
Defines functions BDSboot bdstest_ews

Documented in bdstest_ews

# BDS test Early Warning Signals
# Author: Stephen R Carpenter, 22 Oct 2011
# Modified by: Vasilis Dakos, January 1, 2012

BDSboot <- function(X,varname,nboot,epsvec,emb) { # begin function

StdEpsAll <- X  # name of variable for BDS
neps <- length(epsvec)
# Compute and print BDS test
print(c('BDS test for ',varname),quote=FALSE)
print(c('Embedding dimension = ',emb),quote=FALSE)
BDS.data <- bds.test(StdEpsAll,m=emb,epsvec)
print('BDS statistics for Nominal Data at each Epsilon',quote=FALSE)
print('P value based on standard normal',quote=FALSE)
# Bootstrap the BDS test
nobs <- length(StdEpsAll)
bootmat <- matrix(0,nrow=emb-1,ncol=neps)  # matrix to count extreme BDS values
for(i in 1:nboot) { # start bootstrap loop
 epsboot <- sample(StdEpsAll,nobs,replace=TRUE)
 BDS.boot <- bds.test(epsboot,m=emb,epsvec)
 for(im in 1:(emb-1)) {  # loop over embedding dimensions
   bootvec <- BDS.boot$statistic[im,]
   N.above <- ifelse(bootvec>BDS.data$statistic[im,],1,0)
   bootmat[im,] <- bootmat[im,]+N.above
 # Report progress: if hash is removed from the next two lines, the program
 # will report each time an iteration is completed
 # cat('iteration = ',i,' of ',nboot,'\n') # 
 # flush.console()
 } # end bootstrap loop
print(' ',quote=FALSE)
print(c('Bootstrap P estimates for ',varname),quote=FALSE)
print(c('Bootstrap iterations = ',nboot),quote=FALSE)
Pboot <- bootmat/nboot
for(im in 1:(emb-1)) {
  print(c('For embedding dimension =',im+1),quote=FALSE)
  print(c('For epsilon = ',round(epsvec,3),'bootstrap P = '),quote=FALSE)
} # end function

#' Description: BDS test Early Warning Signals
#' \code{bdstest_ews} is used to estimate the BDS statistic to detect nonlinearity in the residuals of a timeseries after first-difference detrending, fitting an ARMA(p,q) model, and fitting a GARCH(0,1) model. The function is making use of \code{bds.test}.
# Details:
#' See also \code{bds.test{tseries}} for more details. The function requires the installation of packages \code{tseries} and \code{quadprog} that are not available under Linux and need to be manually installed under Windows.
#' Example to run after installing the mentioned packages:
#' data(foldbif)
#' bdstest_ews(foldbif,ARMAoptim=FALSE,ARMAorder=c(1,0),embdim=3,epsilon=0.5,
#' boots=200,logtransform=FALSE,interpolate=FALSE)
# Arguments:
#'    @param timeseries a numeric vector of the observed univariate timeseries values or a numeric matrix where the first column represents the time index and the second the observed timeseries values. Use vectors/matrices with headings.
#'    @param ARMAoptim is the order of the \code{ARMA(p,q)} model to be fitted on the original timeseries. If TRUE the best ARMA model based on AIC is applied. If FALSE the \code{ARMAorder} is used.
#'    @param ARMAorder is the order of the \code{AR(p)} and \code{MA(q)} process to be fitted on the original timeseries. Default is \code{p=1} \code{q=0}.
#'    @param GARCHorder fits a GARCH model on the original timeseries where \code{GARCHorder[1]} is the GARCH part and \code{GARCHorder[2]} is the ARCH part.
#'    @param embdim is the embedding dimension (2, 3,... \code{embdim}) up to which the BDS test will be estimated (must be numeric). Default value is 3.
#'    @param epsilon is a numeric vector that is used to scale the standard deviation of the timeseries. The BDS test is computed for each element of epsilon. Default is 0.5, 0.75 and 1.
#'    @param boots is the number of bootstraps performed to estimate significance p values for the BDS test. Default is 1000.
#'    @param logtransform logical. If TRUE data are logtransformed prior to analysis as log(X+1). Default is FALSE.
#'    @param interpolate logical. If TRUE linear interpolation is applied to produce a timeseries of equal length as the original. Default is FALSE (assumes there are no gaps in the timeseries).
# Values:
#' @return \code{bdstest_ews} returns output on the R console that summarizes the BDS test statistic for all embedding dimensions and  \code{epsilon} values used, and for first-differenced data, ARMA(p.q) residuals, and GARCH(0,1) residuals). Also the significance p values are returned estimated both by comparing to a standard normal distribution and by bootstrapping.
#' In addition, \code{bdstest_ews} returns a plot with the original timeseries, the residuals after first-differencing, and fitting the ARMA(p,q) and GARCH(0,1) models. Also the autocorrelation \code{\link{acf}} and partial autocorrelation \code{\link{pacf}} functions are estimated serving as guides for the choice of lags of the linear models fitted to the data.
#' @export
#' @author S. R. Carpenter, modified by V. Dakos
#' @references J. B. Cromwell, W. C. Labys and M. Terraza (1994): Univariate Tests for Time Series Models, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pages 32-36.
#' Dakos, V., et al (2012)."Methods for Detecting Early Warnings of Critical Transitions in Time Series Illustrated Using Simulated Ecological Data." \emph{PLoS ONE} 7(7): e41010. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041010 
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{generic_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{ddjnonparam_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{bdstest_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{sensitivity_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{surrogates_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{ch_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{movpotential_ews}}; 
#' \code{\link{livpotential_ews}}
# ; \code{\link{timeVAR_ews}}; \code{\link{thresholdAR_ews}}
# @examples 
# data(foldbif)
# bdstest_ews(foldbif,ARMAoptim=FALSE,ARMAorder=c(1,0),embdim=3,epsilon=0.5,
# boots=200,logtransform=FALSE,interpolate=FALSE)
#' @keywords early-warning
	timeseries<-ts(timeseries) #strict data-types the input data as tseries object for use in later steps
	if (dim(timeseries)[2]==1){
		}else if(dim(timeseries)[2]==2){
		warning("not right format of timeseries input")
	# Interpolation
	if (interpolate){
	# Log-transformation
	if (logtransform){
	# Detrend the data
	Eps1 <- diff(Y)
	# Define BDS parameters
	nboot <- boots
	emb <- embdim # embedding dimension
	eps.sd <- sd(Eps1)
	epsvec <- round(eps.sd* epsilon,6)

	# Run BDS with bootstrapping
	BDSboot(Eps1,c('Detrended data'),nboot,epsvec,emb)
	# Fit ARMA model based on AIC
	if (ARMAoptim==TRUE){
	for (ij in 1:4){
	for (jj in 0:4){
		ARMA<-arima(Y, order = c(ij,0,jj),method="ML",include.mean = TRUE)
		armafit<-arima(Y, order = c(ind[1],0,ind[2]-1),include.mean = TRUE)	
		print('ARMA model',quote=FALSE)
		Eps2 <- armafit$residuals#[2:armafit$n.used]
	armafit <- arima(Y, order = c(ARMAorder[1],0,ARMAorder[2]),include.mean = TRUE)
	print('ARMA model',quote=FALSE)
	Eps2 <- armafit$residuals#[2:armafit$n.used]

	# Define BDS parameters
	nboot <- boots
	emb <- embdim # embedding dimension
	eps.sd <- sd(Eps2)
	epsvec <- round(eps.sd*epsilon,6)

	# Run BDS with bootstrapping
	BDSboot(Eps2,c('ARMA model residuals'),nboot,epsvec,emb)

	# Fit GARCH(0,1) model to detrended data
	Gfit <- garch(Y,order=c(GARCHorder[1],GARCHorder[2]))
	print('GARCH(0,1) model fit to detrended data',quote=FALSE)

	Eps3 <- Gfit$residuals[2:length(Y)]

	# Define BDS parameters
	nboot <- boots
	emb <- embdim # embedding dimension
	eps.sd <- sd(Eps3)
	epsvec <- round(eps.sd*epsilon,6)

	# Run BDS with bootstrapping
	BDSboot(Eps3,c('GARCH(0,1) model residuals'),nboot,epsvec,emb)
	# Plot the data
	par(fig=c(0,0.5,0.5,1),mar=c(3, 4, 3, 2),cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=1,mfrow=c(2,2),mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0),oma=c(1,1,2,1))
	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0.8,0.95),mar=c(0, 4, 0, 2),new=TRUE)
	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0.65,0.8), new=TRUE)
	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0.5,0.65), new=TRUE)
	# Time series diagnostics
	par(fig=c(0,0.5,0,0.4),mar=c(3, 4, 0, 2), new=TRUE)
	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0,0.4), new=TRUE)
	mtext("BDS_test Diagnostics",side=3,line=0.2, outer=TRUE)

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