
## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

source(system.file("Rsource", "utils.R", package="copula", mustWork=TRUE))
##-> assertError()

## fCopulae: don't do on CRAN, and really "can not" suggest fCopulae
(tryfCop <- if(interactive())
               TRUE # for interactive convenience
            else ## when run as BATCH:
               nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_copula_check_fCop")) ||
                   identical("true", unname(Sys.getenv("R_MM_PKG_CHECKING"))))

if(tryfCop) { ## will only "work" if not "--as-cran"
    .r <- require
    tryfCop <- suppressWarnings(.r(fCopulae, quietly=TRUE))

numTailIndexLower <- function(copula, u) {
  ## u is a vector approaching 0
  pCopula(cbind(u, u, deparse.level = 0), copula) / u

numTailIndexUpper <- function(copula, u) {
  # u is a vector approaching 1
  (1 - 2 * u + pCopula(cbind(u, u, deparse.level = 0), copula)) / (1 - u)

(u.0 <- sort(outer(c(1,2,5), 10^-(1:5)), decreasing=TRUE)[-(1:2)])
## 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, ..... 1e-5
u.1 <- 1 - u.0

### Upper Tail Dependence ---------------------------

# R/Copula:
gumbC3  <- gumbelCopula(param= 3, dim = 2)
gumbC20 <- gumbelCopula(param=20, dim = 2)
gumbC40 <- gumbelCopula(param=40, dim = 2)

ut20 <- numTailIndexUpper(gumbC20, u.1)
(ut40 <- numTailIndexUpper(gumbC40, u.1))

           numTailIndexUpper(gumbC20, 1 - 1e-7), tolerance=1e-8)
           numTailIndexUpper(gumbC40, 1 - 1e-7), tolerance=1e-8)

if(tryfCop) { ## Rmetrics
    C <- parchmCopula(u.1,u.1, alpha=40, type = "4", alternative = TRUE)
    stopifnot(all.equal(ut40,     (1-2*u.1+C)/(1-u.1),
                        check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance= 1e-14))

### Lower Tail Dependence-------------------------

S <- cbind(u.0,u.0)
## R/Copula:
## C  <- pCopula(dim = 2, copula = gumbelCopula(param=20), S)
## (C1  <- C/u.0)
(lt20 <- numTailIndexLower(gumbC20, u.0))

if(tryfCop) { ## Rmetrics
    C <-  parchmCopula(S, alpha=20, type = "4", alternative = FALSE)
    stopifnot(all.equal(lt20, C/u.0, check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance= 1e-14))

signif(numTailIndexLower(gumbC3, 10^-(5*(1:40))),   3)#--> 0
## but for large theta, the convergence (to 0) is *MUCH* slower:
signif(numTailIndexLower(gumbC20, 10^-(5*(1:40))),  3)

###-------------- Frank --------------------------
Frank2 <- frankCopula(param=2, dim = 2)
lambda(Frank2) # 0 0

## Upper and lower tail dependence
(tl <- numTailIndexLower(Frank2, u.0))
stopifnot(all.equal(tl, numTailIndexUpper(Frank2, u.1), tolerance=1e-10))

  (tu1 <- numTailIndexUpper(Frank2, .99999)) < .00003
  all.equal(tu1, numTailIndexLower(Frank2, .00001), tolerance=1e-6)
  (tu2 <- numTailIndexUpper(Frank2, 1-1e-6)) < 3e-6
  all.equal(tu2, numTailIndexLower(Frank2, 1e-6), tolerance= 1e-4)

###-------------- Elliptic --------------------------

u2 <- cbind(u.0,u.1)

(t.7.3 <- tCopula(0.7, df=3, dim = 2))
(t.9.2 <- tCopula(0.9, df=2, dim = 2))

t.frac <- tCopula(0.9, df=2.5, dim = 2)
## fractional df  currently (must) *fail* for pCopula
assertError(pCopula(cbind(u.0,u.1), t.frac))

ft <- dCopula(u2, t.frac)
    all.equal(ft, dCopula(u2[,2:1], t.frac), tolerance= 8e-15)
           numTailIndexUpper(t.7.3, 1 - 1e-8), tolerance=1e-5)
           numTailIndexUpper(t.9.2, 1 - 1e-8), tolerance=1e-7)
           numTailIndexLower(t.7.3, 1e-8), tolerance=1e-5)
           numTailIndexLower(t.9.2, 1e-8), tolerance=1e-7)

(ut. <- numTailIndexUpper(t.7.3, u.1))

if(tryfCop && .r(fCopulae)) { ## Rmetrics
    p.fC <- pellipticalCopula(u = u.1, v = u.1, rho = 0.7, param = c(nu=3))
    p. <- pCopula(u = cbind(u.1, u.1), t.7.3)
    ## they are really not "so equal"
    all.equal(p.fC, p., check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance= 0.002)

###----------------- Compare with fitLambda() , both methods: --------------

U.7.3 <- rCopula(n = 2^15, t.7.3) # pretty large n .. still
U.9.2 <- rCopula(n = 2^15, t.9.2)

showSys.time(fL.7.3 <- fitLambda(U.7.3))              # 0.03 sec
showSys.time(fL.9.2 <- fitLambda(U.9.2))              #  "
showSys.time(fLt7.3 <- fitLambda(U.7.3, method="t"))  # 2.25 sec
    all.equal(fL.7.3[1,2], 0.440453579986)
    all.equal(fL.9.2[1,2], 0.838509809998)
    names(fLt7.3) == c("Lambda", "P", "Nu")
    all.equal(fLt7.3$Lambda[1,2], 0.447410146067)
(doExtras <- copula:::doExtras() && getRversion() >= "3.4") # so have withAutoprint(.)
if(doExtras) withAutoprint({
    showSys.time(fLt9.2 <- fitLambda(U.9.2, method="t"))
    stopifnot(all.equal(fLt9.2$Lambda[1,2], 0.719807333))

cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ''statistical reasons''

## Note: R CMD BATCH tail-pcopula.R => tail-pcopula.Rout => tail-pcopula.Rout.save

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copula documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 3:02 p.m.