thetaopt <- opt$par
##        } 
##     #refit the optimal version (TODO probably unnecessary if the other functions are properly reimplemented)
##     out <- do.call(psfunc,list(dis=dis,weightmat=weightmat,theta=thetaopt,init=.confin,ndim=ndim,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,verbose=verbose-2,scale=scale,normed=normed,stresstype=stresstype,itmaxi=itmaxi))
##     confopt <- scale_adjust(out$fit$conf,.confin,scale=scale)
##     out$OC <- cordillera::cordillera(confopt,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=FALSE)
##     #out$copstress <- opt$value 
##     out$optim <- opt
##     out$stressweight <- stressweight
##     out$cordweight <- cordweight
##     out$call <- match.call()
##     out$optimethod <- optimmethod
##     out$losstype <- loss
##     out$nobj <- dim(out$fit$conf)[1]
##     out$scale <- scale
##     if(verbose>1) cat("Found minimum after",opt$counts["function"]," iterations at",round(thetaopt,4),"with copstress=",round(out$copstress,4),"and default scaling loss=",round(out$stress.m,4),"and OC=", round(out$OC$normed,4),". Thanks for your patience. \n")
##     class(out) <- c("pcops","stops","cops")
##     out
## }

## #' Adjusts a configuration
## #' 
## #'@param conf a configuration
## #'@param ref a reference configuration (only for scale="proc") 
## #'@param scale Scale adjustment. "std" standardizes each column of the configurations to mean=0 and sd=1, "sd" scales the configuration by the maximum standard devation of any column, "proc" adjusts the fitted configuration to the reference
## #' @return The scale adjusted configuration.
## #'
## #' @importFrom stats sd
## scale_adjust <- function(conf,ref,scale=c("sd","std","proc","none"))
## {
##   #conf target, ref reference
##   if(scale=="std") conf <- scale(conf)
##   if(scale=="sd") conf <- conf/max(apply(conf,2,stats::sd))
##   if(scale=="proc") conf <- smacof::Procrustes(ref,conf)$Yhat
##   if(scale=="none") conf <- conf
##   conf
## }

## #'@export
## print.cops <- function(x,...)
##     {
##     cat("\nCall: ")
##     print(x$call)
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Model: COPS with parameter vector=",x$parameters,"\n")
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Number of objects:", x$nobj, "\n")
##     cat("Stress of configuration (default normalization):", x$stress, "\n")
##     cat("OPTICS Cordillera: Raw", x$OC$raw,"Normed", x$OC$normed,"\n")
##     cat("Cluster optimized loss (copstress): ", x$copstress, "\n")
##     cat("Stress weight:",x$stressweight," OPTICS Cordillera weight:",x$cordweight,"\n")
##     cat("Number of iterations of",x$optimethod,"optimization:", x$niter, "\n")
##     cat("\n")
##     }

## #'@export
## print.copsc <- function(x,...)
##     {
##     cat("\nCall: ")
##     print(x$call)
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Model:",x$typo,"COPS-C with parameter vector =",x$parameters,"\n")
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Number of objects:", x$nobj, "\n")
##     cat("Stress of configuration (default normalization):", x$stress, "\n")
##     cat("OPTICS Cordillera: Raw", x$OC$raw,"Normed", x$OC$normed,"\n")
##     cat("Cluster optimized loss (copstress): ", x$copstress, "\n")
##     cat("Stress weight:",x$stressweight," OPTICS Cordillera weight:",x$cordweight,"\n")
##     cat("Number of iterations of",x$optimethod,"optimization:", x$niter, "\n")
##     cat("\n")
##     }

## #'@export
## summary.pcops <- function(object,...)
##     {
##       sppmat <- NULL
##       if(!is.null(object$fit$spp))
##       { 
##            spp.perc <- object$fit$spp/sum(object$fit$spp) * 100
##            sppmat <- cbind(sort(object$fit$spp), sort(spp.perc))
##            colnames(sppmat) <- c("SPP", "SPP(%)")
##       } 
##       res <- list(conf=object$fit$conf,sppmat=sppmat)
##       class(res) <- "summary.pcops"
##       res
##     }

## #'@export
## print.summary.pcops <- function(x,...)
##     {
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Configurations:\n")
##     print(round(x$conf, 4))
##     cat("\n\n")
##     if(!is.null(x$sppmat))
##      {   
##       cat("Stress per point:\n")
##       print(round(x$sppmat, 4))
##       cat("\n")
##      }
##     }

## #'@export
## print.pcops <- function(x,...)
##     {
##     cat("\nCall: ")
##     print(x$call)
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Model: P-COPS with", x$loss,"loss function and theta parameter vector =",x$parameters,"\n")
##     cat("\n")
##     cat("Number of objects:", x$nobj, "\n")
##     cat("MDS loss value:", x$stress, "\n")
##     cat("OPTICS Cordillera: Raw", x$OC$raw,"Normed", x$OC$normed,"\n")
##     cat("Cluster optimized loss (copstress): ", x$copstress, "\n")
##     cat("MDS loss weight:",x$stressweight," OPTICS Cordillera weight:",x$cordweight,"\n")
##     cat("Number of iterations of",x$optimethod,"optimization:", x$optim$counts["function"], "\n")
##     cat("\n")
##     }

## #'@importFrom stats coef
## #'@export 
## coef.cops <- function(object,...)
## {
##   return(object$parameters)
##  }

## #'S3 plot method for p-cops objects
## #' 
## #'@param x an object of class cops
## #'@param plot.type String indicating which type of plot to be produced: "confplot", "reachplot", "resplot","transplot", "Shepard", "stressplot" (see details)
## #'@param main the main title of the plot
## #'@param asp aspect ratio of x/y axis; defaults to NA; setting to 1 will lead to an accurate represenation of the fitted distances. 
## #'@param ... Further plot arguments passed: see 'plot.smacof' and 'plot' for detailed information.
## #' 
## #'Details:
## #' \itemize{
## #' \item Configuration plot (plot.type = "confplot"): Plots the MDS configurations.
## #' \item Reachability plot (plot.type = "confplot"): Plots the OPTICS reachability plot and the OPTICS cordillera 
## #' \item Residual plot (plot.type = "resplot"): Plots the dissimilarities against the fitted distances.
## #' \item Linearized Shepard diagram (plot.type = "Shepard"): Diagram with the transformed observed dissimilarities against the transformed fitted distance as well as loess smooth and a least squares line.
## #' \item Transformation Plot (plot.type = "transplot"): Diagram with the observed dissimilarities (lighter) and the transformed observed dissimilarities (darker) against the fitted distances together with loess smoothing lines 
## #' \item Stress decomposition plot (plot.type = "stressplot", only for SMACOF objects in $fit): Plots the stress contribution in of each observation. Note that it rescales the stress-per-point (SPP) from the corresponding smacof function to percentages (sum is 100). The higher the contribution, the worse the fit.
## #' \item Bubble plot (plot.type = "bubbleplot", only available for SMACOF objects $fit): Combines the configuration plot with the point stress contribution. The larger the bubbles, the better the fit.
## #'}
## #'@export
## #'@examples
## #' dis<-as.matrix(smacof::kinshipdelta)
## #' resl<-pcops(dis,loss="strain",lower=0.1,upper=5,minpts=2)
## #' plot(resl)
## #' plot(resl,plot.type="Shepard")
## plot.pcops <- function(x,plot.type=c("confplot"), main, asp=NA,...)
##     {
##      if(missing(plot.type)) plot.type <- "confplot"  
##      if(plot.type=="reachplot") {
##         if(missing(main)) main <- paste("Reachability plot")
##         else main <- main
##         plot(x$OC,main=main,...)
##      } else if(inherits(x$fit,"smacofB") && !inherits(x$fit,"smacofP") && plot.type=="transplot"){
##      #ok, old code here has side effects: it changes the smacof object in the cops object; not sure we should do that  
##        if(missing(main)) main <- paste("Transformation Plot") 
##        plot(x$fit,plot.type="transplot",...)
##      # invisible(tmp) #I give the changed smacof object back
##      }
##      else {      
##        plot(x$fit,plot.type=plot.type,main=main,asp=asp,...)
##    }
##  }

## #'S3 plot method for cops objects
## #' 
## #'@param x an object of class cops
## #'@param plot.type String indicating which type of plot to be produced: "confplot", "reachplot", "resplot","transplot", "Shepard", "stressplot" (see details)
## #'@param main the main title of the plot
## #'@param asp aspect ratio of x/y axis; defaults to NA; setting to 1 will lead to an accurate represenation of the fitted distances. 
## #'@param ... Further plot arguments passed: see 'plot.smacof' and 'plot' for detailed information.
## #' 
## #'Details:
## #' \itemize{
## #' \item Configuration plot (plot.type = "confplot"): Plots the MDS configurations.
## #' \item Reachability plot (plot.type = "confplot"): Plots the OPTICS reachability plot and the OPTICS cordillera 
## #' \item Residual plot (plot.type = "resplot"): Plots the dissimilarities against the fitted distances.
## #' \item Linearized Shepard diagram (plot.type = "Shepard"): Diagram with the transformed observed dissimilarities against the transformed fitted distance as well as loess smooth and a least squares line.
## #' \item Transformation Plot (plot.type = "transplot"): Diagram with the observed dissimilarities (lighter) and the transformed observed dissimilarities (darker) against the fitted distances together with loess smoothing lines 
## #' \item Stress decomposition plot (plot.type = "stressplot", only for SMACOF objects in $fit): Plots the stress contribution in of each observation. Note that it rescales the stress-per-point (SPP) from the corresponding smacof function to percentages (sum is 100). The higher the contribution, the worse the fit.
## #' \item Bubble plot (plot.type = "bubbleplot", only available for SMACOF objects $fit): Combines the configuration plot with the point stress contribution. The larger the bubbles, the better the fit.
## #'} 
## #'@export
## #'@examples
## #'dis<-as.matrix(smacof::kinshipdelta)
## #'set.seed(1)
## #'resl<-copstressMin(dis,itmax=500)
## #'plot(resl)
## plot.cops <- function(x,plot.type=c("confplot"), main, asp=1,...)
##     {
##      if(missing(plot.type)) plot.type <- "confplot"  
##      if(plot.type=="reachplot") {
##         if(missing(main)) main <- paste("Reachability plot")
##         else main <- main
##         plot(x$OC,main=main,...)
##      } else if(inherits(x$fit,"smacofB") && !inherits(x$fit,"smacofP") && plot.type=="transplot"){
##        if(missing(main)) main <- paste("Transformation Plot") 
##        plot.smacofP(x,plot.type="transplot",asp=asp,...)
##      # invisible(tmp) #I give the changed smacof object back
##      }
##      else {      
##        plot.smacofP(x,plot.type=plot.type,main=main,asp=asp,...)
##    }
##  }

## #' Fitting a COPS-C Model (COPS Variant 1).
## #'
## #' Minimizing Copstress to obtain a clustered ratio, interval or ordinal PS configuration with given explicit power transformations theta. The function allows mix-and-match of explicit (via theta) and implicit (via type) transformations by setting the kappa, lambda, nu (or theta) and type arguments.
## #'
## #' This is an extremely flexible approach to least squares proximity scaling: It supports ratio power stress; ratio, interval and ordinal r stress and ratio, interval and ordinal MDS with or without a COPS penalty. Famous special cases of these models that can be fitted are multiscale MDS if kappa->0 and delta=log(delta), Alscal MDS (sstress) with lambda=kappa=2, sammon type mapping with weightmat=delta and nu=-1, elastic scaling with weightmat=delta and nu=-2. Due to mix-and-match this function also allows to fit models that have not yet been published, such as for example an "elastic scaling ordinal s-stress with cops penalty".
## #'
## #' If one wants to fit these models without the cops penalty, we recommend to use powerStressMin (for ratio MDS with any power transformation for weights, dissimilarities and distances) or rStressMin (for interval and ordinal MDS with power transformations for distances and weights) as these use majorization.  
## #'
## #' @rdname copstressMin
## #' 
## #' @param delta numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities
## #' @param kappa power transformation for fitted distances
## #' @param lambda power transformation for proximities (only used if type="ratio")
## #' @param nu power transformation for weights
## #' @param theta the theta vector of powers; the first is kappa (for the fitted distances if it exists), the second lambda (for the observed proximities if it exist and type="ratio"), the third is nu (for the weights if it exists). If less than three elements are is given as argument, it will be recycled. Defaults to 1 1 1. Will override any kappa, lambda, nu parameters if they are given and do not match.
## #' @param type what type of MDS to fit. Currently one of "ratio", "interval" or "ordinal". Default is "ratio".
## #' @param ties the handling of ties for ordinal (nonmetric) MDS. Possible are "primary" (default), "secondary" or "tertiary".
## #' @param weightmat (optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights; defaults to 1 for all off diagonals
## #' @param ndim number of dimensions of the target space
## #' @param init (optional) initial configuration
## #' @param stressweight weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 0.975
## #' @param cordweight weight to be used for the cordillera; defaults to 0.025
## #' @param q the norm of the cordillera; defaults to 1
## #' @param minpts the minimum points to make up a cluster in OPTICS, see [dbscan::optics()] where it is called \code{minPts}; defaults to ndim+1.
## #' @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of OPTICS, the neighbourhood that is checked, see [dbscan::optics()]; defaults to 10. Note this means we do not expect any noise objects per default. This number will rarely be exceeded if we standardize the configuration as is the default in cops. However if no standardization is applied or there is a procrustes adjustment to a configuration with variance of 10 or more on any of the axes, it can have the effect of being too small. In that case just set a much higher epsilon.
## #' @param dmax The winsorization limit of reachability distances in the OPTICS Cordillera. If supplied, it should be either a numeric value that matches max(rang) or NULL; if NULL it is found as 1.5 times (for kappa >1) or 1 times (for kappa <=1) the maximum reachbility value of the power torgerson model with the same lambda. If dmax and rang are supplied and dmax is not max(rang), a warning is given and rang takes precedence.   
## #' @param rang range of the reachabilities to be considered. If missing it is found from the initial configuration by taking 0 as the lower boundary and dmax (see above) as upper boundary. See also \code{\link[cordillera]{cordillera}}     
## #' @param optimmethod What optimizer to use? Choose one string of 'Newuoa' (from package minqa), 'NelderMead', 'hjk' (Hooke-Jeeves algorithm from dfoptim), 'solnl' (from nlcOptim), 'solnp' (from Rsolnp), 'subplex' (from subplex), 'SANN' (simulated annealing), 'BFGS', 'snomadr' (from crs), 'genoud' (from rgenoud), 'gensa' (from GenSA), 'cmaes' (from cmaes) and 'direct' (from nloptr). See the according R packages for details on these solvers. There are also combinations that proved to work well good, like 'hjk-Newuoa', 'hjk-BFGS', 'BFGS-hjk', 'Newuoa-hjk', 'direct-Newuoa' and 'direct-BFGS'. Usually everything with hjk, BFGS, Newuoa, subplex and solnl in it work rather well in an acceptable time frame (depending on the smoothness of copstress). Default is 'hjk-Newuoa'.   
## #' @param verbose numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is very verbose
## #' @param normed should the cordillera be normed; defaults to TRUE.
## #' @param scale Allows to scale the configuration for the OC (the scaled configuration is also returned as $conf). One of "none" (so no scaling), "sd" (configuration divided by the highest standard deviation of the columns), "std" (standardize all columns !NOTE: This does not preserve the relative distances of the optimal config), "proc" (procrustes adjustment to the initial fit) and "rmsq" (configuration divided by the maximum root mean square of the columns). Default is "sd".   
## #' @param accuracy numerical accuracy, defaults to 1e-7.
## #' @param itmax maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 10000. For the two-step algorithms if itmax is exceeded by the first solver, the second algorithm is run for at least 0.1*itmax (so overall itmax may be exceeded by a factor of 1.1).
## #' @param stresstype which stress to use in the copstress. Defaults to stress-1. If anything else is set, explicitly normed stress which is (stress-1)^2. Using stress-1 puts more weight on MDS fit.   
## #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the optimization procedure
## #'
## #' @return A list with the components
## #'         \itemize{
## #'         \item delta: the original transformed dissimilarities
## #'         \item obsdiss: the explicitly normed transformed dissimilarities (which are approximated by the fit)
## #'         \item confdist: the fitted distances
## #'         \item conf: the configuration to which the scaling of argument scale was applied
## #'         \item confo: the unscaled but explicitly normed configuration returned from the fitting procedure. Scaling applied to confo gives conf.
## #'         \item par, pars : the theta vector of powers tranformations (kappa,lambda,nu)
## #'         \item niter: number of iterations of the optimizer. 
## #'         \item stress: the square root of explicitly normalized stress (calculated for confo).
## #'         \item spp: stress per point
## #'         \item ndim: number of dimensions
## #'         \item model: Fitted model name with optimizer
## #'         \item call: the call
## #'         \item nobj: the number of objects
## #'         \item type, loss, losstype: stresstype
## #'         \item stress.m: The stress used for copstress. If stresstype="stress-1" this is like $stress else it is stress^2
## #'         \item stress.en: another ways to calculate the stress
## #'         \item deltaorig: the original untransformed dissimilarities  
## #'         \item copstress: the copstress loss value
## #'         \item resmat: the matrix of residuals
## #'         \item weightmat: the matrix of untransformed weights 
## #'         \item OC: the (normed) OPTICS Cordillera object (calculated for scaled conf)
## #'         \item OCv: the (normed) OPTICS Cordillera value alone (calculated for scaled conf)
## #'         \item optim: the object returned from the optimization procedure
## #'         \item stressweight, cordweight: the weights of the stress and OC respectively (v_1 and v_2)
## #'         \item optimmethod: The solver used 
## #'         \item type: the type of MDS fitted
## #'}
## #'
## #'
## #'
## #' @details
## #' Some optimizers (including the default hjk-Newuoa) will print a warning if itmax is (too) small or if there was no convergence. Consider increasing itmax then.
## #'
## #' For some solvers there also sometimes may be an error starting [smacof::transform()] which comes from the algorithm placing two object at exactly the same place so their fitted distance is 0. This is good from a OPTICS Cordillera point of view (as it is more clustered) which is why some solvers lie to pick that up, but can lead to an issue in the optimal scaling in smacof. This can usually be mitigated when specifying the model by either using less cordweight, less itmax, less accuracy or combining the two offending objects (so include them as a combined row in the distance matrix).
## #'
## #' We might eventually switch to newuoa in nloptr. 
## #' 
## #' @examples
## #' dis<-as.matrix(smacof::kinshipdelta)
## #'
## #' set.seed(1)
## #' ## Copstress with equal weight to stress and cordillera 
## #' res1<-copstressMin(dis,stressweight=0.5,cordweight=0.5,
## #'                   itmax=500) #use higher itmax about 10000 
## #' res1
## #' summary(res1)
## #' plot(res1)  #super clustered
## #'
## #' ##Alias name 
## #' res1<-copsc(dis,stressweight=0.5,
## #'                   cordweight=0.5,itmax=500) 
## #'
## #'
## #' ## Elastic scaling ordinal s-stress with cops penalty
## #' res1<-copsc(dis,type="ordinal",kappa=2,nu=-2,weightmat=dis,
## #'             stressweight=0.5, cordweight=0.5,itmax=500)
## #' 
## #' 
## #' @import cordillera
## #' @importFrom utils tail
## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist optim sd
## #' @importFrom dfoptim hjk
## #' @importFrom NlcOptim solnl
## #' @importFrom Rsolnp solnp
## #' @importFrom subplex subplex
## #' @importFrom crs snomadr
## #' @importFrom cmaes cma_es
## #' @importFrom rgenoud genoud
## #' @importFrom GenSA GenSA
## #' @importFrom nloptr direct
## #' @importFrom minqa newuoa
## #' 
## #' 
## #' @keywords clustering multivariate
## #' @export
## copstressMin <- function (delta, kappa=1, lambda=1, nu=1, theta=c(kappa,lambda,nu), type=c("ratio","interval","ordinal"), ties="primary", weightmat=1-diag(nrow(delta)),  ndim = 2, init=NULL, stressweight=0.975,cordweight=0.025,q=1,minpts=ndim+1,epsilon=max(10,max(delta)),dmax=NULL,rang,optimmethod=c("NelderMead","Newuoa","BFGS","SANN","hjk","solnl","solnp","subplex","snomadr","hjk-Newuoa","hjk-BFGS","BFGS-hjk","Newuoa-hjk","cmaes","direct","direct-Newuoa","direct-BFGS","genoud","gensa"),verbose=0,scale=c("sd","rmsq","std","proc","none"),normed=TRUE, accuracy = 1e-7, itmax = 10000, stresstype=c("stress-1","stress"),...)
## {
##     if(inherits(delta,"dist") || is.data.frame(delta)) delta <- as.matrix(delta)
##     if(!isSymmetric(delta)) stop("Delta is not symmetric.\n")
##     ## -- Setup for MDS type
##     if(missing(type)) type <- "ratio"
##     trans <- type
##     typo <- type
##     if (trans=="ratio"){
##     trans <- "none"
##     }
##     #TODO: if we want other optimal scalings as well
##     else if (trans=="ordinal" & ties=="primary"){
##     trans <- "ordinalp"
##     typo <- "ordinal (primary)"
##    } else if(trans=="ordinal" & ties=="secondary"){
##     trans <- "ordinals"
##     typo <- "ordinal (secondary)"
##   } else if(trans=="ordinal" & ties=="tertiary"){
##     trans <- "ordinalt"
##     typo <- "ordinal (tertiary)"
##   #} else if(trans=="spline"){
##   #  trans <- "mspline"
##    }
##     if(type=="interval" | type =="ordinal") theta <- c(kappa,1,nu) #We dont allow powers for dissimlarities in interval and nonmetric MDS
##     kappa <- theta[1]
##     lambda <- theta[2]
##     nu <- theta[3]
##     #plot <- FALSE

##     n <- dim(delta)[1]
##     labos <- rownames(delta)
##     if(verbose>0) cat(paste("Minimizing",type,"copstress with kappa=",kappa,"lambda=",lambda,"nu=",nu,".\n"))
##     if(missing(optimmethod)) optimmethod <- "hjk-Newuoa"
##     if(missing(scale)) scale <- "sd"
##     if(missing(stresstype)) stresstype <- "stress-1"

##     ##-- Prepare for dissimilarity scaling
##     r <- kappa/2
##     deltaorig <- delta #delta is diss in smacof, deltaorig is delta in smacof 
##     delta <- delta^lambda
##     weightmato <- weightmat
##     weightmat <- weightmat^nu
##     weightmat[!is.finite(weightmat)] <- 1 #new
##     deltaold <- delta
##     disobj <- smacof::transPrep(as.dist(delta), trans = trans, spline.intKnots = 2, spline.degree = 2)#spline.intKnots = spline.intKnots, spline.degree = spline.degree) #FIXME: only works with dist() style object 
##     ## Add an intercept to the spline base transformation
##     #if (trans == "mspline") disobj$base <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(disobj$base)), disobj$base)
##     delta <- delta / enorm (delta, weightmat) #normalize to sum=1
##     ## --- starting rang if not given
##     if(missing(rang))
##         #perhaps put this into the optimization function?
##        {
##         if(is.null(dmax))
##            {
##            if(verbose>1) cat ("Fitting configuration for rang. \n")    
##            #initsol <- cops::powerstressFast(delta,kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu,weightmat=weightmat,ndim=ndim)
##            initsol <- smacof::torgerson(delta,p=ndim)
##            #init0 <- initsol$conf
##            init0 <- initsol
##            init0 <- init0/enorm(init0)
##            if(scale=="std") init0 <- scale(init0) #standardizes config before cordillera
##            if(scale=="none") init0 <- init0
##            if(scale=="sd") #scales config to sd=1 for most spread dimension before cordillera
##              {
##                 init0 <- init0/max(apply(init0,2,stats::sd))
##              }   
##              if(scale=="rmsq") #scales config to rmsq=1 for most spread dimension before cordillera
##              {
##                  testso <- scale(init0,center=FALSE)
##                  init0 <- init0/max(attr(testso,"scaled:scale"))
##              }
##              if(scale=="proc") #scales config by procrusting to init
##              {
##                  if(!exists("init")) init <- initsol
##                  procr <- smacof::Procrustes(init,init0)
##                  init0 <- procr$Yhat
##              }
##            crp <- cordillera::cordillera(init0,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,scale=FALSE)$reachplot
##            cin <- max(crp)
##            dmax <- ifelse(kappa>1,1.5*cin,1.1*cin)
##            #if(verbose > 2) cat("rang, dmax was NULL or missing which makes the cordillera a goodness-of-clustering relative to the largest distance of each given configuration. \n")
##            }
##         rang <- c(0,dmax) #This sets the range to (0,dmax)
##         if(verbose>1) cat("dmax is",dmax,". rang is",rang,".\n")
##     }
##     if(isTRUE(max(rang)!=dmax)) warning("Note: The supplied dmax and rang do not match. I took supplied rang as rang.\n")

##     ## --- starting values
##     if(is.null(init))
##     {
##         if(exists("init0")) init <- init0 else init <- cops::powerStressFast(delta,kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu,ndim=ndim)$conf
##     }
##     xold <- init
##     xold <- xold/enorm(xold)
##     #labs <- row.names(delta)
##     copsf <- function(x,delta,disobj,r,n,ndim,weightmat,stressweight,cordweight,q,minpts,epsilon,rang,scale,normed,init,...)
##     {
##             #init is used here only for Procrustes 
##              if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x,ncol=ndim)
##              delta <- delta/enorm(delta,weightmat)             
##              x <- x/enorm(x)
##              dnew <- sqdist (x)
##              e <- as.dist(sqrt(dnew)) #I need the dist(x) here for interval
##              #e <- dist(x) #I need the dist(x) here for interval
##              dhat <- smacof::transform(e, disobj, w = as.dist(weightmat), normq = 0.5)  ## dhat update FIXME: check if it works okay to have as.dist(weightmat) here
##              dhatt <- dhat$res #FIXME: I need the structure here to reconstruct the delta; alternatively turn all into vectors? - check how they do it in smacof
##              dhatd <- structure(dhatt, Size = n, call = quote(as.dist.default(m=b)), class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE)
##                                         #FIXME: labels
##              delta <<- as.matrix(dhatd)
##              rnew <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dnew, r))
##              nnew <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dnew,  2*r))
##              anew <- rnew / nnew
##              stressi <- 1 - 2 * anew * rnew + (anew ^ 2) * nnew
##              if(stresstype=="stress-1") stressi <- sqrt(stressi)
##              if(scale=="none") x <- x 
##              if(scale=="std") x <- base::scale(x) #standardizes config before cordillera
##              if(scale=="sd") #scales config to sd=1 for most spread dimension before cordillera
##              {
##                 x <- x/max(apply(x,2,stats::sd))
##              }   
##              if(scale=="rmsq") #scales config to rmsq=1 for most spread dimension before cordillera
##              {
##                  testso <- base::scale(x,center=FALSE)
##                  x <- x/max(attr(testso,"scaled:scale"))
##              }
##              if(scale=="proc") #scales config by procrusting to init
##              {
##                  procr <- smacof::Procrustes(init,x)
##                  x <- procr$Yhat
##              }
##              corrd <- cordillera::cordillera(x,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=FALSE,...)
##              struc <- corrd$raw
##              if(normed) {
##                         struc <- corrd$normed
##                        }
##              ic <- stressweight*stressi - cordweight*struc
##              if(verbose>1) cat("copstress =",ic,"mdsloss =",stressi,"OC =",struc,"minpts=",minpts,"kappa =",kappa,"lambda =",lambda,"nu=",nu,"\n")
##              ic
##            }
##     if(verbose>1) cat("Starting Minimization with",optimmethod,":\n")
##     if(optimmethod=="Newuoa") {
##          suppressWarnings(optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmax,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...))
##          itel <- itel+optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$fval
##          #optimized <- nloptr::newuoa(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmax,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...)
##          #xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          #itel <- optimized$iter
##          #ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##        if(optimmethod=="direct") {
##           xold <- as.vector(xold)
##           optimized <- nloptr::direct(function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),lower=rep(5*min(xold),length(xold)),upper=rep(5*max(xold),length(xold)),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>1),control=list(maxeval=itmax,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##  #        optimized <- nloptr::direct(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,#n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=),#lower=rep(5*min(xold),length(xold)),upper=rep(5*max(xold),length(xold)), nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>1),control=list(maxeval=itmax,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$iter
##          ovalue <-optimized$value
##        }
##         if(optimmethod=="direct-Newuoa") {
##          xold <- as.vector(xold)
##          optimized1 <- nloptr::direct(function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),lower=rep(5*min(xold),length(xold)),upper=rep(5*max(xold),length(xold)),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>1),control=list(maxeval=itmax,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$iter
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          suppressWarnings(optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmaxreduced,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...))
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$fval
##          #optimized <- nloptr::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>2),control=list(maxeval=itmaxreduced,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          #xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          #itel <- itel1+optimized$iter
##          #ovalue <-optimized$value
##          }
##          if(optimmethod=="direct-BFGS") {
##          xold <- as.vector(xold)
##          optimized1 <- nloptr::direct(function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),lower=rep(5*min(xold),length(xold)),upper=rep(5*max(xold),length(xold)),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>1),control=list(maxeval=itmax,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized1$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel1 <- optimized1$iter
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          optimized <- optim(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="BFGS",control=list(maxit=itmaxreduced,trace=0,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$val
##      }
##        if(optimmethod=="genoud") {
##          optimized <- rgenoud::genoud(function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),starting.values=as.vector(xold),nvars=length(xold),print.level=verbose,...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$generations
##          ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##        if(optimmethod=="gensa") {
##          optimized <- GenSA::GenSA(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),lower=rep(5*min(xold),length(xold)),upper=rep(5*max(xold),length(xold)),control=list(max.call=itmax,verbose=isTRUE(verbose>1),smooth=FALSE),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$counts
##          ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##     if(optimmethod=="cmaes") {
##          xold <- as.vector(xold)
##          optimized <- cmaes::cma_es(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmax),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$counts[1]
##          ovalue <-optimized$value
##     }
##      if(optimmethod=="cmaes-Newuoa") {
##          xold <- as.vector(xold)
##          optimized1 <- cmaes::cma_es(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmax),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized1$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel1 <- optimized1$counts[1]
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          suppressWarnings(optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmaxreduced,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...))
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$fval
##          #optimized <- nloptr::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>2),control=list(maxeval=itmaxreduced,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          #xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          #itel <- itel1+optimized$iter
##          #ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##      if(optimmethod=="Newuoa-cmaes") {
##           suppressWarnings(optimized1 <- minqa::newuoa(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmax,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...))
##          #optimized1 <- nloptr::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>2),control=list(maxeval=itmax,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$feval
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          optimized <- cmaes::cma_es(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmaxreduced),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$counts[1]+itel1
##          ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##      if(optimmethod=="NelderMead") {
##          optimized <- optim(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmax,trace=0,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$val 
##      }
##     if(optimmethod=="BFGS") {
##          optimized <- optim(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="BFGS",control=list(maxit=itmax,trace=0,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$val 
##      }
##     if(optimmethod=="SANN") {
##          optimized <- optim(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="SANN",control=list(maxit=itmax,trace=0,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$val 
##      }
##      if(optimmethod=="hjk") {
##          optimized <- dfoptim::hjk(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfeval=itmax),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$value 
##      }
##     if(optimmethod=="hjk-Newuoa") { #twostep1
##          #cat("Before HJK Iterations:", itmax,"\n")
##          optimized1 <- dfoptim::hjk(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfeval=itmax),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$feval
##          #cat("OpVal after HJK:",optimized1$value,"\n")
##          #cat("After HJK Iterations:", itel1,"\n")
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          #cat("Before Newuoa Iterations:", itmaxreduced,"\n")
##          suppressWarnings(optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmaxreduced,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...))
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$fval
##          #optimized <- nloptr::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>2),control=list(maxeval=itmaxreduced,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          ##BUG: Was init= before in all Newuoa (no argument). Changed in 1.3-6
##          #xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim) #
##          ##test function for return value fr <- function(x) { sum((x - matrix(c(8,5,3,4,6,7),ncol=2))^2) } if returned is matrix(c(8,5,3,4,6,7),ncol=2) it is cool
##          #cat("Newuoa Iterations:", optimized$iter,"\n")
##          #cat("Newuoa Iterations:", optimized$feval,"\n")
##          #itel <- itel1+optimized$iter
##          #cat("After Newuoa Iterations:", itel,"\n")
##          #ovalue <-optimized$value
##          #cat("OpVal after all:",ovalue,"\n")
##      }
##     if(optimmethod=="hjk-BFGS") { #twostep2
##          optimized1 <- dfoptim::hjk(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfeval=itmax,trace=0),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$feval
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          optimized <- optim(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="BFGS",control=list(maxit=itmaxreduced,trace=0,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$val
##      }
##      if(optimmethod=="BFGS-hjk") { #twostep6
##          optimized1 <- optim(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="BFGS",control=list(maxit=itmax,trace=0),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$counts[[1]]
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          optimized <- dfoptim::hjk(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfeval=itmaxreduced,trace=0,tol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$val
##      }
##      if(optimmethod=="BFGS-Newuoa") { #twostep5
##          optimized1 <- optim(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="BFGS",control=list(maxfeval=itmax,trace=0),...)
##          itel1 <- optimized1$counts[[1]]
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          suppressWarnings(optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmaxreduced,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...))
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$feval
##          ovalue <-optimized$fval
##          #optimized <- nloptr::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),nl.info=isTRUE(verbose>2),control=list(maxeval=itmaxreduced,xtol_rel=accuracy),...)
##          #xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim) #
##          #itel <- itel1+optimized$iter
##          #ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##         if(optimmethod=="hjk-solnl") {#twostep3
##          optimized1 <- dfoptim::hjk(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfeval=itmax,trace=0),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$feval
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          optimized <- NlcOptim::solnl(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),maxnFun=itmaxreduced,tolFun=accuracy,...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$fn
##      }
##       if(optimmethod=="hjk-subplex") {#twostep4
##          optimized1 <- dfoptim::hjk(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfeval=itmax,trace=0),...)
##          xnew <- optimized1$par
##          itel1 <- optimized1$feval
##          itmaxreduced <- itmax-itel1
##          if(itel1>itmax) itmaxreduced <- 0.1*itmax
##          optimized <- subplex::subplex(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmaxreduced,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- itel1+optimized$count
##          ovalue <-optimized$value
##      }
##   #   if(optimmethod=="dfsane") {
##   #       optimized <- BB::dfsane(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmax,trace=0,tol=accuracy),...)
##    #      xnew <- optimized$par
##     #     itel <- optimized$feval
##     #     ovalue <-optimized$residual 
##     # }
##      if(optimmethod=="solnl") {
##          optimized <- NlcOptim::solnl(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),maxnFun=itmax,tolFun=accuracy,...)
##          xnew <- optimized$par
##          itel <- optimized$counts[[1]]
##          ovalue <-optimized$fn 
##      }
##      ## if(optimmethod=="isres") {
##      ##     optimized <- nloptr::isres(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),maxeval=itmax,trace=verbose-2,xtol_rel=accuracy,...)
##      ##     xnew <- optimized$par
##      ##     itel <- optimized$iter
##      ##     ovalue <-optimized$value 
##      ## }
##     if(optimmethod=="solnp") {
##          optimized <- Rsolnp::solnp(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(outer.iter=itmax,trace=0,tol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$pars,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$nfuneval
##          ovalue <-utils::tail(optimized$values,1) 
##      }
##      if(optimmethod=="subplex") {
##          optimized <- subplex::subplex(xold,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxit=itmax,reltol=accuracy),...)
##          xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##          itel <- optimized$count
##          ovalue <-optimized$value 
##      }
##     if(optimmethod=="snomadr") {
##         copsf2 <- function(x,params)
##         {
##         copsf(x,delta=params[[1]],disobj=params[[2]],r=params[[3]],n=params[[4]],ndim=params[[5]],weightmat=params[[6]],stressweight=params[[7]],cordweight=params[[8]],q=params[[9]],minpts=params[[10]],epsilon=params[[11]],rang=params[[12]],scale=params[[13]],normed=params[[14]],init=params[[15]])
##         }      
##        params <- list(delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init)
##         optimized <- crs::snomadr(copsf2,params=params,,n=dim(xold)[1],x0=xold,print.output=isTRUE(verbose-2>0),...)
##          xnew <- optimized$solution
##          itel <- optimized$iterations
##          ovalue <-optimized$objective 
##     }
##  #     if(optimmethod=="snomadr-Newuoa") {
##  #        optimized1 <- crs::snomadr(function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),n=dim(xold)[1],x0=xold,print.output=isTRUE(verbose-2>0),...)
## #         xnew <- optimized1$solution
## #         itel <- optimized1$iterations
## #         optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),control=list(maxfun=itmax-itel,rhoend=accuracy,iprint=verbose-2),...)
## #         xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
## #         itel <- itel+optimized$feval
## #         ovalue <-optimized$fval
## #      }
## #        if(optimmethod=="snomadr-BFGS") {
## #         optimized1 <- crs::snomadr(function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=w#eightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),n=dim(xold)[1],x0=xold,print.output=isTRUE(verbose-2>0),...)
## #         xnew <- optimized1$solution
## #         itel <- optimized1$iterations
## #        optimized <- optim(xnew,function(par) copsf(par,delta=delta,disobj=disobj,r=r,n=n,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat,stressweight=stressweight,cordweight=cordweight,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=scale,normed=normed,init=init),method="BFGS",control=list(maxit=itmax-itel,trace=0,reltol=accuracy),...)
## #         xnew <- optimized$par
## #         itel <- itel+optimized$counts[[1]]
## #         ovalue <-optimized$val
##                                         #     }
##      rownames(delta) <- labos
##      xnew <- xnew/enorm(xnew)
##      dnew <- sqdist (xnew)
##      rnew <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dnew, r))
##      nnew <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dnew,  2*r))
##      anew <- rnew / nnew
##      stress.m <- 1 - 2 * anew * rnew + (anew ^ 2) * nnew
##      stress <- sqrt(stress.m)
##      if(stresstype=="stress-1") {
##          stress.m <- sqrt(stress.m)
##          }
##      attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[1]] <- rownames(delta)
##      attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[2]] <- paste("D",1:ndim,sep="")
##      #doutm <- (2*sqrt(sqdist(xnew)))^kappa  #fitted powered euclidean distance but times two
##      doutm <- as.matrix(dist(xnew)^kappa)
##      #deltam <- delta
##      #deltaorigm <- deltaorig
##      #deltaoldm <- deltaold
##      delta <- stats::as.dist(delta)
##      deltaorig <- stats::as.dist(deltaorig)
##      deltaold <- stats::as.dist(deltaold)
##      #doute <- doutm/enorm(doutm)
##      #doute <- stats::as.dist(doute)
##      dout <- doute <- stats::as.dist(doutm)
##      resmat <- as.matrix((delta - doute)^2)
##      spp <- colMeans(resmat)
##      #weightmatm <-weightmat
##      weightmat <- stats::as.dist(weightmat)
##      stressen <- sum(weightmat*(delta-doute)^2)#raw stress on the normalized proximities and normalized distances
##      if(scale=="std") xnews <- base::scale(xnew) #standardizes config before cordillera
##      if(scale=="sd") #scales config to sd=1 for most spread dimension before cordillera
##              {
##                 xnews <- xnew/max(apply(xnew,2,stats::sd))
##              }   
##              if(scale=="rmsq") #scales config to rmsq=1 for most spread dimension before cordillera
##              {
##                  testso <- base::scale(xnew,center=FALSE)
##                  xnews <- xnew/max(attr(testso,"scaled:scale"))
##              }
##              if(scale=="proc") #scales config by procrusting to init
##              {
##                  procr <- smacof::Procrustes(init,xnew)
##                  xnews <- procr$Yhat
##              }
##              if(scale=="none") xnews <- xnew #no standardisation
##       if(verbose>0) cat("*** stress (both normalized - for COPS/STOPS):",stress.m,"; stress 1 (both normalized - default reported):",stress,"; stress manual (for debug only):",stressen,"; from optimization: ",ovalue,"\n")   
##     out <- list(delta=deltaold, obsdiss=delta, confdist=dout, conf = xnews, confo=xnew, pars=c(kappa,lambda,nu), niter = itel, stress=stress, spp=spp, ndim=ndim, model=paste(typo,"copstress",optimmethod), call=match.call(), nobj = n, type = type, ties=ties, gamma=NA, stress.m=stress.m, stress.en=stressen, deltaorig=as.dist(deltaorig),resmat=resmat,weightmat=weightmat)
##     out$parameters <- out$theta <- theta
##     out$loss <- "copstress"
##     out$OC <- cordillera::cordillera(out$conf,q=q,minpts=minpts,epsilon=epsilon,rang=rang,scale=FALSE)
##     out$OCv <- ifelse(normed,out$OC$normed,out$OC$raw)
##     out$copstress <- ovalue
##     out$optim <- optimized
##     out$stressweight <- stressweight
##     out$cordweight <- cordweight
##     out$optimethod <- optimmethod
##     out$losstype <- out$loss
##     out$typo <- typo
##     #out$nobj <- dim(out$conf)[1]
##     class(out) <- c("copsc","cops","smacofP","smacofB","smacof")
##     out
## }

## #' High Level COPS Function
## #'
## #' About the function cops: The high level function allows for minimizing copstress for a clustered MDS configuration. Allows to choose COPS-C (finding a configuration from copstress with cordillera penalty) and profile COPS (finding hyperparameters for MDS models with power transformations). It is a wrapper for copstressMin and pcops.
## #'
## #'@param dis a dissimilarity matrix or a dist object
## #'@param variant a character string specifying which variant of COPS to fit. Allowed is any of the following "1","2","Variant1","Variant2","v1","v2","COPS-C","P-COPS","configuration-c","profile","copstress-c","p-copstress". Defaults to "COPS-C".
## #'@param ... arguments to be passed to  \code{\link{copstressMin}} (for Variant 1) or \code{\link{pcops}} (for Variant 2).
## #'
## #'@return For COPS-C Variant 1 see \code{\link{copstressMin}}, for P-COPS Variant 2 see \code{\link{pcops}}
## #' 
## #'@examples
## #'dis<-as.matrix(smacof::kinshipdelta)
## #'
## #'#COPS-C with equal weight to stress and cordillera 
## #'res1<-cops(dis,variant="COPS-C",stressweight=0.75,cordweight=0.25,
## #'           minpts=2,itmax=1000) #use higher itmax in real
## #'res1
## #'summary(res1)
## #'plot(res1)
## #'plot(res1,"reachplot")
## #' 
## #'
## #'\donttest{
## #'#s-stress type copstress (i.e. kappa=2, lambda=2)
## #'res3<-cops(dis,variant="COPS-C",kappa=2,lambda=2,stressweight=0.5,cordweight=0.5) 
## #'res3
## #'summary(res3)
## #'plot(res3)
## #'
## #' 
## #'# power-stress type profile copstress
## #'# search for optimal kappa and lambda between
## #'# kappa=0.5,lambda=0.5 and kappa=2,lambda=5
## #'# nu is fixed on -1
## #'ws<-1/dis
## #'diag(ws)<-1 
## #'res5<-cops(dis,variant="P-COPS",loss="powerstress",
## #'           theta=c(1.4,3,-1), lower=c(1,0.5,-1),upper=c(3,5,-1),
## #'           weightmat=ws, stressweight=0.9,cordweight=0.1) 
## #'res5
## #'summary(res5)
## #'plot(res5)
## #'}
## #'
## #' 
## #' 
## #'@keywords clustering multivariate
## #'@export
## cops <- function(dis, variant=c("1","2","Variant1","Variant2","v1","v2",
##         "COPS-C","P-COPS","configuration-c","profile",
##         "copstress-c","p-copstress","COPS-P",
##         "copstress-p","cops-c","p-cops","copsc",
##         "pcops"),...)
## {
##     #variant=c("0","1","2","Variant0","Variant1","Variant2","v0","v1","v2","COPS-0","COPS-C","P-COPS","configuration-0","configuration-c","profile","copstress-0","copstress-c","p-copstress","COPS-P","copstress-p","cops-c","p-cops")
##                  if(missing(variant)) variant <- "COPS-C"
##                  if(variant%in%c("1","Variant1","v1","configuration-c","COPS-C","copstress-c","cops-c","copsc")) out <- copstressMin(dis,...)
## #                 if(variant%in%c("0","Variant0","v0","configuration-0","COPS-0","copstress-c")) stop("Not yet implemented") out <- shrinkCopstress0(dis,...)
##                  if(variant%in%c("2","Variant2","v2","profile","p-copstress","P-COPS","COPS-P","p-cops","copstress-p","pcops")) out <- pcops(dis,...)
##                  return(out)
##                  }

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cops documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 3 p.m.