
Defines functions plot.funsample

Documented in plot.funsample

#'Plot a funsample object
#'Plots the individual functions contained in an object of class
#' \code{\link{funsample}} in one plot.
#'@param x the funsample to be plotted
#'@param includy optional numeric vector containing values that are to be included in the
#'\code{ylim} extent of the \eqn{y-axis}. Can be used to always start at 0, for example.
#'@param ... further arguments for controlling the plot.
#'This method requires that the functions in code{x} are univariate, which however 
#'is not checked. 
#'Brightness / opacity of the curves can be controlled by setting \code{alpha}
#'to a number between 0 and 1, see the description of function \code{\link{alphacol}}
#'in package \code{plottools.}
#'The plot method \code{plot.fdsample} works like the function \code{\link{splot}}
#'from package \code{plottools}. In particular,  plot parameters can be given as
#'\code{"\link{simplist}"}s or separately.
#@S3method plot funsample
#'@method plot funsample
#'@export plot.funsample
# @author Ute Hahn,  \email{ute@@imf.au.dk}
#'@seealso \code{\link{alphacol}} on defining transparent colors, and
#'\code{\link{splot}} for the evaluation of plot parameters.
#'myfuns <- funsample(list(sin = sin, cos = cos), arglim = c(0, 2*pi)) 
#          main = "my trigo functions")
#'# using a predefined list of options, from plutils package
#'blau <- simplist(col = "blue", alpha = 0.4)
#'plot(myfuns, blau, includy = -2)
#'# plot options can also be included when a funsample is generated:
#'trigostyle <- list(sin = simplist(col = "red", lty = "dashed"), 
#'                   cos = simplist(col = "green"))
#'myfuns <- funsample(list(sin = sin, cos = cos), arglim = c(0, 2*pi), trigostyle)

plot.funsample <- function(x, ..., includy = NULL)
  allopt <- simplist(attr(x,"options"), ..., .NULL.rm = TRUE)
    allopt$xlim <- range(attr(x, "arglim"))
  attr(x, "arglim") <- allopt$xlim
    allopt$ylim <- yrange(as.fdsample(x), includy)
  funz <- attr(x,"funs")
  lplot(funz, allopt)
#   for (foo in funz)
#   {
#     if (is.urfunction(foo))  
#       plopt <- simplist(attr(foo,"options"), allopt))
#     else 
#       plopt <- allopt
#   }
#   # adjust plot options
#   if(!is.null(allopt$alpha))
#     allopt$col <- alphacol(allopt$col, allopt$alpha)
#   plopt <- matching(allopt, c(.graphparams, .plotparams, add = T))
#   do.call(matplot, c(list(x = x$args, y = x$fvals), plopt), quote = TRUE)
#   invisible()

# @rdname funsample-internal
#'@keywords internal
#'@title Plotting defaults for funsample
#'List of defaults for plotting \code{\link{funsample}}-objects
#'@rdname funsample-internal
#'@aliases defaultoptions.funsample
#'@docType data
defaultoptions.funsample <- simplist (
  xlab = "t",
  ylab = "X(t)",
  main = "",
  col = NULL, # use default graphic parameters
  lwd = NULL,
  lty = NULL

#'@title Add legend to plot of a funsample object
#'@description Extracts legend information from any \code{\link{urfunction}}s
#'contained in the \code{funsample} object and plots
#'the legend.
#'@param funsa \code{\link{funsample}} for which a legend is to be plotted
#'@param ... additional arguments for plotting the legend, as in \code{\link{legend}}
#'@details Does nothing if \code{funsa} does not contain any \code{urfunction}s.
#'To plot a legend in that case, use the base function \code{\link{legend}} and 
#'define legend contents and parameters manually.
#'@seealso \code{\link{legend}} for arguments e.g. concerning positioning and
#'border of the legend.
#'@method plotlegend funsample
plotlegend.funsample <- function (funsa, ...){
  funz <- attr(funsa, "funs")
  urfunz <- funz[sapply(funz, is.urfunction)]
  result <- NULL
  if (length(urfunz)) {
    leginf <- sapply(urfunz, legendinfo.urfunction)
    legparms <- apply(leginf, 1, unlist)
    firstclass(legparms) <- "simplist"
    legparms <- simplist(..., legparms, .NULL.rm = TRUE)
    if(is.null(legparms$lwd) && is.null(legparms$lty)) legparms$lty <- "solid"
    result <- do.call(legend, legparms)

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fdnonpar documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.