
Defines functions .qtlIntegrate

Documented in .qtlIntegrate

## taken from RobExtremes (slightly modified) as of version 2.8.0

.qtlIntegrate <- function(object, fun, low = NULL, upp = NULL,
             rel.tol= getdistrExOption("ErelativeTolerance"),
             lowerTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("ElowerTruncQuantile"),
             upperTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("EupperTruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = max(1e4,getdistrExOption("IQR.fac")), ...,
             .withLeftTail = FALSE, .withRightTail = FALSE, diagnostic = FALSE

        mc <- match.call()
        dots <- list(...)
        dots.withoutUseApply <- .filterEargs(dots)
        useApply <- TRUE
        if(!is.null(dots$useApply)) useApply <- dots$useApply
        dots.withoutUseApply$useApply <- NULL
        dots.withoutUseApply$stop.on.error <- NULL

        ql <- if(is.null(dots$cond)) q.l(object) else function(p) q.l(object)(p,cond)

        dotsFun <- .filterFunargs(list(...), fun)
        funwD <-function(x) do.call(fun, c(list(x),dotsFun))

        integrand <- function(x){ y <- ql(x)##quantile transformation
                                     funy <- sapply(y,funwD)
                                     dim(funy) <- dim(x)
                                  }else funy <- funwD(y)
                                  return(funy) }

         if(is.null(low)) low <- -Inf
         if(is.null(upp)) upp <- Inf

         Ib <- .getIntbounds(object, low, upp, lowerTruncQuantile,
               upperTruncQuantile, IQR.fac)
         low <- p(object)(Ib["low"])
         upp <- p(object)(Ib["upp"])
         if(is.nan(low)) low <- 0
         if(is.nan(upp)) upp <- 1

         intV.l <- intV.u <- 0
         low.m <- low
         upp.m <- upp

         .order <- if(!is.null(dots$order)) dots$order else .distrExOptions$GLIntegrateOrder
         .subdivisions <- if(!is.null(dots$subdivisions)) dots$subdivisions else 100
         dots.withoutUseApply$order <- dots.withoutUseApply$subdivisions <- NULL

         if( .withRightTail &&  .withLeftTail){fac.R <- fac.L <- 0.1; fac.M <- 0.8}
         if( .withRightTail && !.withLeftTail){fac.R <- 0.2; fac.M <- 0.8}
         if(!.withRightTail &&  .withLeftTail){fac.L <- 0.2; fac.M <- 0.8}
         if(!.withRightTail && !.withLeftTail){fac.M <- 1.0}

         if(diagnostic) diagn <- list(call = mc)

            upp.m <- min(upp,0.98)
               intV.u <- do.call(distrExIntegrate, c(list(f = integrand,
                    lower = max(0.98,low), upper = upp,
                    order = fac.R * .order, subdivisions = fac.R * .subdivisions,
                    rel.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = FALSE,
                    distr = object, dfun = dunif, diagnostic = diagnostic), dots.withoutUseApply))
               if(diagnostic) diagn$rightTail <- attr(intV.u,"diagnostic")
            low.m <- max(low,0.02)
               intV.l <- do.call(distrExIntegrate, c(list(f = integrand,
                    lower = low, upper = min(0.02, upp),
                    order = fac.L * .order, subdivisions = fac.L * .subdivisions,
                    rel.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = FALSE,
                    distr = object, dfun = dunif, diagnostic = diagnostic), dots.withoutUseApply))
               if(diagnostic) diagn$leftTail <- attr(intV.l,"diagnostic")
         intV.m <- do.call(distrExIntegrate, c(list(f = integrand,
                    lower = low.m, upper = upp.m,
                    order = fac.M * .order, subdivisions = fac.M * .subdivisions,
                    rel.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = FALSE,
                    distr = object, dfun = dunif, diagnostic = diagnostic), dots.withoutUseApply))
         if(diagnostic) diagn$main <- attr(intV.m,"diagnostic")

         int <- intV.l+intV.m+intV.u
            diagn[["call"]] <- mc
            attr(int,"diagnostic") <- diagn
            class(attr(int,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"


setMethod("E", signature(object = "Weibull", fun = "function", cond = "missing"),
    function(object, fun, low = NULL, upp = NULL,
             rel.tol= getdistrExOption("ErelativeTolerance"),
             lowerTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("ElowerTruncQuantile"),
             upperTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("EupperTruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = max(1e4,getdistrExOption("IQR.fac")), ..., diagnostic = FALSE
    res <- .qtlIntegrate(object = object, fun = fun, low = low, upp = upp,
             rel.tol= rel.tol, lowerTruncQuantile = lowerTruncQuantile,
             upperTruncQuantile = upperTruncQuantile,
             IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ...,
             .withLeftTail = FALSE, .withRightTail = TRUE, diagnostic = diagnostic)
       diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
       diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
       attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
       class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"

setMethod("E", signature(object = "Gammad", fun = "function", cond = "missing"),
    function(object, fun, low = NULL, upp = NULL,
             rel.tol= getdistrExOption("ErelativeTolerance"),
             lowerTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("ElowerTruncQuantile"),
             upperTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("EupperTruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = max(1e4,getdistrExOption("IQR.fac")), ..., diagnostic = FALSE

    res <- .qtlIntegrate(object = object, fun, low = low, upp = upp,
             rel.tol= rel.tol, lowerTruncQuantile = lowerTruncQuantile,
             upperTruncQuantile = upperTruncQuantile,
             IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ..., .withLeftTail = TRUE,
             .withRightTail = TRUE, diagnostic = diagnostic)
       diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
       diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
       attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
       class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"

setMethod("E", signature(object = "Cauchy", fun = "function", cond = "missing"),
    function(object, fun, low = NULL, upp = NULL,
             rel.tol= getdistrExOption("ErelativeTolerance"),
             lowerTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("ElowerTruncQuantile"),
             upperTruncQuantile = getdistrExOption("EupperTruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = max(1e4,getdistrExOption("IQR.fac")), ...,
             diagnostic = FALSE){
    res <- .qtlIntegrate(object = object, fun = fun, low = low, upp = upp,
             rel.tol= rel.tol, lowerTruncQuantile = lowerTruncQuantile,
             upperTruncQuantile = upperTruncQuantile,
             IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ..., diagnostic = diagnostic,
             .withLeftTail = TRUE, .withRightTail = TRUE)
       diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
       diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
       attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
       class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"

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distrEx documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 3:01 p.m.