fwi.fbp-package: Fire Weather Index and Fire Behavior Prediction Systems

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


Allows R users to calculate the outputs of the two main components of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS; http://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/background/summary/fdr): the Fire Weather Index (FWI) System (http://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/background/summary/fwi) and the Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) System (http://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/background/summary/fbp). These systems are widely used internationally to assess fire danger (FWI System) and quantify fire behavior (FBP System).

The FWI System (Van Wagner, 1987) is based on the moisture content and the effect of wind of three classes of forest fuels on fire behavior. It consists of six components: three fuel moisture codes (Fire Fuel Moisture Code, Duff Moisture Code, Drought Code), and three fire behavior indexes representing rate of spread (Initial Spread Index), fuel consumption (Buildup Index), and fire intensity (Fire Weather Index). The FWI System outputs are determined from daily noon weather observations: temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and 24-hour rainfall.

The FBP System (Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group. 1992; Hirsch 1996) provides a set of primary and secondary measures of fire behavior. The primary outputs consist of estimates of fire spread rate, fuel consumption, fire intensity, and fire description (i.e., surface, intermittent, or crown fire). The secondary outputs, which are not used nearly as often, gives estimates of fire area, perimeter, perimeter growth rate, and flank and back fire behavior based on a simple elliptical fire growth model. Unlike the FWI System, which is weather based, the FBP System also requires information on vegetation (hereafter, fuel types) and slope (if any) to calculate its outputs. Sixteen fuel types are included in the FBP System, covering mainly major vegetations types in Canada.


Package: fwi.fbp
Type: Package
Version: 1.7
Date: 2015-01-07
License: GPL-2

This package includes three functions. Two functions, fwi and fwiBAT, are used for FWI System calculation, whereas one function, fbp, is used for FBP System calculation. These functions are not fully independent: their inputs overlap greatly and the user will have to provide FWI System outputs to calculate FBP System outputs. The fwi function is a low level function that is used to calculate the outputs of the FWI System for one day based on noon local standard time (LST) weather observations of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and 24-hour rainfall, as well as the previous day's weather conditions. The fwiBAT function is similar to fwi, but is at a higher level in that it allows the user to directly calculate FWI System outputs from a list of consecutive daily weather observations. The fbp function calculates the outputs of the FBP System based on given set of fire weather conditions (weather observations and their associated FWI System components), fuel type, and slope (optional).


Xianli Wang, Alan Cantin, Marc-Andre Parisien, Mike Wotton, Kerry Anderson, and Mike Flannigan

Maintainer: Alan Cantin Alan.Cantin@Canada.ca


1. Van Wagner, C.E. and T.L. Pickett. 1985. Equations and FORTRAN program for the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Can. For. Serv., Ottawa, Ont. For. Tech. Rep. 33. 18 p.

2. Van Wagner, C.E. 1987. Development and structure of the Canadian forest fire weather index system. Forest Technology Report 35. (Canadian Forestry Service: Ottawa).

3. Lawson, B.D. and O.B. Armitage. 2008. Weather guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB.

4. Hirsch K.G. 1996. Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System: user's guide. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., Northwest Reg., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, Alberta. Spec. Rep. 7. 122p.

5. Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group. 1992. Development and structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction System. Forestry Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Information Report ST-X-3. 63 p. http://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/10068.pdf

6. Wotton, B.M., Alexander, M.E., Taylor, S.W. 2009. Updates and revisions to the 1992 Canadian forest fire behavior prediction system. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., Great Lakes For. Cent., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Information Report GLC-X-10, 45p. http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2010/nrcan/Fo123-2-10-2009-eng.pdf

7. Tymstra, C., Bryce, R.W., Wotton, B.M., Armitage, O.B. 2009. Development and structure of Prometheus: the Canadian wildland fire growth simulation Model. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-417.



######## fwi function examples ########
# The test data is a standard test
# dataset (Van Wagner and Pickett 1985). 

# Using the default initial values

# Using a different set of initial values

# fwi system components calculated based on previous day's 
# fwi outputs 

# Using a suite of initials, assuming variables from fwi.out1
# are the initial values for different records

# Using only the required input variables:

# Daylength adjustment:
# Change latitude values where the monthly daylength adjustments
# are different from the standard ones
# With daylength adjustment
# Without daylength adjustment

######## fwiBAT function examples ########
# The test data is a standard test
# dataset for FWI system(Van Wagner and Pickett 1985). 


# using the default initial values

# using a different set of initials 

# using only the required input variables:

######## fbp function examples ########
# The dataset is the standard test data
# provided by Wotton et al (2009).

#Primary output (default)

#Secondary output          

#All output          

#For a single record:
#For a section of the records:

#fbp function produces the default values if no data is fed to
#the function:

Example output

   id long lat   yr mon day temp rh ws prec
1 a01 -100  40 1985   4  13 17.0 42 25  0.0
2 a01 -100  40 1985   4  14 20.0 21 25  2.4
3 a01 -100  40 1985   4  15  8.5 40 17  0.0
4 a01 -100  40 1985   4  16  6.5 25  6  0.0
5 a01 -100  40 1985   4  17 13.0 34 24  0.0
6 a01 -100  40 1985   4  18  6.0 40 22  0.4
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
   id long lat   yr mon day temp rh ws prec     ffmc      dmc     dc       isi
1 a01 -100  22 1985   4  13 17.0 42 25  0.0 87.69298 7.888905 19.014 10.853661
2 a01 -100  22 1985   4  14 20.0 21 25  2.4 85.93646 7.166936 19.554  8.459204
3 a01 -100  22 1985   4  15  8.5 40 17  0.0 86.55884 7.036397 17.484  6.170985
       bui      fwi       dsr
1 7.871779 9.774738 1.5383493
2 7.479971 7.704301 1.0094544
3 7.033549 5.577406 0.5698414
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
   id long lat   yr mon day temp rh ws prec     ffmc      dmc     dc       isi
1 a01 -100  22 1985   4  13 17.0 42 25  0.0 87.69298 8.545051 19.014 10.853661
2 a01 -100  22 1985   4  14 20.0 21 25  2.4 85.93646 8.208782 19.554  8.459204
3 a01 -100  22 1985   4  15  8.5 40 17  0.0 86.55884 7.396408 17.484  6.170985
       bui       fwi       dsr
1 8.490427 10.096371 1.6290766
2 8.186131  8.021921 1.0842804
3 7.370238  5.704064 0.5929462
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
   id long lat   yr mon day temp rh ws prec
1 a01 -100  40 1985   4  13 17.0 42 25  0.0
2 a01 -100  40 1985   4  14 20.0 21 25  2.4
3 a01 -100  40 1985   4  15  8.5 40 17  0.0
4 a01 -100  40 1985   4  16  6.5 25  6  0.0
5 a01 -100  40 1985   4  17 13.0 34 24  0.0
6 a01 -100  40 1985   4  18  6.0 40 22  0.4
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
  id FuelType LAT LONG ELV FFMC BUI   WS WD GS  Dj  D0         hr PC PDF GFL cc
1  1      C-1  55  110  NA   90 130 20.0  0 15 182  NA 0.33333333 NA  NA  NA NA
2  2       C2  50   90  NA   97 119 20.4  0 75 121  NA 0.33333333 NA  NA  NA NA
3  3      C-3  55  110  NA   95  30 50.0  0  0 182  NA 0.08333333 NA  NA  NA NA
4  4      C-4  55  105 200   85  82  0.0 NA 75 182  NA 0.50000000 NA  NA  NA NA
5  5       c5  55  105  NA   88  56  3.4  0 23 152 145 0.50000000 NA  NA  NA NA
6  6      C-6  55  105  NA   94  56 25.0  0 10 152 132 1.00000000 NA  NA  NA NA
  theta Accel Aspect BUIEff CBH CFL ISI
1     0     1    270      1  NA  NA   0
2     0     1    315      1  NA  NA   0
3     0     1    180      1  NA  NA   0
4     0     1    315      1  NA  NA   0
5     0     1    180      1  NA  NA   0
6     0     1    180      1  NA  NA   0
   ID       CFB        CFC FD          HFI        RAZ          ROS        SFC
1   1 0.6471042 0.48532818  I   3147.81700 174.695823   5.56890323  1.3988352
2   2 1.0000000 0.80000000  C 164491.28097 141.486358 121.10375473  3.7275580
3   3 0.9999992 1.14999911  C  42314.89284 180.000000  80.51713649  0.6017975
4   4 0.9684017 1.16208204  C  18512.25164 135.000000  16.65681922  2.5425572
5   5 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     17.87703   0.000000   0.04891883  1.2181424
6   6 0.9110607 1.63990917  C  36704.87490 180.000000  42.80873914  1.2181424
7   7 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   1490.58859  99.820973   2.35774365  2.1073659
8   8 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  11792.25430 107.495277  31.21180684  1.2593796
9   9 0.7801811 0.34327968  I   6817.05346   0.000000  13.30719429  1.3643313
10 10 0.9353654 0.07482923  C   9474.79871   7.660082  18.05747683  1.6741783
11 11 0.3176716 0.17789607  I   4010.23969  13.306666   9.36613067  1.2493172
12 12 0.9994492 0.23986781  C  35166.49816  43.979964  36.09849706  3.0074048
13 13 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  40407.97831  40.713285 134.69326104  1.0000000
14 14 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     24.14258   0.000000   0.40237628  0.2000000
15 15 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3989.59083   5.028015  13.29863609  1.0000000
16 16 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 105514.82262  16.888874  45.11050666  7.7967662
17 17 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3478.57690 180.000000   1.01230237 11.4543408
18 18 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   4301.88862  90.000000   1.39909522 10.2492157
19 19 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   2687.57484 173.255848   4.39541967  2.0381632
20 20 0.7059357 1.27068435  I  20766.52487 160.575377  17.63700325  2.6541179
1   1.884163
2   4.527558
3   1.751797
4   3.704639
5   1.218142
6   2.858052
7   2.107366
8   1.259380
9   1.707611
10  1.749007
11  1.427213
12  3.247273
13  1.000000
14  0.200000
15  1.000000
16  7.796766
17 11.454341
18 10.249216
19  2.038163
20  3.924802
Warning message:
The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package. 
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
   ID       CFB        CFC FD          HFI        RAZ          ROS        SFC
1   1 0.6471042 0.48532818  I   3147.81700 174.695823   5.56890323  1.3988352
2   2 1.0000000 0.80000000  C 164491.28097 141.486358 121.10375473  3.7275580
3   3 0.9999992 1.14999911  C  42314.89284 180.000000  80.51713649  0.6017975
4   4 0.9684017 1.16208204  C  18512.25164 135.000000  16.65681922  2.5425572
5   5 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     17.87703   0.000000   0.04891883  1.2181424
6   6 0.9110607 1.63990917  C  36704.87490 180.000000  42.80873914  1.2181424
7   7 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   1490.58859  99.820973   2.35774365  2.1073659
8   8 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  11792.25430 107.495277  31.21180684  1.2593796
9   9 0.7801811 0.34327968  I   6817.05346   0.000000  13.30719429  1.3643313
10 10 0.9353654 0.07482923  C   9474.79871   7.660082  18.05747683  1.6741783
11 11 0.3176716 0.17789607  I   4010.23969  13.306666   9.36613067  1.2493172
12 12 0.9994492 0.23986781  C  35166.49816  43.979964  36.09849706  3.0074048
13 13 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  40407.97831  40.713285 134.69326104  1.0000000
14 14 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     24.14258   0.000000   0.40237628  0.2000000
15 15 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3989.59083   5.028015  13.29863609  1.0000000
16 16 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 105514.82262  16.888874  45.11050666  7.7967662
17 17 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3478.57690 180.000000   1.01230237 11.4543408
18 18 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   4301.88862  90.000000   1.39909522 10.2492157
19 19 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   2687.57484 173.255848   4.39541967  2.0381632
20 20 0.7059357 1.27068435  I  20766.52487 160.575377  17.63700325  2.6541179
1   1.884163
2   4.527558
3   1.751797
4   3.704639
5   1.218142
6   2.858052
7   2.107366
8   1.259380
9   1.707611
10  1.749007
11  1.427213
12  3.247273
13  1.000000
14  0.200000
15  1.000000
16  7.796766
17 11.454341
18 10.249216
19  2.038163
20  3.924802
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
   ID       CFB        CFC FD          HFI        RAZ          ROS        SFC
1   1 0.6471042 0.48532818  I   3147.81700 174.695823   5.56890323  1.3988352
2   2 1.0000000 0.80000000  C 164491.28097 141.486358 121.10375473  3.7275580
3   3 0.9999992 1.14999911  C  42314.89284 180.000000  80.51713649  0.6017975
4   4 0.9684017 1.16208204  C  18512.25164 135.000000  16.65681922  2.5425572
5   5 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     17.87703   0.000000   0.04891883  1.2181424
6   6 0.9110607 1.63990917  C  36704.87490 180.000000  42.80873914  1.2181424
7   7 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   1490.58859  99.820973   2.35774365  2.1073659
8   8 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  11792.25430 107.495277  31.21180684  1.2593796
9   9 0.7801811 0.34327968  I   6817.05346   0.000000  13.30719429  1.3643313
10 10 0.9353654 0.07482923  C   9474.79871   7.660082  18.05747683  1.6741783
11 11 0.3176716 0.17789607  I   4010.23969  13.306666   9.36613067  1.2493172
12 12 0.9994492 0.23986781  C  35166.49816  43.979964  36.09849706  3.0074048
13 13 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  40407.97831  40.713285 134.69326104  1.0000000
14 14 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     24.14258   0.000000   0.40237628  0.2000000
15 15 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3989.59083   5.028015  13.29863609  1.0000000
16 16 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 105514.82262  16.888874  45.11050666  7.7967662
17 17 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3478.57690 180.000000   1.01230237 11.4543408
18 18 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   4301.88862  90.000000   1.39909522 10.2492157
19 19 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   2687.57484 173.255848   4.39541967  2.0381632
20 20 0.7059357 1.27068435  I  20766.52487 160.575377  17.63700325  2.6541179
1   1.884163
2   4.527558
3   1.751797
4   3.704639
5   1.218142
6   2.858052
7   2.107366
8   1.259380
9   1.707611
10  1.749007
11  1.427213
12  3.247273
13  1.000000
14  0.200000
15  1.000000
16  7.796766
17 11.454341
18 10.249216
19  2.038163
20  3.924802
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
   ID        BE        SF        ISI FFMC      FMC  D0        RSO        CSI
1   1 1.0331824  1.437091  11.796233 90.0  93.3349   0  1.0402834   436.5555
2   2 1.1374500 10.000000 136.138307 97.0 107.3872   0  0.8574737   958.8848
3   3 0.7807749  1.000000  86.707004 95.0  93.3349   0 19.3445144  3492.4439
4   4 1.0335350 10.000000  11.113177 85.0  94.1476   0  1.6365927  1248.3392
5   5 1.0000000  1.832431   3.218539 88.0  85.9261 145 29.0819678 10627.7932
6   6 0.9809038  1.249717  23.962962 94.0  92.5600 132  7.7403826  2828.6664
7   7 0.6280912  1.437091  11.174850 88.8  89.8384   0  7.3586966  4652.2399
8   8 1.1184520  2.724714 134.431688 98.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
9   9 0.9457416  1.953023  14.923713 90.0 108.5700   0  6.7204498  2750.6761
10 10 1.1603972  4.654468 129.899858 97.0 118.7048   0  6.1487591  3088.2357
11 11 0.8000000  1.185957   4.821654 87.0 112.7252   0  7.7041996  2887.4967
12 12 1.0872796  4.654468 111.007162 97.0 120.0000   0  3.4717704  3132.3057
13 13 1.0000000  4.654468  80.396333 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
14 14 1.0000000  1.000000   2.161037 85.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
15 15 1.0000000  1.249717  50.848550 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
16 16 1.3071930  1.668841  26.915342 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
17 17 1.0000000  1.000000   2.789472 87.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
18 18 0.7747601  2.300404   5.082532 89.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
19 19 1.0413206  1.249717   9.177573 90.0  96.8125   0  4.8962162  2993.7863
20 20 1.0707750  2.300404  14.399243 91.0 120.0000   0  4.9572733  3947.1563
          FROS        BROS        HROSt      FROSt       BROSt        FCFB BCFB
1   1.07914809 0.002467770   5.01057143 1.03449195 0.002220354 0.008899054    0
2   6.49285176 0.001456360 107.32977059 6.40471806 0.001290718 0.726413371    0
3   6.63695969 0.002429273  33.75828095 5.40319591 0.001018517 0.000000000    0
4   1.99642690 0.142762060  15.99472981 1.97697660 0.137087433 0.079429649    0
5   0.04888166 0.048844484   0.04736587 0.04732988 0.047293885 0.000000000    0
6   7.30888262 0.152347429  42.72928355 7.30426114 0.152064663 0.000000000    0
7   0.41612433 0.034482410   2.12135900 0.40059469 0.031025243 0.000000000    0
8   2.48722207 0.070408653  31.18035204 2.48682314 0.070337696 0.000000000    0
9   2.16292001 0.403106684  11.32956285 2.05001512 0.343199506 0.000000000    0
10  1.23613347 0.019775546  15.89217855 1.21352117 0.017404231 0.000000000    0
11  3.74830919 2.279631516   4.30576074 2.13392053 1.047983232 0.000000000    0
12  3.06376509 0.276073804  31.99118908 2.99890506 0.244661966 0.000000000    0
13 10.41272733 0.910809714  58.90070708 8.69452713 0.398292652 0.000000000    0
14  0.38643661 0.370496939   0.27496916 0.26407657 0.253183985 0.000000000    0
15  1.16904249 0.112867551  11.96533021 1.14676519 0.101551581 0.000000000    0
16  8.44950299 3.638967590  40.58777942 8.13525849 3.274128906 0.000000000    0
17  1.01230237 1.012302372   0.91081011 0.91081011 0.910810106 0.000000000    0
18  0.69276075 0.253073200   1.25882355 0.63355693 0.227700373 0.000000000    0
19  1.12926478 0.101364361   3.00366819 0.91607574 0.069268678 0.000000000    0
20  3.25319915 0.065915279  10.26576331 2.57393010 0.038366532 0.000000000    0
           FFI          BFI       FTFC       BTFC          TI       FTI BTI
1    455.02585    1.0356009  1.4055094  1.3988352  2.60935011 28.935868   0
2   8392.70304    1.6285995  4.3086887  3.7275580  0.06537361  1.579197   0
3   1198.23163    0.4385792  0.6017975  0.6017975  2.52794203  0.000000   0
4   1579.89602  108.8942095  2.6378727  2.5425572  0.96201284 17.611472   0
5     17.86344   17.8498607  1.2181424  1.2181424  0.00000000  0.000000   0
6   2670.97788   55.6742575  1.2181424  1.2181424  1.90268954  0.000000   0
7    263.07787   21.8001168  2.1073659  2.1073659  0.00000000  0.000000   0
8    939.70706   26.6013674  1.2593796  1.2593796  0.00000000  0.000000   0
9    885.28186  164.9913239  1.3643313  1.3643313  7.37771485  0.000000   0
10   620.85234    9.9323367  1.6741783  1.6741783  3.92540105  0.000000   0
11  1404.84810  854.3948356  1.2493172  1.2493172 56.17121539  0.000000   0
12  2764.19455  249.0797047  3.0074048  3.0074048  0.93048278  0.000000   0
13  3123.81820  273.2429142  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000  0.000000   0
14    23.18620   22.2298163  0.2000000  0.2000000  0.00000000  0.000000   0
15   350.71275   33.8602653  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000  0.000000   0
16 19763.63989 8511.6538948  7.7967662  7.7967662  0.00000000  0.000000   0
17  3478.57690 3478.5769042 11.4543408 11.4543408  0.00000000  0.000000   0
18  2130.07630  778.1405454 10.2492157 10.2492157  0.00000000  0.000000   0
19   690.48779   61.9791346  2.0381632  2.0381632  0.00000000  0.000000   0
20  2590.31220   52.4840757  2.6541179  2.6541179  3.78254820  0.000000   0
         LB      LBt          WSV          DH           DB         DF
1  2.581375 2.422828 2.008601e+01   67.807878  0.030047967  13.999741
2  9.326042 8.379062 1.276924e+02 1434.619858  0.017252335  85.608454
3  6.065998 3.124012 5.000000e+01   92.002706  0.002775803  14.725532
4  4.207412 4.079921 3.299739e+01  350.924436  3.007698821  43.374875
5  1.000000 1.000000 4.229502e-03    1.055688  1.054083348   1.054886
6  2.938964 2.935365 2.293922e+01 2160.886408  7.690146798 369.387860
7  2.874413 2.686486 2.242868e+01   28.708273  0.419863474   5.421233
8  6.288585 6.283255 5.242509e+01 1601.574915  3.612887038 127.735362
9  3.169396 2.846994 2.475303e+01  147.286001  4.461644594  26.650501
10 7.312015 6.555132 6.561582e+01  211.294131  0.231397597  16.134346
11 1.553469 1.254438 1.086058e+01   47.448091 11.548436241  23.515114
12 5.936253 5.374603 4.863930e+01  427.592823  3.270141058  40.083233
13 6.511458 3.410134 4.617517e+01  161.286241  1.090634185  23.807993
14 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000e-01    1.632727  1.503369523   1.568048
15 5.736106 5.261270 3.513520e+01  161.926372  1.374293792  15.519131
16 2.884754 2.695791 2.251057e+01  549.272920 44.308665581 110.094153
17 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00   12.325960 12.325959536  12.325960
18 1.192452 1.173157 6.223703e+00   17.035613  3.081460742   8.573903
19 1.991023 1.677229 1.510452e+01   17.835343  0.411307289   5.439524
20 2.720848 2.001634 2.120711e+01   58.699150  0.219378020  14.717611
          TROS       TROSt      TCFB         TFI       TTFC       TTI
1   0.62586595  0.63955770 0.0000000   262.64499  1.3988352 0.0000000
2   0.35126525  0.38619149 0.0000000   392.80847  3.7275580 0.0000000
3   0.69272939  1.13355461 0.0000000   125.06484  0.6017975 0.0000000
4   0.24259111  0.24819890 0.0000000   185.04053  2.5425572 0.0000000
5   0.04891883  0.04736587 0.0000000    17.87703  1.2181424 0.0000000
6   1.63447272  1.63566382 0.0000000   597.30614  1.2181424 0.0000000
7   0.50961552  0.51478359 0.0000000   322.18392  2.1073659 0.0000000
8   1.70435074  1.70541793 0.0000000   643.92739  1.2593796 0.0000000
9  13.30719429 11.32956285 0.7801811  6817.05346  1.7076110 7.3777149
10  0.20969258  0.22976610 0.0000000   105.31883  1.6741783 0.0000000
11  5.05388790  3.07818697 0.0000000  1894.17267  1.2493172 0.0000000
12 36.09172177 31.98629063 0.9994483 35159.89557  3.2472724 0.9306668
13  0.80695670  1.32906884 0.0000000   242.08701  1.0000000 0.0000000
14  0.40237628  0.27496916 0.0000000    24.14258  0.2000000 0.0000000
15  0.29329683  0.31372632 0.0000000    87.98905  1.0000000 0.0000000
16  2.06197297  2.14033774 0.0000000  4823.01637  7.7967662 0.0000000
17  1.01230237  0.91081011 0.0000000  3478.57690 11.4543408 0.0000000
18  0.51199082  0.48659289 0.0000000  1574.25130 10.2492157 0.0000000
19  0.33562839  0.34506092 0.0000000   205.21963  2.0381632 0.0000000
20  0.65929888  0.75748033 0.0000000   524.95708  2.6541179 0.0000000
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
   ID        BE        SF        ISI FFMC      FMC  D0        RSO        CSI
1   1 1.0331824  1.437091  11.796233 90.0  93.3349   0  1.0402834   436.5555
2   2 1.1374500 10.000000 136.138307 97.0 107.3872   0  0.8574737   958.8848
3   3 0.7807749  1.000000  86.707004 95.0  93.3349   0 19.3445144  3492.4439
4   4 1.0335350 10.000000  11.113177 85.0  94.1476   0  1.6365927  1248.3392
5   5 1.0000000  1.832431   3.218539 88.0  85.9261 145 29.0819678 10627.7932
6   6 0.9809038  1.249717  23.962962 94.0  92.5600 132  7.7403826  2828.6664
7   7 0.6280912  1.437091  11.174850 88.8  89.8384   0  7.3586966  4652.2399
8   8 1.1184520  2.724714 134.431688 98.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
9   9 0.9457416  1.953023  14.923713 90.0 108.5700   0  6.7204498  2750.6761
10 10 1.1603972  4.654468 129.899858 97.0 118.7048   0  6.1487591  3088.2357
11 11 0.8000000  1.185957   4.821654 87.0 112.7252   0  7.7041996  2887.4967
12 12 1.0872796  4.654468 111.007162 97.0 120.0000   0  3.4717704  3132.3057
13 13 1.0000000  4.654468  80.396333 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
14 14 1.0000000  1.000000   2.161037 85.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
15 15 1.0000000  1.249717  50.848550 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
16 16 1.3071930  1.668841  26.915342 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
17 17 1.0000000  1.000000   2.789472 87.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
18 18 0.7747601  2.300404   5.082532 89.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000     0.0000
19 19 1.0413206  1.249717   9.177573 90.0  96.8125   0  4.8962162  2993.7863
20 20 1.0707750  2.300404  14.399243 91.0 120.0000   0  4.9572733  3947.1563
          FROS        BROS        HROSt      FROSt       BROSt        FCFB BCFB
1   1.07914809 0.002467770   5.01057143 1.03449195 0.002220354 0.008899054    0
2   6.49285176 0.001456360 107.32977059 6.40471806 0.001290718 0.726413371    0
3   6.63695969 0.002429273  33.75828095 5.40319591 0.001018517 0.000000000    0
4   1.99642690 0.142762060  15.99472981 1.97697660 0.137087433 0.079429649    0
5   0.04888166 0.048844484   0.04736587 0.04732988 0.047293885 0.000000000    0
6   7.30888262 0.152347429  42.72928355 7.30426114 0.152064663 0.000000000    0
7   0.41612433 0.034482410   2.12135900 0.40059469 0.031025243 0.000000000    0
8   2.48722207 0.070408653  31.18035204 2.48682314 0.070337696 0.000000000    0
9   2.16292001 0.403106684  11.32956285 2.05001512 0.343199506 0.000000000    0
10  1.23613347 0.019775546  15.89217855 1.21352117 0.017404231 0.000000000    0
11  3.74830919 2.279631516   4.30576074 2.13392053 1.047983232 0.000000000    0
12  3.06376509 0.276073804  31.99118908 2.99890506 0.244661966 0.000000000    0
13 10.41272733 0.910809714  58.90070708 8.69452713 0.398292652 0.000000000    0
14  0.38643661 0.370496939   0.27496916 0.26407657 0.253183985 0.000000000    0
15  1.16904249 0.112867551  11.96533021 1.14676519 0.101551581 0.000000000    0
16  8.44950299 3.638967590  40.58777942 8.13525849 3.274128906 0.000000000    0
17  1.01230237 1.012302372   0.91081011 0.91081011 0.910810106 0.000000000    0
18  0.69276075 0.253073200   1.25882355 0.63355693 0.227700373 0.000000000    0
19  1.12926478 0.101364361   3.00366819 0.91607574 0.069268678 0.000000000    0
20  3.25319915 0.065915279  10.26576331 2.57393010 0.038366532 0.000000000    0
           FFI          BFI       FTFC       BTFC          TI       FTI BTI
1    455.02585    1.0356009  1.4055094  1.3988352  2.60935011 28.935868   0
2   8392.70304    1.6285995  4.3086887  3.7275580  0.06537361  1.579197   0
3   1198.23163    0.4385792  0.6017975  0.6017975  2.52794203  0.000000   0
4   1579.89602  108.8942095  2.6378727  2.5425572  0.96201284 17.611472   0
5     17.86344   17.8498607  1.2181424  1.2181424  0.00000000  0.000000   0
6   2670.97788   55.6742575  1.2181424  1.2181424  1.90268954  0.000000   0
7    263.07787   21.8001168  2.1073659  2.1073659  0.00000000  0.000000   0
8    939.70706   26.6013674  1.2593796  1.2593796  0.00000000  0.000000   0
9    885.28186  164.9913239  1.3643313  1.3643313  7.37771485  0.000000   0
10   620.85234    9.9323367  1.6741783  1.6741783  3.92540105  0.000000   0
11  1404.84810  854.3948356  1.2493172  1.2493172 56.17121539  0.000000   0
12  2764.19455  249.0797047  3.0074048  3.0074048  0.93048278  0.000000   0
13  3123.81820  273.2429142  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000  0.000000   0
14    23.18620   22.2298163  0.2000000  0.2000000  0.00000000  0.000000   0
15   350.71275   33.8602653  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000  0.000000   0
16 19763.63989 8511.6538948  7.7967662  7.7967662  0.00000000  0.000000   0
17  3478.57690 3478.5769042 11.4543408 11.4543408  0.00000000  0.000000   0
18  2130.07630  778.1405454 10.2492157 10.2492157  0.00000000  0.000000   0
19   690.48779   61.9791346  2.0381632  2.0381632  0.00000000  0.000000   0
20  2590.31220   52.4840757  2.6541179  2.6541179  3.78254820  0.000000   0
         LB      LBt          WSV          DH           DB         DF
1  2.581375 2.422828 2.008601e+01   67.807878  0.030047967  13.999741
2  9.326042 8.379062 1.276924e+02 1434.619858  0.017252335  85.608454
3  6.065998 3.124012 5.000000e+01   92.002706  0.002775803  14.725532
4  4.207412 4.079921 3.299739e+01  350.924436  3.007698821  43.374875
5  1.000000 1.000000 4.229502e-03    1.055688  1.054083348   1.054886
6  2.938964 2.935365 2.293922e+01 2160.886408  7.690146798 369.387860
7  2.874413 2.686486 2.242868e+01   28.708273  0.419863474   5.421233
8  6.288585 6.283255 5.242509e+01 1601.574915  3.612887038 127.735362
9  3.169396 2.846994 2.475303e+01  147.286001  4.461644594  26.650501
10 7.312015 6.555132 6.561582e+01  211.294131  0.231397597  16.134346
11 1.553469 1.254438 1.086058e+01   47.448091 11.548436241  23.515114
12 5.936253 5.374603 4.863930e+01  427.592823  3.270141058  40.083233
13 6.511458 3.410134 4.617517e+01  161.286241  1.090634185  23.807993
14 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000e-01    1.632727  1.503369523   1.568048
15 5.736106 5.261270 3.513520e+01  161.926372  1.374293792  15.519131
16 2.884754 2.695791 2.251057e+01  549.272920 44.308665581 110.094153
17 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00   12.325960 12.325959536  12.325960
18 1.192452 1.173157 6.223703e+00   17.035613  3.081460742   8.573903
19 1.991023 1.677229 1.510452e+01   17.835343  0.411307289   5.439524
20 2.720848 2.001634 2.120711e+01   58.699150  0.219378020  14.717611
          TROS       TROSt      TCFB         TFI       TTFC       TTI
1   0.62586595  0.63955770 0.0000000   262.64499  1.3988352 0.0000000
2   0.35126525  0.38619149 0.0000000   392.80847  3.7275580 0.0000000
3   0.69272939  1.13355461 0.0000000   125.06484  0.6017975 0.0000000
4   0.24259111  0.24819890 0.0000000   185.04053  2.5425572 0.0000000
5   0.04891883  0.04736587 0.0000000    17.87703  1.2181424 0.0000000
6   1.63447272  1.63566382 0.0000000   597.30614  1.2181424 0.0000000
7   0.50961552  0.51478359 0.0000000   322.18392  2.1073659 0.0000000
8   1.70435074  1.70541793 0.0000000   643.92739  1.2593796 0.0000000
9  13.30719429 11.32956285 0.7801811  6817.05346  1.7076110 7.3777149
10  0.20969258  0.22976610 0.0000000   105.31883  1.6741783 0.0000000
11  5.05388790  3.07818697 0.0000000  1894.17267  1.2493172 0.0000000
12 36.09172177 31.98629063 0.9994483 35159.89557  3.2472724 0.9306668
13  0.80695670  1.32906884 0.0000000   242.08701  1.0000000 0.0000000
14  0.40237628  0.27496916 0.0000000    24.14258  0.2000000 0.0000000
15  0.29329683  0.31372632 0.0000000    87.98905  1.0000000 0.0000000
16  2.06197297  2.14033774 0.0000000  4823.01637  7.7967662 0.0000000
17  1.01230237  0.91081011 0.0000000  3478.57690 11.4543408 0.0000000
18  0.51199082  0.48659289 0.0000000  1574.25130 10.2492157 0.0000000
19  0.33562839  0.34506092 0.0000000   205.21963  2.0381632 0.0000000
20  0.65929888  0.75748033 0.0000000   524.95708  2.6541179 0.0000000
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
   ID       CFB        CFC FD          HFI        RAZ          ROS        SFC
1   1 0.6471042 0.48532818  I   3147.81700 174.695823   5.56890323  1.3988352
2   2 1.0000000 0.80000000  C 164491.28097 141.486358 121.10375473  3.7275580
3   3 0.9999992 1.14999911  C  42314.89284 180.000000  80.51713649  0.6017975
4   4 0.9684017 1.16208204  C  18512.25164 135.000000  16.65681922  2.5425572
5   5 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     17.87703   0.000000   0.04891883  1.2181424
6   6 0.9110607 1.63990917  C  36704.87490 180.000000  42.80873914  1.2181424
7   7 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   1490.58859  99.820973   2.35774365  2.1073659
8   8 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  11792.25430 107.495277  31.21180684  1.2593796
9   9 0.7801811 0.34327968  I   6817.05346   0.000000  13.30719429  1.3643313
10 10 0.9353654 0.07482923  C   9474.79871   7.660082  18.05747683  1.6741783
11 11 0.3176716 0.17789607  I   4010.23969  13.306666   9.36613067  1.2493172
12 12 0.9994492 0.23986781  C  35166.49816  43.979964  36.09849706  3.0074048
13 13 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  40407.97831  40.713285 134.69326104  1.0000000
14 14 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     24.14258   0.000000   0.40237628  0.2000000
15 15 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3989.59083   5.028015  13.29863609  1.0000000
16 16 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 105514.82262  16.888874  45.11050666  7.7967662
17 17 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3478.57690 180.000000   1.01230237 11.4543408
18 18 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   4301.88862  90.000000   1.39909522 10.2492157
19 19 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   2687.57484 173.255848   4.39541967  2.0381632
20 20 0.7059357 1.27068435  I  20766.52487 160.575377  17.63700325  2.6541179
         TFC        BE        SF        ISI FFMC      FMC  D0        RSO
1   1.884163 1.0331824  1.437091  11.796233 90.0  93.3349   0  1.0402834
2   4.527558 1.1374500 10.000000 136.138307 97.0 107.3872   0  0.8574737
3   1.751797 0.7807749  1.000000  86.707004 95.0  93.3349   0 19.3445144
4   3.704639 1.0335350 10.000000  11.113177 85.0  94.1476   0  1.6365927
5   1.218142 1.0000000  1.832431   3.218539 88.0  85.9261 145 29.0819678
6   2.858052 0.9809038  1.249717  23.962962 94.0  92.5600 132  7.7403826
7   2.107366 0.6280912  1.437091  11.174850 88.8  89.8384   0  7.3586966
8   1.259380 1.1184520  2.724714 134.431688 98.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
9   1.707611 0.9457416  1.953023  14.923713 90.0 108.5700   0  6.7204498
10  1.749007 1.1603972  4.654468 129.899858 97.0 118.7048   0  6.1487591
11  1.427213 0.8000000  1.185957   4.821654 87.0 112.7252   0  7.7041996
12  3.247273 1.0872796  4.654468 111.007162 97.0 120.0000   0  3.4717704
13  1.000000 1.0000000  4.654468  80.396333 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
14  0.200000 1.0000000  1.000000   2.161037 85.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
15  1.000000 1.0000000  1.249717  50.848550 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
16  7.796766 1.3071930  1.668841  26.915342 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
17 11.454341 1.0000000  1.000000   2.789472 87.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
18 10.249216 0.7747601  2.300404   5.082532 89.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
19  2.038163 1.0413206  1.249717   9.177573 90.0  96.8125   0  4.8962162
20  3.924802 1.0707750  2.300404  14.399243 91.0 120.0000   0  4.9572733
          CSI        FROS        BROS        HROSt      FROSt       BROSt
1    436.5555  1.07914809 0.002467770   5.01057143 1.03449195 0.002220354
2    958.8848  6.49285176 0.001456360 107.32977059 6.40471806 0.001290718
3   3492.4439  6.63695969 0.002429273  33.75828095 5.40319591 0.001018517
4   1248.3392  1.99642690 0.142762060  15.99472981 1.97697660 0.137087433
5  10627.7932  0.04888166 0.048844484   0.04736587 0.04732988 0.047293885
6   2828.6664  7.30888262 0.152347429  42.72928355 7.30426114 0.152064663
7   4652.2399  0.41612433 0.034482410   2.12135900 0.40059469 0.031025243
8      0.0000  2.48722207 0.070408653  31.18035204 2.48682314 0.070337696
9   2750.6761  2.16292001 0.403106684  11.32956285 2.05001512 0.343199506
10  3088.2357  1.23613347 0.019775546  15.89217855 1.21352117 0.017404231
11  2887.4967  3.74830919 2.279631516   4.30576074 2.13392053 1.047983232
12  3132.3057  3.06376509 0.276073804  31.99118908 2.99890506 0.244661966
13     0.0000 10.41272733 0.910809714  58.90070708 8.69452713 0.398292652
14     0.0000  0.38643661 0.370496939   0.27496916 0.26407657 0.253183985
15     0.0000  1.16904249 0.112867551  11.96533021 1.14676519 0.101551581
16     0.0000  8.44950299 3.638967590  40.58777942 8.13525849 3.274128906
17     0.0000  1.01230237 1.012302372   0.91081011 0.91081011 0.910810106
18     0.0000  0.69276075 0.253073200   1.25882355 0.63355693 0.227700373
19  2993.7863  1.12926478 0.101364361   3.00366819 0.91607574 0.069268678
20  3947.1563  3.25319915 0.065915279  10.26576331 2.57393010 0.038366532
          FCFB BCFB         FFI          BFI       FTFC       BTFC          TI
1  0.008899054    0   455.02585    1.0356009  1.4055094  1.3988352  2.60935011
2  0.726413371    0  8392.70304    1.6285995  4.3086887  3.7275580  0.06537361
3  0.000000000    0  1198.23163    0.4385792  0.6017975  0.6017975  2.52794203
4  0.079429649    0  1579.89602  108.8942095  2.6378727  2.5425572  0.96201284
5  0.000000000    0    17.86344   17.8498607  1.2181424  1.2181424  0.00000000
6  0.000000000    0  2670.97788   55.6742575  1.2181424  1.2181424  1.90268954
7  0.000000000    0   263.07787   21.8001168  2.1073659  2.1073659  0.00000000
8  0.000000000    0   939.70706   26.6013674  1.2593796  1.2593796  0.00000000
9  0.000000000    0   885.28186  164.9913239  1.3643313  1.3643313  7.37771485
10 0.000000000    0   620.85234    9.9323367  1.6741783  1.6741783  3.92540105
11 0.000000000    0  1404.84810  854.3948356  1.2493172  1.2493172 56.17121539
12 0.000000000    0  2764.19455  249.0797047  3.0074048  3.0074048  0.93048278
13 0.000000000    0  3123.81820  273.2429142  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000
14 0.000000000    0    23.18620   22.2298163  0.2000000  0.2000000  0.00000000
15 0.000000000    0   350.71275   33.8602653  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000
16 0.000000000    0 19763.63989 8511.6538948  7.7967662  7.7967662  0.00000000
17 0.000000000    0  3478.57690 3478.5769042 11.4543408 11.4543408  0.00000000
18 0.000000000    0  2130.07630  778.1405454 10.2492157 10.2492157  0.00000000
19 0.000000000    0   690.48779   61.9791346  2.0381632  2.0381632  0.00000000
20 0.000000000    0  2590.31220   52.4840757  2.6541179  2.6541179  3.78254820
         FTI BTI       LB      LBt          WSV          DH           DB
1  28.935868   0 2.581375 2.422828 2.008601e+01   67.807878  0.030047967
2   1.579197   0 9.326042 8.379062 1.276924e+02 1434.619858  0.017252335
3   0.000000   0 6.065998 3.124012 5.000000e+01   92.002706  0.002775803
4  17.611472   0 4.207412 4.079921 3.299739e+01  350.924436  3.007698821
5   0.000000   0 1.000000 1.000000 4.229502e-03    1.055688  1.054083348
6   0.000000   0 2.938964 2.935365 2.293922e+01 2160.886408  7.690146798
7   0.000000   0 2.874413 2.686486 2.242868e+01   28.708273  0.419863474
8   0.000000   0 6.288585 6.283255 5.242509e+01 1601.574915  3.612887038
9   0.000000   0 3.169396 2.846994 2.475303e+01  147.286001  4.461644594
10  0.000000   0 7.312015 6.555132 6.561582e+01  211.294131  0.231397597
11  0.000000   0 1.553469 1.254438 1.086058e+01   47.448091 11.548436241
12  0.000000   0 5.936253 5.374603 4.863930e+01  427.592823  3.270141058
13  0.000000   0 6.511458 3.410134 4.617517e+01  161.286241  1.090634185
14  0.000000   0 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000e-01    1.632727  1.503369523
15  0.000000   0 5.736106 5.261270 3.513520e+01  161.926372  1.374293792
16  0.000000   0 2.884754 2.695791 2.251057e+01  549.272920 44.308665581
17  0.000000   0 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00   12.325960 12.325959536
18  0.000000   0 1.192452 1.173157 6.223703e+00   17.035613  3.081460742
19  0.000000   0 1.991023 1.677229 1.510452e+01   17.835343  0.411307289
20  0.000000   0 2.720848 2.001634 2.120711e+01   58.699150  0.219378020
           DF        TROS       TROSt      TCFB         TFI       TTFC
1   13.999741  0.62586595  0.63955770 0.0000000   262.64499  1.3988352
2   85.608454  0.35126525  0.38619149 0.0000000   392.80847  3.7275580
3   14.725532  0.69272939  1.13355461 0.0000000   125.06484  0.6017975
4   43.374875  0.24259111  0.24819890 0.0000000   185.04053  2.5425572
5    1.054886  0.04891883  0.04736587 0.0000000    17.87703  1.2181424
6  369.387860  1.63447272  1.63566382 0.0000000   597.30614  1.2181424
7    5.421233  0.50961552  0.51478359 0.0000000   322.18392  2.1073659
8  127.735362  1.70435074  1.70541793 0.0000000   643.92739  1.2593796
9   26.650501 13.30719429 11.32956285 0.7801811  6817.05346  1.7076110
10  16.134346  0.20969258  0.22976610 0.0000000   105.31883  1.6741783
11  23.515114  5.05388790  3.07818697 0.0000000  1894.17267  1.2493172
12  40.083233 36.09172177 31.98629063 0.9994483 35159.89557  3.2472724
13  23.807993  0.80695670  1.32906884 0.0000000   242.08701  1.0000000
14   1.568048  0.40237628  0.27496916 0.0000000    24.14258  0.2000000
15  15.519131  0.29329683  0.31372632 0.0000000    87.98905  1.0000000
16 110.094153  2.06197297  2.14033774 0.0000000  4823.01637  7.7967662
17  12.325960  1.01230237  0.91081011 0.0000000  3478.57690 11.4543408
18   8.573903  0.51199082  0.48659289 0.0000000  1574.25130 10.2492157
19   5.439524  0.33562839  0.34506092 0.0000000   205.21963  2.0381632
20  14.717611  0.65929888  0.75748033 0.0000000   524.95708  2.6541179
1  0.0000000
2  0.0000000
3  0.0000000
4  0.0000000
5  0.0000000
6  0.0000000
7  0.0000000
8  0.0000000
9  7.3777149
10 0.0000000
11 0.0000000
12 0.9306668
13 0.0000000
14 0.0000000
15 0.0000000
16 0.0000000
17 0.0000000
18 0.0000000
19 0.0000000
20 0.0000000
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
   ID       CFB        CFC FD          HFI        RAZ          ROS        SFC
1   1 0.6471042 0.48532818  I   3147.81700 174.695823   5.56890323  1.3988352
2   2 1.0000000 0.80000000  C 164491.28097 141.486358 121.10375473  3.7275580
3   3 0.9999992 1.14999911  C  42314.89284 180.000000  80.51713649  0.6017975
4   4 0.9684017 1.16208204  C  18512.25164 135.000000  16.65681922  2.5425572
5   5 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     17.87703   0.000000   0.04891883  1.2181424
6   6 0.9110607 1.63990917  C  36704.87490 180.000000  42.80873914  1.2181424
7   7 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   1490.58859  99.820973   2.35774365  2.1073659
8   8 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  11792.25430 107.495277  31.21180684  1.2593796
9   9 0.7801811 0.34327968  I   6817.05346   0.000000  13.30719429  1.3643313
10 10 0.9353654 0.07482923  C   9474.79871   7.660082  18.05747683  1.6741783
11 11 0.3176716 0.17789607  I   4010.23969  13.306666   9.36613067  1.2493172
12 12 0.9994492 0.23986781  C  35166.49816  43.979964  36.09849706  3.0074048
13 13 0.0000000 0.00000000  S  40407.97831  40.713285 134.69326104  1.0000000
14 14 0.0000000 0.00000000  S     24.14258   0.000000   0.40237628  0.2000000
15 15 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3989.59083   5.028015  13.29863609  1.0000000
16 16 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 105514.82262  16.888874  45.11050666  7.7967662
17 17 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   3478.57690 180.000000   1.01230237 11.4543408
18 18 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   4301.88862  90.000000   1.39909522 10.2492157
19 19 0.0000000 0.00000000  S   2687.57484 173.255848   4.39541967  2.0381632
20 20 0.7059357 1.27068435  I  20766.52487 160.575377  17.63700325  2.6541179
         TFC        BE        SF        ISI FFMC      FMC  D0        RSO
1   1.884163 1.0331824  1.437091  11.796233 90.0  93.3349   0  1.0402834
2   4.527558 1.1374500 10.000000 136.138307 97.0 107.3872   0  0.8574737
3   1.751797 0.7807749  1.000000  86.707004 95.0  93.3349   0 19.3445144
4   3.704639 1.0335350 10.000000  11.113177 85.0  94.1476   0  1.6365927
5   1.218142 1.0000000  1.832431   3.218539 88.0  85.9261 145 29.0819678
6   2.858052 0.9809038  1.249717  23.962962 94.0  92.5600 132  7.7403826
7   2.107366 0.6280912  1.437091  11.174850 88.8  89.8384   0  7.3586966
8   1.259380 1.1184520  2.724714 134.431688 98.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
9   1.707611 0.9457416  1.953023  14.923713 90.0 108.5700   0  6.7204498
10  1.749007 1.1603972  4.654468 129.899858 97.0 118.7048   0  6.1487591
11  1.427213 0.8000000  1.185957   4.821654 87.0 112.7252   0  7.7041996
12  3.247273 1.0872796  4.654468 111.007162 97.0 120.0000   0  3.4717704
13  1.000000 1.0000000  4.654468  80.396333 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
14  0.200000 1.0000000  1.000000   2.161037 85.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
15  1.000000 1.0000000  1.249717  50.848550 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
16  7.796766 1.3071930  1.668841  26.915342 95.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
17 11.454341 1.0000000  1.000000   2.789472 87.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
18 10.249216 0.7747601  2.300404   5.082532 89.0   0.0000   0  0.0000000
19  2.038163 1.0413206  1.249717   9.177573 90.0  96.8125   0  4.8962162
20  3.924802 1.0707750  2.300404  14.399243 91.0 120.0000   0  4.9572733
          CSI        FROS        BROS        HROSt      FROSt       BROSt
1    436.5555  1.07914809 0.002467770   5.01057143 1.03449195 0.002220354
2    958.8848  6.49285176 0.001456360 107.32977059 6.40471806 0.001290718
3   3492.4439  6.63695969 0.002429273  33.75828095 5.40319591 0.001018517
4   1248.3392  1.99642690 0.142762060  15.99472981 1.97697660 0.137087433
5  10627.7932  0.04888166 0.048844484   0.04736587 0.04732988 0.047293885
6   2828.6664  7.30888262 0.152347429  42.72928355 7.30426114 0.152064663
7   4652.2399  0.41612433 0.034482410   2.12135900 0.40059469 0.031025243
8      0.0000  2.48722207 0.070408653  31.18035204 2.48682314 0.070337696
9   2750.6761  2.16292001 0.403106684  11.32956285 2.05001512 0.343199506
10  3088.2357  1.23613347 0.019775546  15.89217855 1.21352117 0.017404231
11  2887.4967  3.74830919 2.279631516   4.30576074 2.13392053 1.047983232
12  3132.3057  3.06376509 0.276073804  31.99118908 2.99890506 0.244661966
13     0.0000 10.41272733 0.910809714  58.90070708 8.69452713 0.398292652
14     0.0000  0.38643661 0.370496939   0.27496916 0.26407657 0.253183985
15     0.0000  1.16904249 0.112867551  11.96533021 1.14676519 0.101551581
16     0.0000  8.44950299 3.638967590  40.58777942 8.13525849 3.274128906
17     0.0000  1.01230237 1.012302372   0.91081011 0.91081011 0.910810106
18     0.0000  0.69276075 0.253073200   1.25882355 0.63355693 0.227700373
19  2993.7863  1.12926478 0.101364361   3.00366819 0.91607574 0.069268678
20  3947.1563  3.25319915 0.065915279  10.26576331 2.57393010 0.038366532
          FCFB BCFB         FFI          BFI       FTFC       BTFC          TI
1  0.008899054    0   455.02585    1.0356009  1.4055094  1.3988352  2.60935011
2  0.726413371    0  8392.70304    1.6285995  4.3086887  3.7275580  0.06537361
3  0.000000000    0  1198.23163    0.4385792  0.6017975  0.6017975  2.52794203
4  0.079429649    0  1579.89602  108.8942095  2.6378727  2.5425572  0.96201284
5  0.000000000    0    17.86344   17.8498607  1.2181424  1.2181424  0.00000000
6  0.000000000    0  2670.97788   55.6742575  1.2181424  1.2181424  1.90268954
7  0.000000000    0   263.07787   21.8001168  2.1073659  2.1073659  0.00000000
8  0.000000000    0   939.70706   26.6013674  1.2593796  1.2593796  0.00000000
9  0.000000000    0   885.28186  164.9913239  1.3643313  1.3643313  7.37771485
10 0.000000000    0   620.85234    9.9323367  1.6741783  1.6741783  3.92540105
11 0.000000000    0  1404.84810  854.3948356  1.2493172  1.2493172 56.17121539
12 0.000000000    0  2764.19455  249.0797047  3.0074048  3.0074048  0.93048278
13 0.000000000    0  3123.81820  273.2429142  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000
14 0.000000000    0    23.18620   22.2298163  0.2000000  0.2000000  0.00000000
15 0.000000000    0   350.71275   33.8602653  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000
16 0.000000000    0 19763.63989 8511.6538948  7.7967662  7.7967662  0.00000000
17 0.000000000    0  3478.57690 3478.5769042 11.4543408 11.4543408  0.00000000
18 0.000000000    0  2130.07630  778.1405454 10.2492157 10.2492157  0.00000000
19 0.000000000    0   690.48779   61.9791346  2.0381632  2.0381632  0.00000000
20 0.000000000    0  2590.31220   52.4840757  2.6541179  2.6541179  3.78254820
         FTI BTI       LB      LBt          WSV          DH           DB
1  28.935868   0 2.581375 2.422828 2.008601e+01   67.807878  0.030047967
2   1.579197   0 9.326042 8.379062 1.276924e+02 1434.619858  0.017252335
3   0.000000   0 6.065998 3.124012 5.000000e+01   92.002706  0.002775803
4  17.611472   0 4.207412 4.079921 3.299739e+01  350.924436  3.007698821
5   0.000000   0 1.000000 1.000000 4.229502e-03    1.055688  1.054083348
6   0.000000   0 2.938964 2.935365 2.293922e+01 2160.886408  7.690146798
7   0.000000   0 2.874413 2.686486 2.242868e+01   28.708273  0.419863474
8   0.000000   0 6.288585 6.283255 5.242509e+01 1601.574915  3.612887038
9   0.000000   0 3.169396 2.846994 2.475303e+01  147.286001  4.461644594
10  0.000000   0 7.312015 6.555132 6.561582e+01  211.294131  0.231397597
11  0.000000   0 1.553469 1.254438 1.086058e+01   47.448091 11.548436241
12  0.000000   0 5.936253 5.374603 4.863930e+01  427.592823  3.270141058
13  0.000000   0 6.511458 3.410134 4.617517e+01  161.286241  1.090634185
14  0.000000   0 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000e-01    1.632727  1.503369523
15  0.000000   0 5.736106 5.261270 3.513520e+01  161.926372  1.374293792
16  0.000000   0 2.884754 2.695791 2.251057e+01  549.272920 44.308665581
17  0.000000   0 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00   12.325960 12.325959536
18  0.000000   0 1.192452 1.173157 6.223703e+00   17.035613  3.081460742
19  0.000000   0 1.991023 1.677229 1.510452e+01   17.835343  0.411307289
20  0.000000   0 2.720848 2.001634 2.120711e+01   58.699150  0.219378020
           DF        TROS       TROSt      TCFB         TFI       TTFC
1   13.999741  0.62586595  0.63955770 0.0000000   262.64499  1.3988352
2   85.608454  0.35126525  0.38619149 0.0000000   392.80847  3.7275580
3   14.725532  0.69272939  1.13355461 0.0000000   125.06484  0.6017975
4   43.374875  0.24259111  0.24819890 0.0000000   185.04053  2.5425572
5    1.054886  0.04891883  0.04736587 0.0000000    17.87703  1.2181424
6  369.387860  1.63447272  1.63566382 0.0000000   597.30614  1.2181424
7    5.421233  0.50961552  0.51478359 0.0000000   322.18392  2.1073659
8  127.735362  1.70435074  1.70541793 0.0000000   643.92739  1.2593796
9   26.650501 13.30719429 11.32956285 0.7801811  6817.05346  1.7076110
10  16.134346  0.20969258  0.22976610 0.0000000   105.31883  1.6741783
11  23.515114  5.05388790  3.07818697 0.0000000  1894.17267  1.2493172
12  40.083233 36.09172177 31.98629063 0.9994483 35159.89557  3.2472724
13  23.807993  0.80695670  1.32906884 0.0000000   242.08701  1.0000000
14   1.568048  0.40237628  0.27496916 0.0000000    24.14258  0.2000000
15  15.519131  0.29329683  0.31372632 0.0000000    87.98905  1.0000000
16 110.094153  2.06197297  2.14033774 0.0000000  4823.01637  7.7967662
17  12.325960  1.01230237  0.91081011 0.0000000  3478.57690 11.4543408
18   8.573903  0.51199082  0.48659289 0.0000000  1574.25130 10.2492157
19   5.439524  0.33562839  0.34506092 0.0000000   205.21963  2.0381632
20  14.717611  0.65929888  0.75748033 0.0000000   524.95708  2.6541179
1  0.0000000
2  0.0000000
3  0.0000000
4  0.0000000
5  0.0000000
6  0.0000000
7  0.0000000
8  0.0000000
9  7.3777149
10 0.0000000
11 0.0000000
12 0.9306668
13 0.0000000
14 0.0000000
15 0.0000000
16 0.0000000
17 0.0000000
18 0.0000000
19 0.0000000
20 0.0000000
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
  ID CFB CFC FD      HFI      RAZ      ROS      SFC      TFC
1  7   0   0  S 1490.589 99.82097 2.357744 2.107366 2.107366
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
  ID       CFB        CFC FD       HFI        RAZ        ROS      SFC      TFC
1  8 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 11792.254 107.495277  31.211807 1.259380 1.259380
2  9 0.7801811 0.34327968  I  6817.053   0.000000  13.307194 1.364331 1.707611
3 10 0.9353654 0.07482923  C  9474.799   7.660082  18.057477 1.674178 1.749007
4 11 0.3176716 0.17789607  I  4010.240  13.306666   9.366131 1.249317 1.427213
5 12 0.9994492 0.23986781  C 35166.498  43.979964  36.098497 3.007405 3.247273
6 13 0.0000000 0.00000000  S 40407.978  40.713285 134.693261 1.000000 1.000000
Warning: The 'fwi.fbp' package and contained functions are being deprecated and replaced by the 'cffdrs' package, please update your code to use the 'cffdrs' package.
  ID       CFB       CFC FD      HFI RAZ      ROS     SFC      TFC
1  1 0.8091744 0.8091744  I 8259.251 180 8.339408 2.49212 3.301294

fwi.fbp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:48 p.m.